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Everything posted by vulkan

  1. Please, give a short list of contains ! Maybe I would more and more like download vulkan
  2. Did you heard about the Airborne Tactical Laser (ATL) This is testing now on C-130 Airborne Tactical Laser (ATL) http://www.defense-update.com/products/a/atl.htm The Airborne tactical Laser is a Special Operations Command (SOCOM) sponsored Advanced Concept Technology demonstration (ACTD) program, designed to demonstrate the use of high power tactical lasers from an airborne platform. (More...) vulkan
  3. Wrere can I find in Thirdwire series ? vulkan
  4. Okay, now we only need some (or one) lasergunpod ? vulkan
  5. I dont try yet the searchlights addon, but its seems to be similar, (or not ?) vulkan
  6. And OSPREY PS I was made a laserfire sound to Capun's Skunkworks stargate aircraft , and maybe was posted somewhere.. Jet Defense Lifts Off Finally... In an airplane hangar north of Fort Worth, technicians are preparing to mount a fire-hydrant-shaped device onto the belly of an American Airlines Boeing 767. It is an effort that could soon turn into a more than $10 billion project to install a high-tech missile defense system on the nation's commercial planes. vulkan
  7. Happy Birthday Veltro2k

    Happy Birthday ! maybe you have a similar gift: vulkan
  8. You are faster, then I think ! vulkan
  9. Thank you Veltro2k the great plane, I was waiting (too)long time this. And an E-3A project /freeware/ ? vulkan
  10. Thank You, and your team the Su-27SM Public Beta ! and thank to another betas rapidshare links vulkan
  11. Maybe I was installed an airfield mod? In my WOE the Target aera is[TargetArea331] Name=Wunstorf Airbase That is why I was don't saw the sheltlers See below: [TargetArea331] Name=Wunstorf Airbase Position=417000.000000,627000.000000 Radius=8485.281250 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY AirfieldDataFile=german_airbase3.ini NumSquadrons=12 Target[001].Type=Runway4 Target[001].Offset=0.00,0.00 ...................................... Target[155].Type=building2 Target[155].Offset=-127,1616 Target[155].Heading=90 Target[156].Type=ShelterA Target[156].Offset=-99.00,1616.00 Target[156].Heading=0 Target[157].Type=ShelterA Target[157].Offset=-154,1616 Target[157].Heading=0 And now in halfway to VICTORY vulkan
  12. I think I was drive in instuctions, but somthing was missing/missed The shelters is missing, and building2 already missing, the lights is ok. Gameengine basicly SFP 1 , and copyed VietnamSea terrain from WOE , maybe 1 or 2 patch maximum vulkan
  13. Hey guys ! Somebody thinking about what if we change a MiG-29 or MiG-21 wing & stabilizer position ?! If anybody able to do , PLEASE DO IT ! , and post to us. vulkan
  14. What do you think anybody will send his own 3D model to me ? otherhand I have an old F-5 3D file , and I was playing to modding this (like two tail, pull the wing...),but not completted vulkan
  15. Would be cool ! , and if don't has wingtip stations maybe would better a rotating wing ... vulkan
  16. YES The AH-64 Apache is missing me already I think vrkuboy have it in project vulkan
  17. And what about the Partiot missile system, and a freeware EA-3 AWACS
  18. Hi ! I have a question have any disadvantage to use ECM ? Mostly I turn on instant the ECM when My plane in the air. vulkan
  19. I can't find yet in the downloads !!! vulkan
  20. The excellent Su-39 only in service 1997-20xx , but i was need to try Coldwar times, and modded this Data.ini now I have a Su-25 imitator in service 1980-2010 and waiting for a cool addons vulkan
  21. TrackIR without hardvare!

    TrackIR without hardware! Face scanner software Made in Hungary (CE) http://nipg.inf.elte.hu/headmouse/headmouse.html you only need a webcam I was search homemade trackIr descriptions and find this, and think instant share with you... vulkan

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