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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. I think the best fit for a Pin-up noseart today is Katy Perry Yes, I'm a Rock fan, but....
  2. Bring It Iran

    About the other Gulf countries: The other Gulf countries lack training, leadership and coordination? Maybe, but They lack the most important thing: The desire to do something about. Think about that: Iranians make their nonsenses and menaces. As a result, crisis and Petroleum prize raising......They are all selling petrol, men!. It's a win-win situation for all of them. They don't care a thing about their American allies. They only want them to act as world Police whern things are too out of control (as in Kuwait). About Iran: If Iran is attacked, it will be a very limited attack. So, some ships-buildings-dead people. All of them heros against EEUU imperialism....Iran raising the flag of the true believers... Moral leadership in Middle East, etc If Iran is not attacked, "those damn Imperialist Yanks are panicking about the powerful Iranian armed forces". Again, Iranian moral leadership in Middle East. This it's the whole thing is about.
  3. Suggest some music

    More high energy Blues
  4. Suggest some music

    Dogzero, this is AWESOME. I have a hugue collection of Rock, Blues and even some Jazz and classical, but at the end of the day, there is nothing better than the Blues....
  5. Hello all! I'm working (very slowly) to bring a new theater to FE: the Palestine one. As I'm using Wrench's WWI Palestine terrain, I think it's gonna be for FE2 only (although I think the terrain can be converted to FE1 standard, some of you could test it) I'm planning to make the entire war in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. This method is useful to simulate historical front changes and the player can change plane or unit month to month (in France you can follow you fav unit from Cambrai to Verdun or Vogesen, for example, or as most Germans, start as two seater pilot, and then change to fighter pilot.... I'm going to start about February 1917 (just the time German units were receiving their brand new Rumplers with front machine guns) The map needs some work. Palestine wasn't a static front and maybe we need some changes in targets to Friendly to Enemy early in the war, and the contrary later in the war. You know, at start Gaza was in Turkish hands, later, Entente forces took Gaza, then Jerusalem, etc. Maybe various map versions are required. I have no idea about how to make this and the ground war, but I'll try to do my best... Planeset and order of battle: I need to read more about British and Australian units. I have all information I need about German and Turkish units. Until now: -Albatros CIII. Done. -Albatros DIII. Done (stock) -Albatros DV and DVa. Done (stock) -DFW CV. Done (stock) -Fokker EIII. Done. (Well, there were only two Fokkers and a Pfalz EI in entire Palestine, but we can have a small mini-unif of 4 or 6 Fokkers for better gameplay) -Pfalz DIIIa. Done. -LVG CV. We don't have these. We can use DFWs instead. (they arrived at this front at about same time) -Rumpler CIV. Same as LVG -AEG CIV. Not done. Used by Turkish and Germans. We could go with a mix of Albatros CIII and DFWs... -Rumpler CI. VERY important aircraft for this theater. Used as recon, bomber and main German figther until nearly 1918!!! At the moment I'm using the DFW CV model with a custom FM reflecting Rumpler one (I hope!) -No Halberstadt here, nor Turkish fighter units, only Germans. -BE2c. Done -BE 12. Well, In Peter01 FMs set there is a moddified BE2c with only the pilot and a front machine gun. I have made a BE 12 FM for this one (far from perfect, but...) -Bristol M1C. Done -Bristol F2b 190 and 260 Hp. Done -DH2. Done -DH-9. Well, we can use the DH-4... -Martynside. Done (old model, but it works) -Nieuport 17. Done -RE 8. Done (stock) -Bristol Scout. Done. -SE5a. Done (stock) -SPAD 7. Done (stock). Not sure about this one. I think was used in Mesopotamia, not in Palestine (same as Halberstadt) Campaigns: I need to know more about allied units, need to mod the map, frontlines and make some ground war (you know, CAS missions) Other things: I'll make a modded Nations.ini, giving Turkish realistic WWI ranks (done) and some medals for Turkish and Germans (WIP) Well, I'm open to all ideas and help you can provide. If the project is too big, maybe we can make something smaller, as the Gaza or the Meggido campaign... Thank you all!!!
  6. Palestine theatre

    No problem, Wrench. It's an very easy edit. I can manage it (I think). Besides, I'm not in a hurry. I'm working veeery slowly in this project (about 4 weeks, be sure, instead the standard two weeks, you know...). I think the most difficult are the frontlines and the ground war. Very difficult to test things in the map if whenever you go to the brieffing map in a campaign/mission, the game CTD...
  7. Palestine theatre

    OK, this is my first "campaing from the start experience". All my othe campaigns (and I have done a lot for my use) are modded from existing campaigns. So it's gonna be alot of testing (and trial and error)... I think the Types.ini needs some work. I have seen things in it like parked Bf-110s, etc....The ActiveYear will do the trick. For the changing map (simulating the dynamic front), I'll test various things (maybe even the Jonesoft mod enabler could be useful). Wrench, as all the other people (including Baltika, of course) wants to participate, you are welcome. The final package will not include any object not purposely built for this mod (I'm talking about planes, vehicles, etc), to avoid issues with Capun's Skunkworks or other people (who are welcome to participate if They want nevetheless)
  8. Palestine theatre

    Hello, Wrench! A little question for you: I'd like to start with Gaza and Beer Sheva in Turkish hands. Later in British hands. Later, British taking Jerusalem, etc I suposse I must change the Targets.ini (changing Friendly to Enemy the targets, etc. So We'll need some different versions of same terrain in the install. Is that correct, or editing the frontline in the campaign files will suffice? There are more files I must change? Thank you i advance!
  9. Palestine theatre

    Maybe I'll do the terrain experiment in FE Gold when time available. I'll tell you. A true Rumpler would be fantastic. This is a very good theatre for two seaters (only a handful of opposing fighters). In fact the two best planes were the Rumpler (early in the war) and the F2B later. I like the DH as well, but there is something sexy about German two seaters... How about some Cavalry or camels? Very good site, by the way. Another good one with a very interesting reading: http://alh-research.tripod.com/Light_Horse/index.blog?topic_id=1111256
  10. Well, I think I can open a new thread....
  11. Well, it's a long way to the final, as I'm thinking to cover the war since February 1917 until the end (you know, my "month by month mini campaigns method". I'll need to change front lines for different battles and doing ground war (which I have no idea). Some planes are placeholders with custom FMs, but i think it can be done as a nice package with some surprises. If someone wants to work with me, I'll be grateful! The idea came after reading this page: http://alh-research.tripod.com/Light_Horse/index.blog?topic_id=1111256 By the way, it's not the SF terrain, but the WWI Palestine terrain by master Wrench!
  12. Testing some things....
  13. Soo beautiful it's a pity to shoot them down.
  14. Almost done with my "Fliks"

    Stephen, What a good idea!!!! Then someone would take a look at the Palestinian map for some Turkish action.... I would like it, but I have no idea about planes/units/air action in this front Two weeks maybe?
  15. Almost done with my "Fliks"

    Quack, check PMs, please... :wink2:
  16. Stop modding for a while and just play the game/s....Or try CoD and then you'll love this series more than ever!
  17. Austrian Fliks Summer 1918

    Top work, as usual, Quack74 By the way, Quack, an useful trick for this map: There are only a handful of Entente airfields, so I have edited the Targets.ini. I have changed all Entente airfields to have 12 units instead 6 and it works! (not all the units are showing on the planning map, but their planes are flying)
  18. I've just uploaded two FM packages for you. From the Readmes: So you all have the wonderful F2B by the A-Team? And the not least wonderful Peter01 FM for this bird? Very well, I have tuned a little more the FM (more easy take off for the AI), and have added a virtual second Machine gun for the observer. You'll see only one Lewis (that's the way the model it's done), but be careful, because there are two Lewis firing at you (in the very same location). I also changed the POW in the cockpit, so it's much more easier firing the Vickers! The original FM (F2Ba, the one without wing Lewis, historically more correct) is from a 275 Hp Falcon III engined, so I have decided to make both Falcon I (190Hp with only one Lewis) and Falcon II (220Hp) engined Bristols!!!! So you all have the wonderful Pfalz DIII and DIIIa by the A-Team? And the not least wonderful Peter01 FM for this bird? Very well, I have tuned a little more the FM because I think it needed to be a little tuned down. The DIIIa in game was faster than an Albatros DVa (180Hp) (just the contrary to pilot stories about it). No more! The Pfalz D XII was the contrary case. It was a close competitor for the Fokker VII, but in game was slower than the old DIIIa, so it has a new FM as well. I have made also an FM for the Roland DVIa, beacuse there is no Peter01 FM for this plane (I think so). It's fast and nimble, but doesn't climb very well. Probably needs more testing... Besides, reading about the Mercedes DIII engine history I noticed that early Pfalz DIII had the Mercedes DIII engine and late Pfalz DIIIa had the Mercedes DIIIaü (180Hp), but this engine was in service in March 1918 and the DIIIa were in the units in late 1917, so.....we were lacking an engine! At the same time, Albatros DIII and DV were given the Mercedes DIIIa (170Hp), so I have made a 170 Hp Pfalz! Good flying!!!
  19. I also think about him sometimes. It's badly missed here. I supposed he was flying OFF or ROF now, but it seems He's not there. I hope He's alive and well. Maybe He decided just play the game after modding, modding and modding.
  20. I think this game needs a GODDAMNEVILCOMMSHIP!
  21. Voisin V with 37mm cannon

    Errr...about three days if the pilot is not too big What do you expected? it's a 1915 plane
  22. Hansa-Brandenburg C.I

    Another jaw dropping pack, Stephen! The sounds are very, very good too, Nix.
  23. Somewhere over France....
  24. Pfalz D.III, D.XII, Roland DVIa package

    FE2 and last version of FE Gold

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