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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. Plane requests

    In fact there are a lot of two seaters needed..... -British: BE2 is the most needed, but also the FK8 -French: Farman F40 and Dorand AR are badly needed. Two types as important as the two British ones above. -German: I would do a Rumpler CIV or a LVG CV before the CVI (more timespan use), but also an early B type (LVG, Aviatik or Albatros one, even a Taube). And the Halberstadt CL II is badly needed for those flying Schlasta missions. For these waiting to fly over Palestine, the AEG CIV was a main type for both Germans and Turks (and also an useful plane for Western Front). -Italian: there is not a single late war Italian two seater out there. I'm using the RE8 as SIA 7b, the Albatros CIII as SALM 2 and the DH4 as Pomilio PD...... -Austrian: An UFAG CI or Phonix CI wouldn't hurt anyone... -Russian: A Lebed type, maybe? or a gigantic Ilya Muromets (this one probably need a new airfield and Formation). We can only dream about that. The fact is there are very few people making planes for this game, and they have real life stuff too...
  2. I think it's because airships are hugue targets. I think they need to have collisionpoints in the Data.ini file
  3. Hello, boys! I'm testing the new Armchair Aces update and testing some things. I have discovered a VERY EASY trick to make all your ground objects harder to destroy. You'll only need the DATA.ini of each object. For example, if you want harder trucks: Go to your Liberty_Data.ini. As main object component you'll have Component[001]=Truck. Well, go to the [Truck] section. Under the MaxExtentPosition line make another line with StructuralFactor=5.0 (you can play with this number to your taste). Save the file and that's all!!! Go to the game, play an Armed Recon mission and see the difference! [MissionData] NationName=USAS ServiceStartDate=01/1914 ServiceEndDate=11/1918 GroundObjectRole=TRANSPORT Availability=COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=04/1918 ExportAvailability=COMMON [GroundObjectData] DamagedModel= DestroyedModel=Liberty_destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect EmptyMass=6750.0 Component[001]=Truck [sound] EngineSoundName=TruckEngine MovementSoundName= [DetectSystem] MaxVisibleDistance=6000.0 RadarCrossSection=3 [WeaponSystem] [MovementSystem] MaxRoadSpeed=6.70 MaxOffRoadSpeed=6.70 PowerAvailable=38776.4 MaxTurnRate=16.0 MaxDeceleration=5.0 SuspensionConstant=14.0 MovementEmitterName=WheeledVehicleDustEmitter MovementEmitterPosition=0.0,-2.50,0.50 [Truck] ModelNodeName=truck MinExtentPosition=-1.15,-3.68, 0.00 MaxExtentPosition= 1.15, 3.60, 2.23 StructuralFactor=5.0 SystemName[001]=Engine DetachNode[001]=wheel_front_R DetachNode[002]=wheel_front_L DetachNode[003]=wheel_rear_L DetachNode[004]=wheel_rear_R [Engine] SystemType=ENGINE MaxExtentPosition= 0.75,3.10, 1.50 MinExtentPosition=-0.75,1.39, 0.56 You can make the same with any infantry, machine gun, AAA gun, etc. Some objects have two main components (for example, the Ft-17 tanks have Chassis and Turret), so you'll need to do the StructuralFactor thing for each component, for example: [MissionData] NationName=FRANCE ServiceStartDate=03/1918 ServiceEndDate=11/11/1918 GroundObjectRole=TANK Availability=RARE Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=05/1917 ExportAvailability=RARE [GroundObjectData] DamagedModel= DestroyedModel=FT-17_destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=SmallBombEffect ;DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect EmptyMass=7400.00 Component[001]=Chassis Component[002]=Turret [sound] EngineSoundName=TankEngine MovementSoundName=TankTrack [DetectSystem] TargetType=GROUND DataLink=FALSE OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=FALSE VisualRange=2000.0 VisualSearchTime=20.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,0.0,2.20 MaxVisibleDistance=6000.0 RadarCrossSection=8 [WeaponSystem] TargetType=GROUND GunRange=800.0 PitchAngleRate=8 MaxPitch=35.0 MinPitch=-20.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=FALSE YawAngleRate=8 DefaultYawAngle=0 ReloadGunAtAngle=FALSE GunRecoil=100 GunStabilization=FALSE GunRadarTracking=FALSE RangeFinder=0 BallisticComputer=0 YawModelNodeName=Turret PitchModelNodeName=Gun [MovementSystem] MaxRoadSpeed=2.22 MaxOffRoadSpeed=2.22 PowerAvailable=29082.3 MaxTurnRate=2.76 MaxDeceleration=0.8 SuspensionConstant=30.0 MovementEmitterName=TrackedVehicleDustEmitter MovementEmitterPosition=0.0,-1.70,0.50 [Chassis] ModelNodeName=Chassis EffectSize=1.0 MaxExtentPosition= 0.91, 2.06, 1.57 MinExtentPosition=-0.91,-1.93, 0.00 StructuralFactor=5.0 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=16 Armor .Thickness=16 Armor .Thickness=16 Armor[REAR].Thickness=16 Armor[TOP].Thickness=8 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=6 SystemName[001]=Engine DetachNode[001]=ToolBox DetachNode[002]=Muffler [Turret] ParentComponentName=Chassis ModelNodeName=Turret DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE EffectSize=1.0 MaxExtentPosition= 0.34, 1.10, 2.38 MinExtentPosition=-0.34,-0.22, 1.57 StructuralFactor=5.0 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=22 Armor .Thickness=22 Armor .Thickness=22 Armor[REAR].Thickness=22 Armor[TOP].Thickness=16 SystemName[001]=Gun [Engine] SystemType=ENGINE MaxExtentPosition= 0.51,-0.26, 1.57 MinExtentPosition=-0.51,-1.93, 0.00 [Gun] SystemType=GUN GunTypeName=8MM_HOTCHKISS_M1914 MuzzlePosition=0.00,1.25,1.82 MaxAmmo=237 EjectShells=FALSE TracerLoading=4 BurstAmount=8 I have moddified all my objects (minus the balloons), and it's a great improvement in the few missions I played!
  4. Captain Francesco Schettino is commanding the ship!
  5. Italian Front (WIP)

    I think you can edit the frontline in the campaign.ini itself. I'm experimenting with this in the Palestine map for my next project. If you don't have enough Italian airfields, you can go to each airfield and give it NumSquadrons=12. I have done it in the Vogesen terrain for my Armchair Aces pack and it works!
  6. Wrench, I had the same problem with the Po-2 (that the KAW team has not upload yet after the FM was finished months ago ....). The problem was in the missplaced extent positions and collision points. Use the ruler tool to correct this and tell me.
  7. Hi quack! If you need any FM, just tell me.
  8. WWI Space program glitch Lol

    At least a suitable (and cheap) substitute for the B-52 fleet!!!!!
  9. Quack, I'm making an alternate FMs package (Jan's FMs works well, but they are too samey and too slow to my taste). I can send them to you and you can add your improvements?
  10. Italian Front (WIP)

    There are some ships (both warships and merchant ones) in Palestine terrain, but I doubt you can really damage them (at least the warship ones) with the little wwi bombs. I don't know if the FE/FE2 engine supports anti-ship missions....but of course you can populate a port with static ships, name them as TargetType=WAREHOUSE in the terrain Types.ini and send the bombers to attack it (the same trick I'm using to the AI to attack artillery, because the engine doesn't recognice TargetType=ARTILLERY as target). I think it's a very realistic approach for ther Italian fronts and a great use for these Caproni bombers! I read in Windsock Datafile that Austrians had 8 of these Albatros W4 as well (since July 1918)! They saw no combat service, but we can afford a little what if approach...
  11. Holy s**t! I love them. Thank you, Thannk you, Thank you!!!!!!!
  12. Best Vietnam war film?

    Tropic Thunder!!!!
  13. Italian Front (WIP)

    Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Edit the campaign and the plane. Go to the plane Data.ini and set it as NIGHT_ONLY. Go to the campaign files. You must eliminate any day fighter (or bomber) equiped unit or re-equip them with night planes. In other words: you better go and make two separated campaigns. One by daylight operations and other for nightime operations.
  15. Updates to Nieuports 10 & 12

    Stephen, please don't forget the other update I sent to you before!
  16. I think you can add some Tu-128s acting as bomber escorts (a strange idea, because they are interceptors). They have long range and while you are flying straight firing your missiles they can be a nasty surprise from time to time.....
  17. Fokker D.II

    Whiteknight, you are right. There were two versions. Having the DII FM, the DIII FM is a piece of cake (I think). Another difference: DII had one machine gun and DIII had twin machine guns (except the few DIII license-built in Austria by MAG and called Fokker DI (MAG). These had one machine gun only, but I think they were used as trainers). I think a DIII and an Albatros DI are a must-have now....
  18. Version


    So you all have the wonderful Pfalz DIII and DIIIa by the A-Team? And the not least wonderful Peter01 FM for this bird? Very well, I have tuned a little more the FM because I think it needed to be a little tuned down. The DIIIa in game was faster than an Albatros DVa (180Hp) (just the contrary to pilot stories about it). No more! The Pfalz D XII was the contrary case. It was a close competitor for the Fokker VII, but in game was slower than the old DIIIa, so it has a new FM as well. I have made also an FM for the Roland DVIa, beacuse there is no Peter01 FM for this plane (I think so). It's fast and nimble, but doesn't climb very well. Probably needs more testing... Besides, reading about the Mercedes DIII engine history I noticed that early Pfalz DIII had the Mercedes DIII engine and late Pfalz DIIIa had the Mercedes DIIIaü (180Hp), but this engine was in service in March 1918 and the DIIIa were in the units in late 1917, so.....we were lacking an engine! At the same time, Albatros DIII and DV were given the Mercedes DIIIa (170Hp), so I have made a 170 Hp Pfalz!
  19. Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas friends!
  20. Power diving is a bad idea for Nieuports, german Albatros DIII, DV, DVa and Aviatik DI.....Nice skins, BTW
  21. HeliLand

  22. Albatros D.II posted

    Frankly, I don't notice any difference where this sim shines and matters (in the middle of a dogfight).
  23. Albatros D.II posted

    Yes, Panama Red is a very good help to FMs. The man is a true legend! He was making FMs for Red Baron 3D before some of you were born!

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