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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. Any help? I need the letters to be readable. Plus anybody good at making emblems from scratch I need help making some I have the designs in my head I just am a beginner at The GIMP 2.0. If whoever decides to help me with them I will give credit when I release them.
  2. this skin looks beautiful! And simple skins are just so boring to me that is why I make fictional skins
  3. Question? What are the two humps on the fusalage for? Are they electronics/computer system, or fuel?
  4. Operation Misguided Bird

    Thanks for reading and the feedback. Well I figured since it is a modified version of the aircraft made for the U.S. so I decided to give it a GAU 20mm instead of the 30mm GsH, although I am now regreting not giving it the 30mm. I hope that yall dont mind that the pilots are teens. BTW how did you like the story. More to come!
  5. I wouldnt mind a skinning competition and I think I have the first scheme we could use!
  6. When are you gaonna release these? They look freakin awesome!!!!
  7. Does everybody know that the fanfic section is up? I do because I have a story in there and I encourage everybody to read it and let me know what you think. It in the pub as a sub forum so check it out, and if you have a story please post it! And if you do get inspired to make skins from any of the descriptions I give in the stories I give you advanced permission to release them.
  8. I dont believe this rumor at all. Mainly because Dogfights and Human Weapon are bringing in the ratings that History Channel has been wanting. I think this will be proved as nothing more than a harmless rumor and Dogfights will be still shown. And if it gets cancelled then that would suck since it is one of my favourite shows on that channel.
  9. I want the text on my skins to be legable.
  10. Operation Misguided Bird

    hey guys dont be afraid to let me know what you think! I'm a writer and any suggestions are welcome, just as long as they are constructive and make sense. Oh and if you want to ask something please post it . Without your comments how can I know what you like about it or what you dont understand? I will gladly answer any questions you guys have!
  11. Flying a Mig-21 against 5 F-4E and downed them all. But lost my left vertical stabilizer flaps, and most of my left wing! But suprisingly still had my landing gear! So I landed at the nearest friendly base after completing my mission. And there are times that I would have failed my mission if it werent for the durability of the A-10!
  12. Red Splinter Su-27E

    Thanks. Still go some issues with it like changing the shield to another color, as well as some minor touch ups. But I should be able to release it some time soon.
  13. Red Splinter Su-27E

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    31st Tactical Fighter Wing of the T.M. Air Force huting down some Mig-23 Floggers.
  14. Ah vacation. Something I no nothing for I have worked all summer. Anyhoo I recently started to skin aircraft and I have some screenshots of 3 that I am working on in the member gallery so if yall want to check them out and let me know what yall think of them and give me any suggestions PM me or comment on them in the gallery! BTW just got done hunting with Hawk Hunters XL and used all of the missles on I think 20 or so Su-27's, it was fun!
  15. It can happen, like it does in one of my Fanfics that I wrote. But I do think the Raptor is a sexy Fighter.
  16. Damn why didnt I read the Read me ! Aggghhhhh! My bad man, I guess I really need to start reading them again! Oh the Irony!
  17. Ok so I was right thank god no more dogfighting with hopes and dreams when the missles fail!
  18. Raptors also make good explosions ! So do those annoying Hornets!
  19. Finally a Mig-31! If I could make skins from scratch I would help you out man, but I'm a noob at GIMP. Cant wait for it's release! One question though, if my memory serves me correct the 31 was armed with a gun right?
  20. Awesome Aircraft! But I cant see the 4 extra guns on mine!
  21. F/A-18

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    F/A-18's of the 73rd Tactical Marine Fighter Wing, T.M. Marine Air Corps, bombing an airfield.
  22. Now all i have got to do is find a mission with enough targets for this bad mamba jama !
  23. PSP Traxxpad

    Anybody see that new traxxpad for the PSP it looks f'in awesome! I plan on getting it and putting some tracks on youtube!
  24. PSP Traxxpad

    it basically allows you to make music on your PSP
  25. Has anyone else seen this?

    OMG! Thats hilarious! at least to me! Bu t just to think that these people have the audacity to mislead people is just idiocy! Oh well

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