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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. F***ing ugly and f***ing good looking same time! Just as should be. Awesome good work. Poor T-80s....
  2. First Eagles for me. The other are very good too, but FE has two critical factors above the others: -Moddability: You can make yourself any campaign/mission/map/plane/etc you want, as accurate or arcade you want. You can fly as Russian, Romanian, Austro-Hungarian, Italian or Turkish if you want. There are Italian campaigns, Palestinian maps, Russian planes... Freedom is the key here!. -An AI much better than any of the others, hands down. The AI from ROF is a joke. The two seaters have "Lee Harvey Oswald" gunners that blow entire fighter squadrons out of the sky and the fighters only tactic is turn, turn, turn. So you only have to turn inside if your plane is more maneouverable, or make yo-yos or rolling scissors if you are flying a less maneouverable plane. Boooring! I don't have OFF (and maybe I'll try it, because the campaign), but its CFS3 heritage.....so I don't think the AI is gonna be very good (maybe I'm not right there). FE AI is very, very good and you can customize is for every plane, so you'll need different tacticcs to fight against each plane (and AI level).
  3. Airco DH5 in progress

    Thank you, Grinseed! Useful information. I'll try to catch the feeling and make the plane (and the beautiful model) some justice. Great footage, btw!
  4. Airco DH5 in progress

    Working on FM now. I need to read something about those kind of wings....or maybe fly the Dolphin more and look how it feels.
  5. Sorry to say, 33Lima, but this very nice cockpit isn't for the Brisfit (Bristol F2B). It's for the little Bristol Scout (a very nice plane in 1915 and 1916).
  6. And welcome to Spain!
  7. I can hear a pin drop

    Too much excellent WWI sims at the moment. I still like FE above ROF though. ROF has the best FM and DM and the best cockpits, but FE has much better AI and the best moddability and this is the main factors for me. Don't worry, Stephen is resting, but He will make more planes, only a slower pace (He told about a pusher last time). Meanwhile, there is plenty of new toys for skinners and campaign builders. An idea of mine. Took one map and make a series of short campaigns (a month, about 10 missions) covering the entire war. I'm doing it in my Italian install and is f***ing fun! with short campaings you can simulate transfers and you can avoid the "no changing weather" in FE2
  8. Veltro, I want these for First Eagles 2!
  9. Well, Gepard, the fact is that Poland would be invaded nevertheless. Between Germany and the URSS were...Poland. The same as in Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon wanted to invade Portugal, so he asked Spain's (a former France allied at the time) and sent an army to Spain. The fact was that Napoleon invaded Spain. Oh, and finally Finland lose Winter War (after giving russians a run for their money) :wink2:. No T-34, no modern fighters and bombers, but no modern tanks for Germans too... In 1939 nearly all Geman tanks were Panzer I and II and some Czech tanks, and Russians certainly had at this moment lots of BT-7s and T-26s, much better than these Panzers (ask any Spanish civil War veteran). In the air, the balance is better for Germans, but in 1941, german pilots invading URSS were hardened veterans. In 1939 or 1940 they wouldn't had such experience. These veterans made the difference in 1941 (and the surprise bombing on airfields and the lots of airfields, planes and pilots captured in the initial stages of Barbarossa).In 1939 or 40 without any other campaign, some were SCW veterans, but also were some in URSS units. American and British help was very important, but more important was the Soviet industry effort, moving nearly all the industries and building hundreds of tanks, guns, planes, etc (many times the total output of the entire German industries in fact) during the entire war. The Germans could have an ashtounding victorious battles against Soviets, but their armed forces, industry and their entire strategic effort were designed for a short war. This kind of war were not available in the inmensity of the URSS and in a long war, Germany hadn't a chance. The only way could be an (impossible) alliance with EEUU. interesting what if, by the way...
  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! One of the best packages ever. And now you have included one of my humble mods!!!!!!! Please, for next update: more Yak bombers from Lindr. Much better historically for 1968 campaign than IL-28s (for Soviet forces, other WP forces should be fine with Beagles)
  11. Nieuport12 Shadow bugs

    One quick (but somehow radical) fix if this shadow bug (related to some model bug + WindowsXP + DX9) is going to the Nieuport12.INI file. Go to CastShadow and set it as False. You'll get rid of the bug, but the plane won't have shadow....
  12. Nieuport12 Shadow bugs

    Hello, Quack! Happy the FM works fine this time! The shadow bug...Windows XP maybe? There is something about the "tractor beam" bug in the SF2 forum....but I think is a model issue. Don't worry. Stephen will fix it.
  13. Nieuport 12 is here

    Good work, my friend! Enjoy your break and don't be in a hurry. We have plenty of new toys thanks to you. I'm very proud of being part of your team. Tell me when you'll back to business!
  14. FE1 with ENB vs FE2?

    ROF looks very good and the physics are awesome, but I think the plane shining is waaaaay overdone, as we are talking about canvas planes. They are shining like metal planes! Maybe an excess of eyecandy (very common in today games). The quick missions are OK, but I don't like the plane building polytics. They have launched a lot of planes spraying the whole war instead building slowly comprehensive packages for early or late war, but we have not a good planeset for any war period, making the campaigns very sterile (lacking nearly all two seaters, for example). Also the AI is much worst than FE one. If you want to fly highly detailed and beautiful planes, with pretty cockpits, etc, ROF is better than anyone, but if you want tons of planes, good campaigns and the best dogfighting experience, FE is your game. FE1 is very good. FE2 is more or less the same. I have upgraded to 2 series for supporting Thirdwire and the possibility of future patches, as FE1 is not supported anymore
  15. The Nieuport 10 is here

    OK, Whiteknight try to lower the RudderForSideslip to 1 and tell me
  16. The Nieuport 10 is here

    Quack, give me some input, please! It's working all right?
  17. New Banshee or Razbam one???? I love this plane (and of course the Panther)
  18. Let's populate North Vietnam with ONLY the Nuc version!!!! Muahhhhaaaaahhhhaaaahhaaaahahaaaa!!!!!
  19. Korea, I suposse, because these Meteors fought in Korea war. Good work, Kevin! BTW how long for the Korea mod? Oh, I know.....Two weeks, be sure!
  20. Nieuports 10 and 12 in progress

    Well, time to reading some books and collect data.....
  21. Nope, my friend, I had tested it in both FE1 Gold and FE2. I'm VERY happy about you have fixed the issue! Same trick for the Lloyd? It seems to be the StallSpeed and ClimbSpeed. All the other numbers seems to be the same. On the other hand, my dog is at home now. She's a little weak, but seems to be well. Doctors are ashtonished she survived the surgery! British Bulldogs are true fighters!
  22. Quack, any of the tips in this thread is useful? Please, tell me something and I'll update the FMs.
  23. The Albatros C.III is here

    Whatever you like! Any plane is a good plane for me (provided there is useful data for the FM)
  24. The Albatros C.III is here

    Vickers Gunbus, oh yeah!!!!

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