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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. hmmmm.... If I have a template to work from. But I think the person you wanna ask for AC stuff is Kei Nagasei. I know he has a crap load of AC and Afterburner stuff. But I will try, what are the colours they use?

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    Harrier GR.3 of the 4th squadron of the TMRNAF.
  3. sure i'll do it tommorow. Why do you want to see it close up?
  4. Well they are not Ace Combat skins as I am not as skilled as Kei Nagase. PLus I'll leave the AC stuff to him. Here are some others a Harrier and a Tornado T.M.Air Force Tornado of the 631st TFW engaging a Mig-23MF. British T.M.Royal Naval Air Force Harrier GR.3 getting ready to attack a convoy.
  5. TMAF Tornado.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  6. TMRNAF.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  7. Alright cool! It has been hell trying to fit these skins in between school and my personal life. But it will be worth it because at least I know that you all like it! More to come soon and they get kinda weird because they are completely fictional!
  8. Here is the Mirage skin. But I have a dilemma, should it be Jungle or Desert camflauge? I think it could be either one personaly.
  9. Jungle Mirage 5

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    Mirage 5 of the 631st Tactical Fighter Wing after enaging and destroying a CASV MIG-23MF while escorting the 631st's Tornado IDS MKII Fighter Bombers.
  10. Thanks they will be released tommorow! And I will post screens up of a Mirage and a Tornado Skin.
  11. Thanks man! That will be released along with the two F/A-37 skins. I am also working on a couple of fictional skins for the Mirage. Screens soon to follow! Oh BTW if you want to post screens of your work on this topic feel free to!
  12. Thanks, I have plenty more skins in the works so check back in this topic for more screens! The first and second one will be released soon
  13. Alright I am working on a couple of skins that have text I put on them. But they are blurry when I go ingame! Is there any tips or suggestions on how to make the text readable?
  14. I need Fictional squadron emblems, which some need to be done by scratch, Ex: I need an Emblem that consists of A shield with a sword across it, with the Squadron Number and It's branch inside the shield on either side of it.
  15. High. I fixed the blurry text problem. But Im just looking for people to make Emblems and Roundals.
  16. Well mostly they are Emblems, and Fictional Roundals.
  17. This things gonna be scary to see in the game!
  18. It's still a big ship! I just wish I could draw the mega dreadnauhgt that my faction the T.M. uses! I think in terms of overall size it would be bigger!ere are the specs Displacement: 200,000 Tons Length: 2312FT Width: 234FT Max Speed: 36kts Main Armament: 8 24", 4 12", 13 Gau-8, 7 SAM batteries, 8 Cruise Missle Batteries Armor: 2 FT thick Even though it is heavily armored, and armed, the Behemoth class Mega DreadNaught is encumbered to a top speed of 36 kts. It's major engagements include the Shelling of Pyong-Yang North Korea during 3 days batte of Korea. One of my friends who read that story said it was scary that Teenagers have control of such a beast of the seas. If yall want I will release that story as soon as i edit it.
  19. True Timmy! I am a modder also, even though I do mainly skins. I used to be a gimmie gimmie until I figured out that constantly pestering people on the status of their projects doesnt make them go any faster it just gets them annoyed. A tip for you gimmie gimmie's! Just be patient and good mods shall be released when they are done!
  20. So when this is released what type of skins will you be releasing with it? If you want some Ideas for a com pattern let me know!
  21. hmm I am biased when it comes down to soviet vs. u.s. aircraft (I am a russian aircraft fan). I get chastised by my dad whop says that most of the soviet fighters on the market are outdated, he even had the audacity to say that the F-16D could out manevour a Mig-29C! But I say it comes down to the pilot as my first story shows! HEHEHE Hint=F-22 go boom!
  22. Ocean Camo

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    First of 2 or 3 ocean Camoflauge patterns that I am making. All are based on DeadHeads grey camo pattern.
  23. Jungle Camo for F/A-37

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    Jungle camo for the F/A-37 that is based on Deadheads great desert skin.
  24. Damn thats a big battleship. I got an name for it, how about Leviathan!

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