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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. Any name Ideas for it? If you dont have a name I can give you one. EX: SU-88 Flanker3
  2. Update! the INI editing is done and now there are two SU-27's a russian and a USAF! Now all I need for someone to do is make a skin for me, and to wait for marcelos permission. Speaking of, I emailed him 2 days ago and still havent got a response(but thats because I'm impatient and expect results fast! Damn ROTC! LOL).
  3. Intro Sequence anyone?

    Pretty cool! What music did you use? Because I swear I heard that in an anime!
  4. Please, please, please, please, please release it! If you dont I will go insane!(just kidding!). But seriously this thing looks so freakin cool!
  5. I like Minmei too but she just has such an annoying voice!
  6. Finally someone who agrees that she has an annoying voice! But just imagine if this thing turned into a whole mod! It would be a big project but well worth it!
  7. Museum Tomcats Siezed

    What the hell! These beuts dont deserve this uunhonorable fate of being scrapped when they have another good 20 years! I mean for christs sake (sorry lord) look at the AK-47 it has been around for over 60 years and will continue to be!
  8. SU-27 US (before skin)

    This is the SU-27 US before Marcfighter made the awesome skin for it!
  9. Sorry bout the image pressed upload instead of insert image. Well anyway here is a screen of the US SU-27 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...si&img=2507
  10. So far the SU-27 US version is coming along fine, except the skin. I am afraid I can not do the skin do to the complexity of the editing programs (which I have no time to learn Because of school). So I am asking anyone out there who is interested to create a skin that follows the qualifications below. And when the US SU-27 gets released with macelos permission you will get credit for creating the skin and helping me with this project. 327th FFW(Foreign Fighter Wing) U.S. Must look like the F-22 from the 1st FW stationed at Langley, AFB The decals and nation identifiers must be that of the U.S. the squadron # is the 327th FFW must be on there. but if you are interested and have any other Ideas please contact me through my email address at endokatana@hotmail.com or leave me a message here. And when you are done email me the skin and I will promptly release it. I know this might seem like laziness to some people but please understand that I am only in 11th grade and have my education to worry about. img00001.bmp
  11. Yep! Cant wait to start this project so everyone can engage the soviets in their own aircraft. By the way I started to work on this project and I have one queston. How do you change the emblem set for the aircraft?
  12. Crazy thought just ran through my mind today when I was in my math class about an what if SU-27 flanker that is flown by a fictional squadron in the T.M.( Teen Military. From a book that is in the works.). But the Idea was to edit the SU-27 so it would fly for the U.S. and be able to carry U.S. weapons and for the skin it would be something like that of the F-22's paint scheme. And with Marcfighters permission, I will begin to work on it (Which will not take me that long). So Marcfighter if you will give me your permission I will start to edit this aircraft and make it a U.S. aircraft!
  13. Okay im not new to this site. But I'm going to try to make some ficticious skins for various aircraft that seem cool to me. First I want to know any tips for a Noob skinner. Then I want to know what to use for the skin itself (any programs that I need?). an when the first one is finished I will post it up A.S.A.P!
  14. Is gimp easy to use and or have a short learning curve?
  15. Okay people like I stated I have begun on the skins and am finding out that MS paint completly sucks! So can anybody tell me a simpler program I can use. And how do you make nation emblems (need to know for fictional orginazations and countries)?
  16. Holy god! If you manage to pull the VF-1 off it will completely change the series fo the good! Cant wait till this beaut comes out so I can go through all three transformation modes in the air and ground!
  17. Cant tell you how excited I am about the new flankers. Now all we need is the MIG-31, SU-25, and SU-39 before the OPFOR side is complete!. Keep up the good work macfighter!
  18. I have been part of this community for quite some time and have one burning question. How do you fire volleys? For those who dont know what a Volley is (Which I doubt that there is anybody who doesnt) it is firing or dropping multiple projectiles or ordinance on a single target. The only reason I ask is because I want to be able to fire multiple rockets or drop multiple bombs on one target. Any advice is much appreciated.
  19. Yes! I cant wait till theses beauts come out! (Which im guessing will be soon). Now all there is left in the flanker family is the SU-35, and the SU-37 Terminator (My favourite russian aircraft!), but I do have one question. How do you do the cobra? I'm asking this because I'm making a vid dedicated to the Flanker series of aircraft.
  20. Kei you are a saviour to me and everybody who likes these types of skins. Being a fan of the ace combat series and of the manga and anime series Area88 I am overjoyed that there is a fellow modder out there that has respect for these 2 great series. Oh by the way youre skins are freakin awesome!
  21. Where do i find the flanker addon?
  22. And Dont forget that the foxhound is equiped with a gun ( something we know the foxbat was missing altogether). But even though they have similar looks they are actually different aircraft alltogether. But it still doesnt hold a match to the F-14 tomcat which would definitely take it down in a dogfight or from 20+ miles away with a AIM-54 Phoinex.
  23. Allright I know it has been a long time since I promised to make the skins but my personal life got in my way of skinning (mainly school), so today is the first time I was able to work on my skins. I'm going to start off with a repaint of the F-4e SEA to real sea colours (Navy blue,sea green and light blue) purely for fun. But i was wondering how do you edit hole colours without using the pencil or brush options? By the way I'm using MS paint.
  24. Your Top 10 Games (any Console)

    I have a good mix of everything 1.Resident Evil 4(PS2) 2.DDR Supernova(PS2)-awesome game that helps you lose weight! 3.Ace Combat zero(PS2) 4.F&F Tokyo Drift(PS2) 5.NFS:Carbon(PS2) 6.Soul Calibur 3(PS2) 7.Black(PS2) 8.DOA 4(Xbox360)-dont personally own this one. 9.DOA XBV2(XBOX360)-dont personally own this one. 10.Midnight Club 3 Dub edition remixPS2)

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