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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. Retro music and bands reforming

    The sad thing is when some bands keep playing after 30 or more years (or reform), and when you hear them it's better than most today's music. I saw live Iggy and the Stooges, The Who, The Rolling Stones Alice Cooper, Bad Company, Rush and a long etc, and they still kicks some serious ass!
  2. You men Rock! Thanks to you my game is playable now and in fact (minus the water), looks better! In fact I don't mind water. This is not a submarine sim. Your water does the work nicely too.
  3. Nah! I had to low nearly all to minimum to have playaple FPS (my NVIDIA GT230 is a bad GPU, I know). But I have installed the Gerwin's classic TFD/HFD terrain with Julhem tiles (it's the very same terrain, but in the old terrain engine). Not only works much better. It also looks better!!!!! (minus the water). I couldn't care less about the water. This is not a submarine sim.
  4. Well, installed my brand new NA and enjoying some terrific 5 FPS over Iceland (after lowering the graphics, of course). I knew that, but I wanted to give the man some money to fix this "state of the art" terrain engine. Meanwhile I can fly over the other terrains.
  5. Well, there is not excuse now...I'm going to buy NA. I wonder how many things it will break in my install.... Remember all: BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP YOUR MOD FOLDERS BEFORE INSTALL ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
  6. New to First Eagles 2

    I use Jan Tuma tiles for terrains (a truly big improvement). Some people are using Stary's SARCASM mod for skys. I'm using an old but very good looking sky mod from Polak. These two are from the jet games. Welcome to this madness. ¡Otro español!
  7. It's good to be back!

    Hello all! At home again! Internet isn't the same without good ol' CA
  8. I'm REALLY tired of all the patching-reinstalling-mods-testing-the-whole-thing-and-discover-more-and-more-things-broken.... so my last patch is the Beta October 2011. I have not buy the NA game (not until a really good patch comes to fix a lot of things). On the other hand I'm pretty satisfied with FE2. It hasn't been patched for ages. It has some (bearable) bugs, but it's a pretty solid game to play and mod with. So I think the best thing could be a new patch fixing the more unforgivable bugs and then the end of the series. Modders can expand the game content for ages. Who needs official expansions?
  9. How about 10RNAS Triplanes

    .....And another masterpiece by Quack74!!!!
  10. Don't worry, it occurs to me all the time....On the other hand, your roundels are better!
  11. Just so you all know....

    Thank you, Geo! Your WWI and WWII stuff is a must-have!
  12. I'm very sorry, quack, but i don't see the point here. This very same Triplane version has been available in Peter01 FMs for ages, and the RNAS is available as country in Capitaine Vengeur's Medals Pack (I know it, since I'm flying a RNAS campaign in Armchair Aces).
  13. I let the red box (my eyes aren't very good), but I have deleted the red cones. That's all I need. [Display001] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=TARGET_ENEMY ConeSize=25 BoxSize=10 BoxType=SQUARE BoxColor=1.0,0.0,0.0,0.75 //ConeModelName=redcone
  14. 10 Years with Combat Ace

    10 years now? Wov, I'm getting old! Congratulations to all. I visit a number of flight sim sites, but the one I visit several times a day is this site. Thirdwire simmers are the best gaming community ever, period. Thank you to Erik and MK2 (and, of course all wonderful people here).
  15. Then There is the Crue!

    Never a big fan of this people. I liked much more Twisted Sister
  16. Revising My Ozzy List

    Very difficult task. Both are true masters. Ozzy is not a great singer but it has all the charisma and feeling to make him great (in the very same way that Dylan or Neal Young), and Dio was THE VOICE... Ozzy: The wizard Planet caravan (a strange one, but I love it) Centre of eternity Dio: Stargazer Catch the Rainbow (live version) Holy diver But I can have a much longer list of both...People like these made the world a better place!
  17. Stephen1918 any interest....and time?

    Poor Stephen1918! So many planes for a modder only! Where are all the other people that used to build planes for this game?
  18. WIP DH-4 USAS

    I know, but it's for the Skunkworks DH4, not for the Stephen's one
  19. WIP DH-4 USAS

    Hmmm! I think the American planes had the Liberty engine. It's pity we have not the correct FM for them......
  20. In a short word: YES. They are an improvement. They are more demanding than stock FMs, and installing them you'll have a better game, since some original FMs are very old and doesn't work very well in last FE pactch or FE2. All my FM work in Stephen1918 planes are based in Peter works. If you like my FMs, you'll love Peter01 ones! The link you provided are the last set, but you'll also may need: http://combatace.com/files/file/10695-really-fixed-fe2-game-files-and-4-fe2-fms-2010/ http://combatace.com/files/file/10697-fe1-fe2-fms-bristolm1c-fe8-fokd8-schuckert/
  21. Today is my First Anniversary!

    Yes, Thank you for all the hard work and the beautiful models!
  22. Está la cosa chunga, porque tienen un peazo equipo los muy cabrones, pero ese es el encanto del Atleti. Hoy ganamos (yo también del Atleti) al Madrid y mañana perdemos con la Ponferradina...
  23. No tenía ni idea. Como aquí todo el mundo escribe en Inglés....Hay otros españoles y bastantes argentinos también, pero creo que casi todos juegan más a los juegos de reactores. También me gustan mucho, pero prefiero estos cacharretes. Un saludo.
  24. Wov, nice pack! I wonder why these effects aren't in the downloads section.
  25. Stary's effects are very good, but they are done for the jet series, so the fires, explosions, etc are way overdone for FE planes and bombs. There is an Stary effect pack for FE, but it doesn't work for FE2. Stary, please, update it!!!!

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