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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. Very beautiful!! Love the "veteran" looks. I think Monty's plane is under rated. Razbam is very good, but Monty is also good....and free!. How about some work in the Banshee? (I like more the Razbam model, but...). Waiting for an updated Korea mod (I have added a lot of planes, squadrons and objects to the original version, but an updated package would be great) My two fav installs of SFP1 bar none are Korea and Spanish Civil War (Yes Wrench, I'm one of those prophead dozen)
  2. A little question: As usual, I'm making the Soviets flyable for my use, and not a single red unit is using the MiG-21 PFM, but plenty of PF users in 1962 and 1968. It's correct, or maybe a (very) little bug? Other question: There is somewhere a medals pack? the old Strike Fighters medals pack doesn't work very well here
  3. I have been hitted sometimes in my Korean install. I have in it 37, 57 and 100mm guns. I have tweaked the data.ini of the guns, giving all of them 9 in both range finder and ballistic computer, and giving them radar. Nevertheless, in Korea, the aircraft are slower than in other wars and easier to hit
  4. I was tweaking (once again) my Korean install (my fav, so far) and having read that F-84s carried more than F-80s I was surprised, because in my game, F-84G have only two pylons (and only for tanks or bombs). The F-80C have more pylons, and carries bombs, rockets, etc. So, it's correct? If not, is there a mod with more pylons or payloads for F-84G? What were the historical loadout for this plane?
  5. Thank you, boys! Just what the doctor ordered!
  6. Well I'm not using the October patch in my Korea install. Too much propeller planes and October patch is no good for them... I think the best is as the Turkish plane. Two stations with three rockets (the F-84 rocket rack appears as Belgian and more modern than Korea, but can be edited). Well, this and the Tiny Tims... By the way, I don't know how many hardpoints had this plane.
  7. In my Korea install I have added armor to all planes (excepting B-29s and my IL-2 used as IL-10, where I have reduced the armor. It was too über for me), and shortened the range of all turret mounted guns to 500 m. This have helped a lot to reduce the effectiveness of bomber gunners and the combats are way more realistic. Before this, a flight of 4 B-29s could shot down 8 or more MiGs with no problem without losses (they started to fire from 2000m or so), and a single 50 cal bullet could shot down a Corsair or MIG-15. No more!
  8. The MiG-17s that are inluded in the Charlie's Aces campaign are excelent, but not sure if it works well in SF2. There is also the Dave 's MiG-15 user mod (for MiG-15bis) and my MiG-15 Fagot A, that works well in my SF1 Korean install. I don't know if them fly well in SF2
  9. And don't forget the a-team Spanish Civil War mod!
  10. You'll get some (very, very few) day missions with NIGHT_ONLY, basing in my Korean install experiences
  11. Any as a North Vietnamese pilot (Charlie's Aces). In MiG-17 You simply can't catch those damned Thuds (and you can't maneouver at all at high speed). They destroy their targets and you lose the campaign.... In Linebaker you can't stop the B-52 with your MiG-21. They avoid all your missiles ant ate your cannon shells without damage. Again, they destroy all targets and you lose. Flying North Vietnamese is very challenging. You are in hugue number (and tech) disadvantage. Phantoms and Crusaders destroy all friendly units and pilots in a few missions and soon you are flying alone against all enemy power. For my surprise, the best average plane is the MiG-19 (better than the 21 for me), but you can't fly it in early campaigns. Difficult or not, I'm addict to fly as a Red pilot in nearly all available campaign!!! (and yes, I fly as Blue also)
  12. The Pu-2 is very funny. I have also a Chinese CJ-6B modded into a "Yak-18" (no wing guns, same weapon loads as the Pu-2 and rear gunner added). By the way, Wrench, how about your IL-2 modded as IL-10? I'm using an (FM modded) IL-2M3, but the skin is not very good for a North Korean plane and I'm the crappiest skinner in Universe....
  13. Fubar is right. It was a real tactic used at the end of the war by Iraqi Mirage F-1 pilots.
  14. Wrench, you are a true artist!!!! Very beautiful plane!
  15. Hello, boys! I'm updating my old Iran-Iraq install adding some planes as the Shenyang F-6 (for Iran), J-6 (for Iraq) and the J-7B for Iraq. I don't know about the Iran-Iraq J-6/F-6 it if they were bare-metal or camo (I have them bare metal now), but I'm pretty sure that J-6 were camo. So Someone could help me with a nice Iraq skin for this plane (or the other if historical). I could live with some desert suitable skin (Syrian, Egiptian, etc, you know...). Thanks in advance!
  16. Hmmmm, strange... I saw an Iraq J-7B camo in ACIG and an Iraq MiG-19 (adquired in 1964, not in Iran-Iraq. Not profiles of J-6). The bare metal plane in ACIG is a MiG-21F. In the Osprey book there is again an Iraq J-7B camo (sand and spinach), but no J-6. There is the same metal MiG-19 thatin ACIG And not a single profile of J-6 in Iranian hands (but some fonts talks about it). By the way, I have encountered desert skins for the J-6, but not for the J-7.
  17. Thank you, but not a single desert skin in Marcfighters for MiG-21F (I was searching for the J-7B, that uses the same model) and only an Egiptian skin for the Farmer (here at Combatace), but in two tone grey. Not very "desertish"....
  18. Macelena maybe you can make a new campaign about a what if version of the Sidi Ifni War, with a great Moroccan offensive against the Spanish Sahara and Canary Islands. I like more the older planes and this scenery is less hypothetical.
  19. Wow, I'll can shot down the Air Force One in my MiG. Or I'll can shot down the MiG and defend the USA President in my F-15....
  20. He wants total accuracy and immersion? Why not to burn yourself bonzo way each time you are shot down? All these, INCLUDING FALCON 4, are GAMES. This elitism make me sick!
  21. I have modded other campaigns to fly for the "bad boys" (as my personal use "The Dragon" campaign). I'm not a genius making these things (some IL-2 DGEN campaigns as well), but I can help if you need it.
  22. FMs for Nov 2008 version

    I have read somewhere that Pfalz D III had better turning that Albatros D V (but was slower, exceptingt in a dive)
  23. You can make it yourself. It's not difficult. I'm in a Chinese Su-27 campaign now in my The Dragon install.
  24. Fiat, please!!!! I need it for my SCW install.

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