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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. Sorry, but there's two little bugs: In campaigns Halifax annd Stirling units have fighter missions. They have sweep, cap and intercept missions In 1948 campaign, Egiptians have nº 2 Squadron listed two times. I think one is nº 1 Squadron, because no nº1 Squadron is listed. The good news is that they are very easily fixed bugs. Err... I have just discovered there are no Su-85, Su-100 nor IDF Super Sherman units in the campaigns. Are you sure you have uploaded the campaign fixes?
  2. Lindr, I'm a fan of yours! Are you thinking about changing the stock MiG-23 and 27 to your standards? It would be very cool to have the stock planes upgraded same way than your MiG-23 Mirage Factory based ones (same for all the stock Soviet planes in fact).
  3. I'd like it a lot. Thank you in advance.
  4. FYI don't hold your breath

    The Aviatik CII can be an excellent Lebed XII (or a good SALM on Italian mods). Add Farmans, Moranes, Nieuports and SPADS, Fokkers, Pfalzes, Albatros and Austrian planes. A Nieuport 17 with a German skin could be a very good Siemens-Schukert DI (a German copy of the Nieuport 17 in fact). Maybe the Staaken as Ilya Muromets???
  5. FYI don't hold your breath

    Well, my two cents: There were and there are a lot of WWI sims covering the "classic France battles" of WWI. OFF andd ROF are excellent games. But FE has a HUGUE advantage: It can cover the most exotic and strange theaters of war. We can cover Italian front, Russian front, Palestinian front, Romanian front, even the Russian Civil war. We need some planes, skins and maps, of course, but with a little imagination we can have excellent mods (the Caporetto one, for example, or the new Palestinian map). We can fly as Romanian, Polish, Turkisk, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, etc With OFF and ROF in market, a new expansion covering more Western front planes could be wrong, but if the release has an Italian map, with some Hansa-Brandenburg, Aviatik, Lohner, Ufag, Phonix, etc, or a Meggidoh battle map with proper planes and skins, the game could be great for History buffs. If not, we can built the addons ourselves (another hugue advantage over the other games).
  6. Well, I have tried the incredible Suez mod and have seen a strange bug in the MiG-15Bis: when you jettison the fuel tanks (those of 400 from the MiG-17), there are another pair of jettisonable tanks attached to the wings (same MiG-17 400 L tanks), but these second pair of tanks are fixed to the wing. If you choose the 300 L fixed tank instead, the 400 L tanks are there as well, merged in a strange way with the 300 ones. What can I do? There is no problem using the 400 L tanks in the MiG-17. Thank you in advance.
  7. It's working now. There was an error in Data.ini. To fix it: Open MIG-15BIS_DATA.INI with Notepad and go for Weapon stations. Go for [LeftWingStation] and add at the end this line: FuelTankNodeName=400L_droptank_L. Then go for [RightWingStation] and add at the end this line FuelTankNodeName=400L_droptank_R Save and it works! Thank you very much for your help, Wrench and Fubar.
  8. That's the thing. I'm using the vanilla mod. I haven't added anything. The 300L are from the mod, and the 400L are the stock MiG-17 tanks in the vanilla game. I suspect about the Data.ini and Loadout.ini from the plane, but I don't know what's wrong
  9. I have the Caporetto campaign (using it as Italian front base). It has none of the skins I have asked for.
  10. But you know? A cousin of a friend of my ex-girlfriend's brother knows a man whose neighbour wife readed a Readme one time (by accident, of course), and then asked good ol' Wrench some questions anyway...
  11. Time to start a brand new thread: is there any Buccaneer available?
  12. But....I want the Readme to not read it!
  13. Leopard 2!!!!! Good! Can you make skins for Europe as well? I'd like to see it in NATO Fighters.
  14. just one of my dreams

    With a little imagination, some .ini work and new skins, we can have some good placeholders for some planes. For example, a Nieuport 17 with a German skin can be a Siemens-Schukert DI (a German fighter used in Russian front). With a Italian skin, the DH4 could be the Pomilio PE and the Aviatik CII can be an Italian SALM
  15. For Spain, upgraded AMX-30 (AMX-30 EM2)versions in use until 1995. We bought M-60 A3 in 1992 and Leopard 2A4 in 1998
  16. Well, if the capaign goes older than that, some Chinese Q-5 or J-6 (Pakistan style, with Sidewinders) wouldn't hurt...
  17. What's the campaign year? Depending of this you can add the FA-18A to the Spanish forces (since 1985). Spanish Navy had some Harriers (AV-8A/S Matador 1976-1997, or AV-8B Harrier II since 1987 and upgraded to Plus level recently). Mirage III retired since 1997. And how about some Chinese planes for the bad guys?
  18. Very good idea!!! I'd like to fly for my country (Spain). Are you going to use Piecemeal's map? And what planeset?
  19. I must be a weird kind of man, but I can't see all the drama. There is a new patch. It has some bugs. That's all. Then, waiting for next patch that fixes the more important bugs (it seems that the clouds-trees aren't gonna be fixed but I can live with that). I have some games collecting dust because the amount of bugs and the lack of developpers support (remember the Huey sim a year or two ago?). I have others collecting dust because no compatibility between modded and unmodded installs and the eternality of installing-patching a thousand times (Oleg, I'm looking at you). Others collecting dust because stupid DRM (remember Starforce? remember the new Silent Hunter?). And so.... TK games have the perfect balance to me. Good feeling at flying (in fact much better that some "serious sims"),enought good eyecandy (I like much more good gameplaying over good graphics), a very good era to fly (in fact any era), very easy moddability, THE BEST modding community ever, and a developper WHO CARES. TK games have been continously patched during a very long time. They have no DRM. TK have answered our questions in Thirdwire forums for years! He has fixed a lot of bugs and he has made the games better trhough the years. Some bugs are not fixed and some others are new, but how many patches and fixes since the old SF1 until now???? Let's calm down and give the man some time to fix the things.... Onli my two cents, gentlemen.
  20. This plane is CRYING to be added tho the next NATO Fighters version.
  21. 48-56 wars add on for SF2I (expansion pack 1). By the way, before intalling all those awesome mods, I'll wait for next official patch, and new fixes for the big mods (NATO, Vietnam, 48-56 wars) because Expansion pack 2 have done some changes affecting some mods (effects, propellers, some weapons, etc)
  22. Well, you can have two campaign sets. For player flyable planes you can add the planes as NIGHT_ONLY, and for enemy planes, don't add any day plane to the campaign. For example, if you wan't a WWII night campaign, adjust all the planes as NIGHT_ONLY, and then add only night bombers and night fighters. You know, Lancasters, Halifaxes, Stirlings, Mosquitoes, Beaufighters, Bf-110s, Ju-88s, etc. Don't add Spitfires or Mustangs!
  23. Well, you are jumping from AirUnit031 to AirUnit035. You'll need all Airunits between them (AirUnit032, AirUnit033, etc), or rename ALL AirUnits after 031 in order.
  24. Brave camera man in the first pass!!!
  25. Pilot POV in the F2B

    Sorry, Steve, but the plane is the F2B, instead the FE2B...Your numbers doesn't work in the F2B. Grinseed try open the cockpit file, search for [CockpitSeat001]and do some changes in the Position line (the third number adds or remove the pillows :wink2: )

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