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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. File Name: Pfalz D.III, D.XII, Roland DVIa package File Submitter: ojcar File Submitted: 10 November 2011 File Updated: 12 November 2011 File Category: Flight Models So you all have the wonderful Pfalz DIII and DIIIa by the A-Team? And the not least wonderful Peter01 FM for this bird? Very well, I have tuned a little more the FM because I think it needed to be a little tuned down. The DIIIa in game was faster than an Albatros DVa (180Hp) (just the contrary to pilot stories about it). No more! The Pfalz D XII was the contrary case. It was a close competitor for the Fokker VII, but in game was slower than the old DIIIa, so it has a new FM as well. I have made also an FM for the Roland DVIa, beacuse there is no Peter01 FM for this plane (I think so). It's fast and nimble, but doesn't climb very well. Probably needs more testing... Besides, reading about the Mercedes DIII engine history I noticed that early Pfalz DIII had the Mercedes DIII engine and late Pfalz DIIIa had the Mercedes DIIIaü (180Hp), but this engine was in service in March 1918 and the DIIIa were in the units in late 1917, so.....we were lacking an engine! At the same time, Albatros DIII and DV were given the Mercedes DIIIa (170Hp), so I have made a 170 Hp Pfalz! Click here to download this file
  2. Well, people, this is important! There was a bug in the machine guns of the Pfalz! I have put the name of a experimental machine gun of mine that I created time ago.... I have fixed it and I'm uploading an updated package with correct guns and new FM for the Roland.
  3. Well, people, this is important! There was a bug in the machine guns of the Pfalz! I have put the name of a experimental machine gun of mine that I created time ago.... I have fixed it and I'm uploading an updated package with correct guns and new FM for the Roland.
  4. F2B altimeters

    Well, people, this is important! There was a bug in the machine guns of the Pfalz! I have put the name of a experimental machine gun of mine that I created time ago.... I have fixed it and I'm uploading an updated package with correct guns an new FM for the Roland.
  5. Hello, friends! As Stephen1918 said time ago, He's making a Hansa-Brandenburg CI. One of the most important planes of the war. And one of the most difficult to have data... So I need some help for the FM. Searching for info, there is a lot of different batches with different engines ranging from 160 to 230 Hp. No problem with that, but I don't know what series came first of after (in Austro-Hungarian planes, sometimes you have underpowered planes coming after powerful ones because poor engine availability), nor what series are very limited or used only as a trainers. Any info would be useful. Thank you in advance!
  6. Thank you! some data can be useful.
  7. F2B altimeters

    I don't know. I have tested mine in combat and it fires the machine guns. Maybe you are lacking a machine gun in your install (or I have one extra)... People, if your guns doesn't work, do the same as Grinseed, please! If more reports, I'll update the package.
  8. F2B altimeters

    Good Idea about SE5 cockpit! I have thought about it but I have sent the files to Capun (except the Roland), so they can post them in their site (they are their planes after all). I thought it would be more respectful to the A-Team to let the original cockpit that came with the plane.
  9. F2B altimeters

    Ah, yes! I see. This one occurs to me all the time. I don't know whats the cause, but it seems to happen just after reach the "warp height". I suppose you take off, start climbing (the height data is in yellow color at this moment), reach 153m height, and suddenly the data becomes white and you have gained some height. I thinks the first numbers (yellow ones) are height over the terrain, and after that, the white ones are heignht over the sea level....or something like that. Test it over different terrains. I haven't tested it, but I bet that in Vogesen you'll gain more height that in Flanders. About your Camel experience... maybe you were flying over a valley at this moment, I don't know Are you enjoyng the packs? I still think that the Roland climbs too fast (difficult to make a plane fast in level and slow in climbing)...
  10. Wait a little quack74, I think somethig very nice is coming... :wink2:
  11. F2B altimeters

    Sorry for my bad English, but I don't understand Would you mind to explain it more? I didn't touch anything in cockpit except the POW, so I don't know....
  12. Why not? But where is the model? I didn't know there was one made.
  13. File Name: F2B package File Submitter: ojcar File Submitted: 10 November 2011 File Updated: 25 March 2012 File Category: Flight Models So you all have the wonderful F2B by the A-Team? And the not least wonderful Peter01 FM for this bird? Very well, I have tuned a little more the FM (more easy take off for the AI), and have added a virtual second Machine gun for the observer. You'll see only one Lewis (that's the way the model it's done), but be careful, because there are two Lewis firing at you (in the very same location). I also changed the POW in the cockpit, so it's much more easier firing the Vickers! The original FM (F2Ba, the one without wing Lewis, historically more correct) is from a 275 Hp Falcon III engined, so I have decided to make both Falcon I (190Hp with only one Lewis) and Falcon II (220Hp) engined Bristols!!!! Click here to download this file
  14. I better start a new topic

    I think you have the "read only " checked before you make the changes, so the changes are not saved. So uncheck the read only thing (I don't remember doing these things anyway), make the changes in game, exit the game, and then, if you like, check the "read only"
  15. A few dumb questions

    Hello, friend! -You can customize your controls in the options menu of the game. Simply assing the hat switch to the controls you want. -These planes are 1914-1918 planes taking off from very poorly made airfields. The best amongs them have about 200-300 Hp. Some of them are 80Hp and have hugue torque effect and no good aerodynamic dessign (for today standards). There are more powerful cars today! So, some of them are struggling to take off without killing the pilot. This, and the fact of different pilot skills in the same squadron, makes take off a little erratic and the planes of your flight tend to spray all over the place until safe speed is obtained an them can reunite in formation. This is realistic in my book. In fact, the AI in the game has much less take off accidents than real life pilots (read stories about novice pilots and Camel or RE8...). Once in cruiser heights, the formations are much better. -The cat files for the planes are in the object folders. You'll need the cat extractor (see in downloads section). Neverteless, if you don't want to mod, you don't need to touch the cat files. Please, explore the downloads section. There is a lot of stuff, including planes, FMs, objects, maps, effects, medal packs, weapons, etc
  16. New job for Stephen1918!

    There are a serious lack of two seaters for all countries, but be sure good things are coming . Just be patient....The man has a real life too!
  17. can't get Flyable RE8 to show up

    Maybe when finished all of them.....And make a list of links and files needed. The problem is I don't remember where I have get some of them! As I said, a lot of work. Until now I have done 23 campaigns for Italy (much more work needed) and 25 Flanders campaigns. At the moment no Verdun nor Vogesen campaigns.
  18. can't get Flyable RE8 to show up

    I think you shouldn't delete anything. I'm using the campaigns in FE2. For FEG, you should open the files and save them as ANSI files (they are saved as Unicode, that FEG can't read) The modded stock campaigns are different. They have the same flyable squadrons that the stock ones, so the same flyable planes. All the modded planes (DH-4, Bristol, Pfalz, etc) are included in the not flyable units, so you'll encounter them as a friend or foes. Making some flyable is very easy if you look at my Flanders campaign. The modded stock campaigns were only a quick fix to have spiced up stock campaigns. If you need any thing, please, PM.
  19. can't get Flyable RE8 to show up

    Sorry! I wanted to send this one! FlandersFront22 has two not public available planes.... And I forgot to say you must have installed the Capt Vengeur medals pack (including the Belgian one) to make this work, because it has a moddified Nations.ini with RAF (RFC) and RNAS as separate nations. FlandersFront21.zip
  20. can't get Flyable RE8 to show up

    ...And a nice surprise (I think there are only the normal available modded planes in this one, not tested yet). If you need something tell me. Also sorry for the rather silly text in Spanish (not deffinitive version). FlandersFront22.zip
  21. can't get Flyable RE8 to show up

    Well, you are right. The airfields are in the [terrain]_targets.ini . About the files, the only really needed are the campaign.ini and the campaign_data.ini. All other can be created through notepad and some editing of the campaign.ini file. I don't remember where are the Verdun stock campaigns, but i have all of them extracted and moddified adding a lot of planes. Not added new flyable squadrons nor the DH5, but here are they. Enjoy!!! Stockmodded.zip
  22. can't get Flyable RE8 to show up

    Well, it can be done. Now I'm doing THE ENTIRE AIRWAR from August 1915 until the end in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. All squadrons flyable..... A f***ing lot of work, using the Cambrai, Verdun, Vogesen (and again Vogesen as Italy), but when it's done, I'll have the best substitute for good ol' RedBaron 3D..... Unfurtunately there are a lot of placeholders that I'm using, and mods over other people mods, etc, (and, of course, updating when a new aircraft is available) so I don't think it can be posted, but it's more or less easy edit campaigns with a little practice. So, if someone wants help in making campaigns, I can help (useful for more or less good order of battle and planeset, as I'm using the Western Front patch from Red Baron 3D as a template for Fatnce and another very old mod for RB3D for Italy). I'm not good in ground war, so in ground the troops are making the same battle on and on, but it works well in the air. The historical airfield names doesn't match either, so I'm placing units randomly, but in the correct map in the correct month (well, sort of, I'm not an expert). Until now I have finished the Italian Front (lacking a lot of planes, using a lot of placeholders) and I'm in September 1917 in Cambrai map. As I said, a lot of work...
  23. Very good idea!!! I love fly nearly all campaigns in both sides! Have you think in a similar way for Israel and Germany terrains?
  24. can't get Flyable RE8 to show up

    You can combine Peter FM and your cockpit and have the both of both worlds!!!
  25. can't get Flyable RE8 to show up

    Errr....sorry to say, Lima, but the RE8 has been flyable for years (only difference using SPAD cockpit). Search in download section for Peter01 FMs and you'll have a perfectly flyable RE8 in hard FM (among many others (more of a hundred FMs really). Don't be surprised for the slugginess of the FM though. RE8s were stable, underpowered and unmaneouverable planes in RL

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