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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. Direct Flak Hit

    Nope, [shrapnelDebris] is for the visual thing only. But you can go to each gun and increase the CartridgeWt to your taste. The explosions will have more ratious, but be careful, the planes here are slow. If you want some true deadly flak go to the download section and search for the 37mm AAA.
  2. Direct Flak Hit

    You can also try some engine sounds made for Over Flanders Fields. And the stall sound that comes with some A-Team planes.
  3. That was REAL good! Have you thought about writing a book?
  4. I like it! How about winter tiles?
  5. Time to decide what is the best "old" patch available, reinstall and make all the new mods only for this patch level (and never update or buy new things, of course). I can live without NA if neccesary.
  6. Yes, the AI can do real low level......So low that they are crashing to the ground all the time. Very funny dogfighting over Thud Ridge....
  7. Oh, and don't say anything bad in the official forum about the AI being screwed out......someone will answer that is "a step in the right direction".....
  8. Blog: But... isn't war bad?

    Very interesting, JonathanRL. First of all, I know the Darwinist Evolution theory. I'm a Molecular Biologyst, go figure...But I'm a Nurse too and I know humans aren't totally equal to angry monkeys (I had to study a little Psichology and Psichiatry to become a Nurse). But look again at the example: primitive societies had a different kind of war. When a Nation (in this example the Zulues) become more power centralized (Shaka even created a kind of Cult of Personality), organized and disciplined, that is, more civilized and more moved away from the monkeys (if you prefere that), more violent is their war machine and more discipline, training, etc is needed. By the way, you can't separate war from politics. Ask good ol' friend Von Clausewitz. I'm loving the discusion JonathanRL!
  9. Blog: But... isn't war bad?

    So you are saying that Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Bush, Shaddam, Napoleon, Cesar etc were only following their animal instincts??????? So, we are ruled by a bunch of monkeys.... This sounds as an excuse. Humans are different than animals. Humans have motivations. Humans fight for some things totally strange to animals, like Religion, or Economy. The war is another tool for Polytics of any kind. War is an historical fact, no doubt about that, but there are something more than instinct. Human beings are much more complex than the other animals. We are bad or good by nature? I don't buy the Rousseau "Good wild one" thing (as KiwiBiggles seems to say), but I don't think we are the bloodthirsty predators JonathanRL seems to think we are. Maybe a little of both, some people more peaceful than others... An interesting example of how the forms of war evolued: In XIX century, South Africa the war was like in most primitive cultures, in a ritualized form. Both Armies made an appointment and stand onein front of another, with their warpaint, spears and shields, making their war shooting, etc. Each Army had their Champions and the champions fought. The champion that won, won the "battle". Very few champions died or were severely injured. Then, in one of these tribes came a young man with new ideas. He created a new Army. The old ritual spears were substituted by short spears designed to kill. He introduced in his young men a form of training and a very strict discipline. He created military units with officers and tactics. When a "ritual war Army" were in front of this new Army, with their champions waiting for the enemy champions, the entire Army charged, making a carnage.... This tribe were the Zulu and the young man was Shaka. He forged a powerful empire this way. I think same thing was in the rest of globe ages ago...
  10. Blog: But... isn't war bad?

    Well, this kind of training was developped in XVII, not XVIII, (break people to building they back), but was not a novelty. This is exactly thas was made to the Spartan children and in minor extent to the Roman soldiers in the Champ of Mars. This kind of training was somewhat forgotten in middle ages and return in the Friedrich der Grosse-Marlborough era. It was neccesary, beccause the strict discipline was needed to maintain formations. Nevertheless, the point is that you really need a lot of discipline and psichological factors to make a combat unit. It doesn't matters if you achieve this discipline through early education-training-brain wash, boot Camp, a strict military code (with a lot of punishment to infractors), a lot of propaganda to encourage soldiers or whatever you think. The fact is that you need to train soldiers to make them true soldiers. A good example were the German Army at the end of WWII. You can fight an Army or SS unit or a Volksturm unit and there was a lot of difference!
  11. Blog: But... isn't war bad?

    Boot Camp is not a recent invention...Before Napoleon were Friedrich der Grosse, before him the Spanish Tercios, before them the Swiss mercenaries of Middle Ages and the Mongols, before them the Roman Legions, before them Alexander Army, before them, the Spartans......The list is very long. All of this armies were true killing machines. They have their own tactics, and they fought in formations, with officers and generals. They all needed discipline and a severe training to make their tactics right.
  12. Eastern Front Skins

    Very good idea, Stephen! I'm sure all planes (and the map) are much prettier now. The Farman is my Bortdafarm favourite plane and the Oeffag Albatros DII is the most good looking Bortdafarm Albatros. I don't like their Halberstadt very much and use Capun's one instead, but with your skins I think I'll give it a second look! Trotski00: Have a little patience. There is one in the works, but first at all, I'm taking a break in modding to actually playing the game. There is also an Armchair Aces update and a "secret project" for the jet games in the works. After that (and in some time), you'll fly over Palestine...
  13. Hello all! I have uploaded new versions for Armchair Aces 1916 and 1917. It was a bug (a typo) in an airfield name, making impossible to fly as a Belgian, so go and download Armchair Aces 1916 1.3 and Armchair Aces 1917 1.2. I'm sorry, Grinseed, but I think you have the same bug in your FE1 versions too!!!! And coming soon......Armchair Aces 1918!
  14. Armchair Aces

    You can't. There are a lot of units changing maps, or being re-equiped, or entering service month by month. If you like that detail level it's much better to play each campaign one after another. Another side effect of trying to do all the war in a single campaign is that probably one force conquers the entire map in Verdun or Somme battle, finishing the war in 1916! Ground war can be very tricky in this game.
  15. I think it's no problem using the 97 rounds magazine if this is a solution, but as you said the best is increasing the GunnerFireChance= if you feel it's needed.
  16. The 97 rounds magazine was introduced in November 1915, but wasn't used in numbers until 1916
  17. Well, my last Gunbus mission, with original DATA.ini without touching anything, I have shot down a Fokker EI and a Pfalz two seater before getting out of ammo.
  18. Of course, nolimistoya likes the AI, so no word from TK. I think you are right: this man is Obama.....And I have call Him cretin. Oh no! One of these days I'll be abducted by the CIA and taken to Guantanamo!
  19. I think the "problem" isn't ther gunner, but the gun. I'll explain: The Colt machine gun in the SPAD A2 has three magazines, 150 rounds each one. The Gunbus has the Lewis with the old model ammo drums of only 48 rounds. This is historically correct. The poor gunner spend more time recharging than firing. And meanwhile recharging, he choses another target sometimes. But, as I said I have shot down a lot of enemy planes in the Gunbus. The Gunbus was pretty innefective at it's time. You can try to change MaxAmmo=48 NumReloads=7 to MaxAmmo=97 NumReloads=4
  20. Strange, as I'm having victories in the Gunbus. From the Gunbus Data: GunnerFireChance=80 GunnerFireTime=2.5 GunnerAimOffset=0.0050 And from the SPAD A2 Data: GunnerFireChance=80 GunnerFireTime=2.5 GunnerAimOffset=0.0050 Enough said... There are only differences in the movement of the gun itself (as, of course should be). Another difference. You can add this GunnerFireChance=90 under [DogfightVeteran] and this GunnerFireChance=100 under [DogfightAce], but this only affects veteran an ace pilots
  21. RIP John Lord

    Oh, Noooo!
  22. Armchair Aces

    Hello, Busddy1998!:_ 1.There are no great battles in 1915. Only a little French offensive in September (Verdun map). So you can be sure they are in the trenches...MUCH more ground action in 1916 both in Somme and Verdun. 2.No transfers to other bases in the mini campaigns, but you can change your base fron one campaign to another. Some units change their base (and their map-sector) from time to time. You must look for your unit: for example, you finish your Flandersfront05 campaign in the X unit. When finish, you must look for your X unit in FlandersFront06, VerdunFront06 and VogesenFront06.
  23. It seems this cretin notlimitsoya likes this new "feature", so I think it will be never fixed.....
  24. I have reported it in the official forum. Cross your fingers...

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