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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. Hello, people! I have just upload the updates to Armchair Aces 1916 and 1917: -Fixed a bug in the Sop1B2 Strutter: It had not functioning bomb bay. and it had unrealistic bombload. -Adjustements in Fe2b and Strutter campaigns. -I have changed the Skunkworks DH-4 and put the Stephen1918 one instead. I like the Skunkworks plane as well (I dig the cockpit a lot), but the Stephen1918 one is much better for lower end machines (while looking real good) Enjoy it!
  2. Armchair Aces updated

    Sorry to say, but I messed up again the Sopwith 1B2 loadout. Here is the correct file Sop1B2_loadout.zip
  3. Armchair Aces 1916 1.1 problem

    From a Quack74 post time ago: What worked for me as far as the terrain height, open the Vogesen_DATA.ini scrole down to the [Texture001], [Texture002], etc, etc. Change the "HeightMapScale" to "HeightMapScale=0.000000" for every [Texture].
  4. RIP Jim

    Goodbye Jim! All the rockers will miss you. You gave the guitar the sound of the Big Bang!!!
  5. Airco DH9a

    Happy to read the planes are fixed!
  6. For Armchair Aces I have made Zeppelin units with a plane only. I think they work, but I haven't tested them very much (Zeppelins had a very limited use as tactical bombers at the start of Verdun battle)
  7. Airco DH9a

    It's a little more complicated. When you are in combat and turning you are normally climbing or diving same time, so it's never about pure turning ratius. In this kind of combat, the lighter the plane, the better, because you'll bleed all your energy in a dime and be a sitting duck. In a heavy plane you'll be better in hit and run tactics. If properly done, you can shot down planes much more nimble than yours. In Palestine terrain I'm doing this kind of combat all the time. My Rumpler CI against Bristol Scouts, DH2 or Elephants. Same in my "Italy" install with Hansa-Brandenburg CI against Nieuports.
  8. Airco DH9a

    As I said before, you were right. The planes were too sluggish. I think they are fixed now.. I can be wrong and I'm open to suggestions. The report don't say anything about outturning the Fokkers. You can shot down planes without outturning them. P-38s did it with Zeroes, P-51s with Bf-109s, Phantoms with MiG-17..... The DHs are all about the power an speed. They are fast and rugged planes, and difficult enemies but were bombers!. I can't make them unrealistically maneouverable. And don't forget that sometimes is the man, not the machine. Hats off to Spurling and Bell. They were a hell of a crew. These german pilots can give thanks Spurling and Bell weren't flying a Brisfit!!! For any two seater pilot in the game, flying any plane, best tactic against fighters is to dive like hell gaining speed until treetop. Enemies will not attack you from below and you'll give your gunner maximun field of fire. Some ultra aggressive enemies can dive into the ground as well... Then, use your speed to return home, making hanges in direction and height all time. Don't forget your mission. You have to bomb and return, or bring your front pictures at home, not shot down planes!. The DHs are second to none in the game to do this kind of tactics. I remember to read the Rudel memories time ago. It was the top Stuka pilot of WWII. It had a mate who liked to attack and dogfight the russian fighters in its Stuka. He shot down some Russians in some missions....until he did't return from one mission. I hope do you like the planes now, mate!
  9. Airco DH9a

    Yeah, pilot reportings...not the most scientific data. I have read reportings like that about Fw 190s outturning Spitfires or Mustangs and Thunderbolts outturning Bf-109s. What they didn't know is if the enemy pilot was injured, a total noob or the enemy plane was previously damaged or dind't see their killer coming...I have read reports about Guinemer's SPAD outturning any German plane. Maybe the British DH9 pilot you have read about was a crack pilot. And about the observer, to have such a marksmanship, I bet the DH9 wasn't trying to make aerobatics. If you are throwing your plane all the place, a real gunner (not the AI gunner of the game. He's not G-affected) will loss the sight all time. Nevertheless, you were right. It was too sluggish. I have the new FM now. I think I solved the problem now. They are much more nice at take off now and more nimble. I have lowered a lot the stall data. Still not capable of turning with a Fokker VII (If it was the case, why didn't equip the fighter units with DH9s instead SE5a, Camels and Brisfits? and if the plane was so good why was regarded as a disaster and re-start DH4 production?). I have sent the FMs to Stephen1918, so he can update the files. I hope the planes work much better this time...and, if you like these, wait for the DH4!!!!
  10. Ohhhhhhh, Quack74, this last shot is beyond beauty. So immersive shot I can feel the fear and epinephrine!!!
  11. Airco DH9a

    Maybe it's a bit overdone. I'll rework this today.
  12. Airco DH9a

    As I said, lower the nose same time you throttle up, and the bad effect will go. No wonder the Rumplers CI are more maneouverable than you. These planes alone achieved air superiority in Palestine against British and Aussies in 1917. It was the only "fighter" available there (besides 2 Fokker Eindecker and a Pfalz EI)! The FMs are based in Peter01 FM of Capun's Dh4, with some changes here and there, but very few of them, because the airframe is very alike. The DH9 climbs bad comparing to the DH4, so it's more difficult to dogfight in it., because energy bleeding. The DH9 losses in real life were much higher than the Dh4 ones (both in accident and in combat), so I don't think it was so maneouverable. Nevertheless, I can take a look to the FM By the way, Peter porked gunners machine guns are only lesser precission weapons and have slightly smaller bullets. They are intended to avoid the massacre of entire AI fighter squadrons by the gunners. The gunner should be able to fire them same way than the not porked version. You can go to the Data.ini, open it and edit PitchAngleRate, YawAngleRate and GunRange.
  13. Airco DH9a

    Real propeller plane pilots use rudder in take off. It was essential in planes like the Camel or even more modern planes as the P-47. Also you can help the plane to gain speed by lowering the nose a little. An advise: make some thaining missions taking off and landing without bombload. You'll find it's not that difficult.
  14. Airco DH9a

    You are right! with the heavy bombload, the plane is a little unstable in taking off (I think the bombs change somewhat the gravity centre). Use your rudder carefully (they are two monsters of 230-400 Hp) Once you are rolling at 110/120 Km/h, you can pull off very well (you have plenty of power even in the DH9). It requires a little practice, but taking off is not so difficult. I think they are great planes! About the rear guns, I have made a mistake (or not, it depends of your taste). I have given the DH9a gunner the 303CAL_LEWIS_MK2 instead the porked 303CAL_LEWIS_MK2_Gunner I had in mind, so change it if you like
  15. Armchair Aces 1916 1.1 problem

    No problem starting in air?? Seems like you are using old not updated FMs and starting various meters over the ground, then you fall and Kaboom!. Install Peter01 FMs (as recomended in my very long and boring readme), please, and tell me.
  16. Armchair Aces 1916 1.1 problem

    I don't know...Give me more information. What is the name of the campaign and the unit you are flying for? Are you starting on airfield, in the air or neart the target? More people has this problem?
  17. ...Is uploaded and waiting for admin approval. This is the third chapter of Armchair Aces, covering air ops in Western Front, 1917. About 120 missions per pilot. You can fly as Australian as well now! You can also fly as a German Schusta pilot, flying two seaters and flying both escort and ground attack missions. Once again, thank you to Stephen1918 for the texts and all the betatesting.
  18. File Name: Armchair Aces 1917 File Submitter: ojcar File Submitted: 02 April 2012 File Updated: 22 June 2012 File Category: First Eagles Missions and Campaigns This is the third chapter of Armchair Aces, covering air ops in Western Front, 1917. About 120 missions per pilot. You can fly as Australian as well now! You must have install Armchair Aces 1915 and 1916 before this! Click here to download this file
  19. Version 1.2


    This is the third chapter of Armchair Aces, covering air ops in Western Front, 1917. About 120 missions per pilot. You can fly as Australian as well now! You must have install Armchair Aces 1915 and 1916 before this!
  20. weapon loads inconsistancies

    About 3 minutes of work later Well, compare these files with yours.... AnatraDS.zip
  21. Quack74, I was missing your excellent Italian Front skins and campaigns. The Brisfit looks awesome!!!
  22. weapon loads inconsistancies

    I think you are missing something, because whitenight06604 has followed the instructions and has the grenades working...
  23. weapon loads inconsistancies

    I'm not screaming at anybody, mate. I made all Stephen1918 FMs, so I think I can help you. Well, I think I should make a little tutorial for you. -Open the DATA.ini -Go for the [Fuselage]. At the end of it you should have the SystemName[xxx], where xxx are numbers. You should have them in correct order. -Add SystemName[xxx]=GrenadeLauncher, where xxx are numbered in correct order -Create a [GrenadeLauncher] in Weapon Stations (after Internal Guns). They are grenades or little bombs throwed by the plane crew, so as attachement possition I suggest to copy the observer or pilot position. You can copy and paste some things from another grenade armed plane (like the Albatros DIII) and edit when needed. I'll do it for you this time (for the Anatra). [GrenadeLauncher] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=INTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-90.0,0.0 LoadLimit=5 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=NATO NumWeapons=4 AttachmentPosition001=-0.00,-1.144,-0.629 AttachmentPosition002=-0.00,-1.144,-0.629 AttachmentPosition003=-0.00,-1.144,-0.629 AttachmentPosition004=-0.00,-1.144,-0.629 DiameterLimit=0.10 LengthLimit=0.80 AutomaticDoors=TRUE -Save it -Go to your loadout file (I'm sure you have created one) and copy this: [Grenades] DefaultFor=CAS,ARMED_RECON Loadout[01].WeaponType=HGrenadeA Loadout[01].Quantity=4 -Save it. -Go to your AnatraDS.ini and be sure that you have this line LoadoutFile=whatevetthenameyouareusingfortheloadout.ini I think it should work now....but they are effective very near the target. You'll be closer than straffing your target if you want to destroy anything.
  24. weapon loads inconsistancies

    Well, the Anatra is a very bad example. It has NO weapon stations. No weapon stations, no weapons. It's like giving Sidewinders to a Cessna. No pylons, no missiles. Anatras were pure recon planes, so no payload is historically correct. You can use it as Armed Recon plane or close air support plane. Never as a bombing plane. You have a machine gun for these missions. If you like to add grenades you have to make a weapon station by youself. Take a look to some DATA.ini of different planes. These grenade-capable have a weapon station for grenades. If you want a Russian bomber, use the Voisin instead, (but you'll lose your machine gun then).
  25. Uploaded and waiting for approval. From the Readme and installation notes: Welcome WWI buffs! This is the first chapter in a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Western Front in WWI. Next chapters coming in the standard two weeks! The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the two stock maps plus the Vogesen map. This first chapter starts in August 1915, so until end of 1915 you'll have 50 missions per pilot! (and be in mind this is the shortest chapter) The beauty of this approach is that you can follow your fav unit throught all maps, or you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Germans did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit. You can start as a RNAS pilot, and be in the RAF at the proper time, you can start in Escadrille 124 (the La Fayette escadrille) in French Army and end the war ir a USAS unit......A lot of possibilities. This mod is intended for FE2, because in 1917 and 1918 you'll need the different Albatros, Strutters, SPADS et al with different engines that FE2 has. FE1 pilots will need to edit the campaigns to fly them, for example changing the name of the planes like AlbatrosD5_180 to AlbatrosD5....Please, don't ask me for a FE1 version. I'm doing 117 campaigns for the entire series and it's a lot of work!!!! Nevertheless, if someone want to make an FE1 version it has my agreement (if it's free for the people, of course). So, be ready for a downloading fest. Very important!!!! Read the Readme!!!!

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