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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. I never knew that. What trainer is it?
  2. Iran situation

    If you have been following the news lately you will already know that Iran has taken hostage 15 british sailors and marines and is not releasing them as promised. I think it is finaly time to send a message to Iran that they can not and will not take prisoners in iraqi waters. I wanna ask everybody here what they think about this situation and what do you think the U.S., U.K., or the U.N should do about this? In my opinion I think we should negotiate for three months and then if they dont comply or dont wanna talk, we should send in special forces and get those men and women out so they can be with their families.
  3. Iran situation

    Me too dude. But I just hope that they come home safe and unharmed, And just to let the UK forum members know that these brave soldiers will be in this future U.S. Marines Prayers.-Semper FI Royal Navy!
  4. Iran situation

    I dont mean for this to be a political or heated disscusion, I just want to see what everybody thinks about it.
  5. Ok I got it now! But as an american the SU-33KUB in the side by side araingement would seem a little akward. But the araingement probably helps with the training helping the instructor see what the rookie pilot is doing wright or wrong.
  6. Iran situation

    I believe the whole deal with the video is 1. the sailors are being forced to read from a script, 2. The iranians love showing that they have sailors captive and taunting the british people (as well as americans) 3. the sheer cowardness of the iranian government. And I know for a fact that they are going to try and use these brave british sailors as a bargaining chip, So that they can get their Nuclear reactor and Nuke weapons program started!
  7. Intro Sequence anyone?

    0083 was my favourite too. I like the gritty style and the fact that it was from the viewpoints of soldiers instead of kids as well. I wish the more recent incarnations of gundam were like that because SEED absolutely sucked! BTW, have you watched Area 88?
  8. Iran situation

    Yeah, I noticed that the media is having a hard time trying to find which waters the incident happened in. And I definitely agree with you.
  9. I think the A-7K isnt a bad looking version of the A-7 family! But that SU-27/33 KUB looks like a SU-34 testbed to me.
  10. File Name: SU-27 US File Submitter: Falcon161 File Submitted: 17 Mar 2007 File Updated: 10 Sep 2007 File Category: Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's Here it Is the SU-27 US version! The only changes are the skin (made by marcello) and the edited .INI files (edited by me). I want to say thanks to marcello for letting me release the aircraft as an US aircraft! and for letting me use his awesome aircraft skin! Click here to download this file
  11. SU-27 US

    I didnt rename it because the faction im my book did not rename it, FYI the factions name is the T.M.(Teen Military) and they use a mixture of U.S. and Foreign military gear. And for the cockpit, I just do not have the skills to do one or the time to learn as I am currently going through school. But if anybody is interested in making one be my guest!
  12. Anyone Get Command and Conquer 3

    Yes that is true. Death to the GDI!
  13. Anyone Get Command and Conquer 3

    I'm going to get this game friday but, my dad is going to force me to remove WOV :cray: But I guess some sacrifices have to be made all in the name of Command and Conquer. Well at least until I can get a new computer in my room!
  14. SU-27 US

    Thanks Flanker 562! I'm sorry I didnt put one in there before, but I didnt know how till now. And is there anyone who is interested in making skins for this? I know I seem like I'm practically begging but even though the F-22 like skin is cool we realy need some cool U.S. and allied country skins for this aircraft.
  15. Yea I've certainly enjoyed terrorising U.S. Aircraft including F-15's, F-18's, F-16's, F-23's, F-4's, F-14's, and various bombers But I prefer the fighters As I enjoy a good fight and love watching the F-15 and F-23 go down in flames and plunge into the earth!
  16. Hopefully it will. Cause I can not wait to get my hands on this bird!
  17. SU-27 US

    Sorry bout that. I am just a little heated about a conversation I had with one of my friends that deals with this paticular subject. But back to the subject of the SU-27 US. I would like to see some people make some skins for this aircraft, like a US navy or RAF skin for it
  18. SU-27 US

    I think we do? But Migs arent our problem with Iran it's the fact they have F-14's that astonishes me! But they will probably be no match for american pilots! Cause as israel and the first Iraq war proved, Arab pilots suck! P.S. No offense to any middle eastern members of this site. Dont get me wrong I'm not saying that arabs in general are bad! But you can blame those who follow a faux religion and who justify blowing up little children as what god wants them to do!
  19. Intro Sequence anyone?

    I knew I heard it from an anime! Do you like gundam?
  20. SU-27 US

    The # 1 reason why our aircraft are so good at what they do! Because we disect the enemy's weapons finding their weaknesses and exploiting them!
  21. SU-27 US

    Speaking of foreign aircraft in the U.S. When I was 14 I was visiting my GF in raleigh in 2003. When all of the sudden 2 Grey unmarked SU-37's flew right over her house in formation with 2 F-15C's. We guessed they were heading towards Pope AFB in fayetville. But 2 weeks later they flew over again and we were just as lucky to catch them on my GF's digital camera! And if I can get the camera from my EX GF (we broke up 3 years ago)I will post them up.
  22. SU-27 US

    Thanks guys! But most of the credit goes to marcello for his awesome model and skin. If you want to creat a skin for this aircraft be my guest! But make them creative and cool! And spectre you will be suprised to know that Area 51 does have a squadron of SU-27's as well as other russian and foreign aircraft flown by the Red hats. A friend of the family confirmed this for me.
  23. Great news every body! Marcello is letting me release the SU-27 US! You can find it in the modern aircraft folder in the downloads section. go on and check it out!
  24. wonder how the weapons are gonna be carried internal or external?

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