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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. Aurig Squadron

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    Su-35F King Cobra of Aurig squadron. Aurig squadron is one of the Elite Squadrons used as the TM Commanders Private Forces
  2. Acually i disagree Spectre I hate the original Ghost grey camo it needs some different colors although I would just like this without the Umbrella symbols and just the red and black
  3. where did you find a template for the raptor
  4. Oh yes one of my favourite Warbirds!!! Love the P-38! Had the Privilage of seeing one flying with a P-51D Mustang and a P-47 Thunderbolt Absolutely one dream come true that day
  5. Your first combat flight sim...

    OH hells to the yes!! I loved that game!! IT was my Favourite all time WWII SIM!!! I also playe HIND and Falcon alot but fr the life of me I cant remember who made them.....They were both made by the same people both had the same graphics although ones was slightly more polished.....I can remember though Warbrids and ACES High loved them but WWII Fighters from Janes MY Alltime Favourite
  6. Ahhh damn F-2H knew i fore some reason said F-9F
  7. Wow If I didnt know that was from the Wings Over series I would be asking what game that is from! Is that a F-9F Panther....It look like it used to play Mig Alley alot and that was my favourite Fighter besides the Sabre
  8. I am looking for the layered skin template for the F-22 raptor need it for My TM version of it anyhelp is appreciated
  9. Wings of Prey, Looks Good to me.

    Just bought it today and I must say this tops most WW2 Flight Simulators in the past 5 to 10 years and there isnt alot to compare it with. It is in my tops with another favourite Janes WWII Fighters which I LOVED and played religiously every day for four hours or more. The visuals are superb, Plane mmodels and flight dynamics are unique and very detailed. Damage model is awesome no debris when your victims hit the ground but I can overlook that. The only real gripe I have is lack of a Pacifc campaign and the ability to fly as the Axis. I know they released a add on pack to fly as the Luftwaffe I will get it when my next paycheck comes but I pray they add a Pacific Campaign and Add more aircraft other wise it gets 8.5 Mustangs out of 10 from me anyday! I highly reccomend it!
  10. Hey Im up for doing A what If Digital Night Skin
  11. AH yes I added Tor-M1's and Tunguska's have made my flights more interesting. FE was doing an SEAD mission in a Su-30G and flew into their radar range and instantly had about 8 of them launching at me! Finnaly destroyed the radar site and about 6 of the Tor-M1's but on of the last two knocked my damn wing off with a missile so had to eject...I did complete the mission though...The Flight of F-22's escorting though lost every single aircraft the only one to make it back to home base from my flight was my wingman
  12. Flight of four F/A-18A Hornets on a strike mission in the Kamchatka Region to Destroy Corrupt Russian Military Cargo ships smuggling drugs into the US to fund their warmachine as well to destroy the port fascilities to incapacitate it for a short time
  13. US Navy and TM Navy F/A-18A's

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  14. I could do a fictional one. Digital night camo if you want to decals would have to be done by someone else
  15. Hmmm weird for some reason the Ataka and the 9m series of guided missiles wont fire they dont show in the pods and when I select them they appear with the Aircrafts guns dont know whats wrong
  16. I am all for it guys we just need to orginize because ima go crazy if I cant fly this beauty
  17. I am looking for layered skin templates for the following Aircraft F-22 SU-30KN SU-35 I have not yet skinned any of these aircraft and I have no Idea where to find any layered templates for them.....Any help is appreciated guys.
  18. Never mind adding on to the F-22, and Su-35 layered Skin Templates I also need ones for the Su-39, and F-15 MTD I really need those
  19. Well my thinkin is that maybe it did have a gun assuming it was to be a fighter even though I know top brass back then did not Like the Idea of a gun on their fighters...although the F-14 had one and the F-4E had one to so this version could have one too guess it up to us either way I want this Aircraft badly but weapon stations are a big issue where would the weapons have been placed besides under the belly on the wing mouts and how much it would've been to carry....Skinning I may be able to elp with as long as I have templates...we would need someone for flight model and other stuff
  20. Im good with that Name...we got a name now We actually need the Aircraft
  21. Yes I would love this plane in my vast hanger it just seems to fit for some reason
  22. Ahh thank you one down two to go all I need now is the layered templates for the Su-35 and the F-22 Raptor
  23. They are fictional skins so I would have to start from scratch
  24. I still want it lol......Only I dont think we could call it the Phantom, Wraith would be a good name or even specter ultimately it will be an interesting aircraft to fly
  25. Hmmmm for the TSR.2 I like the name Claymore after the famous battle swor carried by william wallace. At least thats what the TM calls it in my stories

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