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    combat sims, most music styles pre 1992 but largely rock n indi post 1992


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  1. ".....oh sorry, I thought this was supposed to be for plausible scenarios." I assume that's a poor critique at the 4th Reich US scenario, which if you are a listener/viewer of Alex Jones is more probable than plausible. It was just an idea, an educated - plausible - thought that was cast into an empty room... An idea like Israeli strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities is a reasonable opening sentence, but US v Russian backed small nation has been done to death, and given its basis in real world current affairs it's hardly imaginative. As to the Brit/French invasion of Suez in 56, again modelling the past is hardly imaginative, and, there are plenty of us out there in the combat sim community looking for excuses to fly 4th and 5th generation fighters and for that we need to look to the future (an Afghanistan scenario doesn't really count as the (small arms equipped) taliban are more into suicide bombing than combat aircraft). And to others out there, I'm working on a technology to take nukes out the game and it involves the results of experiments from the Large Hadron Collider which neutralises the effects of nuclear/atomic reactions needed for nuclear/atomic detonations - hence large nations with good 4th and 5th generation technology can flight without the (otherwise inevitable) use of nukes.
  2. Thanks Eject, I didn’t want to dis our American friends, but the 4th Reich is a good and evil enemy and there’s plenty of sound, intellectual and educated literature to support a black (as in stealth or hidden and certainly unelected) government behind the public US administration, and a quick look into the Bush family history and the affiliations of the current California governor (who looks set to remove the “right to bear Arms”) also adds credibility to a rise of the 4th Reich in a time period after 2012, more so if the current economic climate continues… Also it gives the opportunity to have US on US combat, and for some people who may not otherwise fly Migs or SUs to try them against F15s, F16s, F18s and F22 etc., To continue on my starting story and the idea of Free American Liberation Corp, which one European based US General christens FALCON and makes it his and FALCON’s personal mission to reinstate the American constitution and a government of the people, for the people, by the people (may have got this last bit mixed up somewhere but it’s an idea in it’s infancy)…
  3. I see a niche and I'm creating this forum to fill it (story telling can be just as much fun as flying combat simulators) and I hope this forum can be the imagination that ignites the tech heads to build great mods that can be backed up with, and boosted by, great stories and scenarios... e.g., The 4th Reich is arising in the US and it threatens world peace. Canada, as it takes a huge influx of American refugees, is looking to Europe, particularly France and the UK for reassurance. The EU is about to order the confiscation of all US military assets in Europe and it set to give European based US military personnel (and their dependants) an ultimatum to either leave, join the Free American Liberation Corp, or face temporary detention. A misguided and itchy US submarine commander is about to kick start what will be remembered as... and the skies will be filled with aircraft of all nations. When your imagination is the tool, the sky (or cosmos) is the limit, but it's all more engrossing when it's plausible... So there you go, you have your remit, let's see your imagination at work!

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