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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. Skins not working

    They are beautiful! But the FM is only the 275 Hp version and have the old POV in the cockpit, and don't have my "second virtual observer Lewis". So I have Reverse-engennered the remove-Lewis-mount trick, and I'm going to update my Bristol package, so you can have all three versions working (190, 220 and 275 Hp). I suggest combine it with Quack skins (some edit will be requider in the Decals data), so you could have best of two worlds!
  2. Armchair aces 1915

    Well I think it's a FE thing. I'll explain: FE2 reads both Unicode and ANSI text files (Unicode is default) and FE only read ANSI type files. Maybe all Vogesen are ANSI and the others are Unicode. So, go to eacch text file , open it and save it as ANSI file. I think the campaigns will work now.
  3. It's an interesting question. I play it Normal, because the Hard mode only lower your mates skill and give more skill to the enemies, over riding the values in the Campaign data.ini. In my campaigns I put squadrons between 50-100 experience in all sides, so you can encounter true aces or true noobs. Of couse, if you are in a poor quality unit and are fighting against JG1 or the Cicognes, for example, it means bad news to your squadron mates. About the unrealistic kill numbers, have in mind some things: -You are a virtual pilot and through the years surely you have been killed in every possible way. Only that you are alive and have learned from experience. -Surely you have read a lot of books about real air tactics in every war. You know the strong and weak points of a lot of planes even before flying them. -Our virtual enemies are far more agressive than real pilots. They'll fight even in bad tactical situation, outnumbered, etc -Our victory claims are confirmed all by the computer
  4. Thinking about my own FE2 campaigns (the Armchair Aces mod) I had an idea about Armed Recon missions. It can be useful in mods with massive armored armies (Dessert Storm, Nato Fighters, etc) -Go to your objects folder, make a copy of any tank or AFV you like. Rename it to your own taste. -Go to the new object .ini. Rename it to match the new folder name. -Go to the Data.ini of the object. Look for the GroundObjectRole= line and change it to TRANSPORT -Go to the Availability= ExportAvailability= and set it to your taste. I let it to be less common than the trucks. Then you'll have from time to time Armed Recon missions where you have to attack tank columns traveling to the front! True A-10/Su-25 fodder!!!!
  5. The more the tanks, the more the targets! What's wrong with an entire tank regiment or brigade moving? Think about some battles, like those in Golan heights, or Kurks, if WWII is your thing. Of couse, not real use for my main thing (WWI stuff)
  6. I didn't knew that, Wrench! No wonder, since Desert Storm is a little too modern to my taste! Believe it or not, I have never fly the F-15, go figure!. But I promise to play with modern stuff when the new DS will be available, and have to purchase NA too...
  7. If you have correctly followed Armchair Aces instructions, you have these skins already (but the grey and blue schemes were far more common for this aircraft)
  8. Skins not working

    About the F2B wing Lewis: In Peter01 FMs there is the F2Ba variant, (275Hp and no overwing Lewis). If you want more, you can download my F2B pack from here, and then have the 190 and 220Hp versions as well. I have added a second (virtual only, sorry) machine gun for the observer in the 220 and 275 Hp versions and corrected the POV in cockpit as well. All three versions are all versions used in Armchair aces 1917 and 1918.
  9. Don't worry, MigBuster, FE2 wasn't patched for ages, and I think this is deffinitive. Besides, nobody forces you to patch!
  10. Armchair aces 1915

    Yes, I know an I'm sad about it. But the flame war was started in another forum (the official ROF one). I don't want this happening here. I simply enjoy the games (my fav is FE2, but I fly ROF from time to time, and I'm waiting for OFF2 to join OFF community).
  11. Kill me if you want, I have not NA yet (not patched my games since Beta Oct 2011), because I like much more 50's and 60's jets, but the more I see about the new terrain engine and other changes, the more I like the old times. This game is about mods! If I wanted another LOMAC, I'd play LOMAC! We have traded our freedom of modding by fancy avionics and "better" terrain (if you call better to fly over an empty small terrain at half framerates). Thank God TK has forgotten FE2 to this patching fever!
  12. Armchair aces 1915

    Please, don't critisize other games here! This is FE/FE2. Each game has its strong and weak points. And the wwi sim community is very small. Let's not divide it in flame wars!
  13. Armchair aces 1915

    Wov, You are a talented man! . You have "put me in the cockpit" with your action reports! Maybe you can do a novel about Garth's career! PS: At the moment Flight Leader Harry Flashman has been forced to crash landing it's Nieuport 10. Only injoured in its moral... Their victor was an anonimous Bavarian crew flying their Pfalz Parasol recon plane.
  14. Albatros Fodder

    In fact, if you shot down one of these with your Albatros, You'll be in serious trouble. It's a German plane. An AGO C.I
  15. Armchair aces 1915

    It's no secret I'm trying to have the old RB3D feeling. I like a lot the moddability and AI of FE, but OFF and ROF are great sims too, so if you can, try all of them.
  16. Armchair aces 1915

    You're right! Each Squadron has its level of experience in both sides (between 50 and 100). So, fighting against same plane could be a different experience each time. More experienced units will spawn aces more easily too!
  17. Armchair aces 1915

    September 1915? Sorry to say, but you have collided with a Nieuport 10 from nº1 RNAS Squadron (the very same unit I'm flying for now). No Nieuport 11's at this time in campaigns. If you choose same unit, you'll start with EI in August (historically only 2 EII in the Front at this time), EII in September and EIII in October. For a longer carrer in the EII, you'd better fly for Fokkerstaffel West in the Verdun map. Good luck!
  18. Armchair aces 1915

    Hello, friends! As promised I have updated both Armchair Aces 1915 and 1916. The changes are: -Rumpler CI added to campaigns -Fokker EII added to campaigns (new custom FM included). This is for you, 33LIMA. -Better researched planeset for Belgians -Support for the new Halberstadt version (corrected LOD)in Skunkworks forum. Good Flying!
  19. Rumpler C.I is here

    Yes, you are right! Who needs fancy jets and missiles having bipanes instead? (only joking) Now I'm very tired, but tomorrow I'll update Armcair Aces 1915 and 1916 with this and some other changes.
  20. Rumpler C.I is here

    Go download this!!! It's as pretty as Charlize Theron!
  21. Stephen1918, read this...

    Don't forget Farman F 40, Halberstadt CLII and Roland DII (and proper Austrian Albatros).....We all are overwhelmin poor Stephen. If there are other modellers, I can make FMs for them too.
  22. Stephen1918, read this...

    Rumplers (both CI and CIV) are very needed and among my favourites too .Be patient, friends! more (very beautiful) two seaters are coming for you
  23. Armchair aces 1915

    All units in this series are flyable in campaign (except the Zeppelins, that are flyable only in single mission), so you'll have all the two seaters action you want.
  24. Armchair aces 1915

    In fact there is groud action (I hope it works) at the correct times and the correct maps. It's needed some ground battles for your CAS missions. But not in 1915. In 1915 there is only a Fernch offensive in Verdun map (in September, I think). 1916 has the Verdun and Somme battles, so you can fly over the little men firing their rifles! The only thing it's the frontlines are the stock frontlines all the war
  25. Version 1.1


    From the Readme and installation notes: Welcome WWI buffs! This is the first chapter in a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Western Front in WWI. Next chapters coming in the standard two weeks! The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the two stock maps plus the Vogesen map. This first chapter starts in August 1915, so until end of 1915 you'll have 50 missions per pilot! (and be in mind this is the shortest chapter) The beauty of this approach is that you can follow your fav unit throught all maps, or you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Germans did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit. You can start as a RNAS pilot, and be in the RAF at the proper time, you can start in Escadrille 124 (the La Fayette escadrille) in French Army and end the war ir a USAS unit......A lot of possibilities. This mod is intended for FE2, because in 1917 and 1918 you'll need the different Albatros, Strutters, SPADS et al with different engines that FE2 has. FE1 pilots will need to edit the campaigns to fly them, for example changing the name of the planes like AlbatrosD5_180 to AlbatrosD5....Please, don't ask me for a FE1 version. I'm doing 117 campaigns for the entire series and it's a lot of work!!!! Nevertheless, if someone want to make an FE1 version it has my agreement (if it's free for the people, of course). So, be ready for a downloading fest. Very important!!!! Read the Readme!!!!

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