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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. Hey Wrench, How abouut your IL-2 modded into a IL-10 for Korea? I'm using an IL-2 (edited by me) but it lacks a proper skin.
  2. What a beautiful plane, Veltro! And how about your Fiat Br 20? My Spanish Civil war install is waiting for it.... Are you planning to make a SM 81 Pipistrello as well? (only an idea, you know...)
  3. Awesome work, Veltro! Waiting for your Br 20 (give us one with a SCW skin, please). Could you put in your list a SM 81 Pipistrello? I'm updating my Spanish Civil War (using Ju-52 instead) install and it would be very welcome. Other SCW planes sadly missing: -Romeo Ro 37 -Heinkel He 45 (using the Arado Ar-95A instead) -Fiat G 50 -Vickers Vildebeest (inline engine) (using the Blackburn Baffin) -Grumman G 23 -Aero A-101 (using Bristol F2B) -Polikarpov R-5 (using Bristol F2B) -Potez 540 -Dewoitine D 371 (using PZL P11) -Dornier Wal -Junkers 86 -Heinkel 112 -Proper He-111 and Do-17 versions -Letov 231 (using Gloster Gauntlet) I like a lot the SCW mod, but I'm only trying to make it even better...
  4. Thank you for the add on! I have reinstalled SFP1 and add your ideas. Other add ons I have in the original campaign: -More planes installed in the game (more possible Merc planes): Lightning, F-106, F-105, F-101 A, F-101 C... -Mercs start the campaign flying the F-101 A (no nuclear weapons) -A PVO squadron (flyable) with Yak-25, then Su-9B and later Su-11 (just in case the evil imperialists decide to deploy strategic bombers against the defenseless people of Paran) -New Nation: Dogs of War. They are red sided Mercs. It's interesting, do you earn more money as red side or as blue side? By the way, the WARPAC Fighters thing is a very good idea. I like to add the red side flyable in all campaigns. I have done it in The Dragon campaign (added a lot of planes too: J-10, J-8, J-8II, SuperHornet and a Spanish squadron too) and it's very funny (and very hard too)
  5. And why not making just the contrary? Maybe a very early campaign, with alot of WWII stuff and a lot of early jets? Imagine: Mustangs, Zeroes, Vampires, Me262, MiG-9s, La-15s, Venoms, Voodoo, B-36, Veltro, P-47, MiG-15 and some "Secret weapons of the LuftwaffeII" things (for example) Well, just a suggestion. I'll be happy with anything!
  6. Well, this me gave an idea: if I change an Aircraft carrier as Cargoship, I could sink it in an Anti-ship mission....
  7. WIP Strutter

    Very good! We need more two seaters!
  8. Interception missions need some enemy bomber/attack aircraft. North Vietnamese forces were a defensive force. If you want these missions, tou can add some Il-28 to the Vietnaese side (they had some, but never used against EEUU), or add STRIKE or CAS in PrimaryRoles (in the MiG-17F_DATA file for example), but it's not realistic..... If you like MiGs, you can download Charlie's Aces campaigns (here in Combatace), and fly the North Vietnamese side. Tons of interception missions. Very epic and very hard. A true must have.
  9. If you are flyin over Vietnam, please, download Charlie's aces campaigns. You'll fly not only MiG-21, also MiG-17, MiG-17F, and MiG-19. It's a MUST HAVE. But beware, they are much difficult than the American campaigns
  10. -Vigilant, please check the downloads section: There are the MiG-15bis User Mod (from the same people that made the new Sabers) and the MiG-15 Fagot A mod. Both are much more difficult to fly than the Sabers. Ah, these planes (and the new Sabers) are well armoured. I suggest to add armor to all korean campaign planes to balance an add more realistic feel. -Wrench have a nice substitute to the Po-2 (a Boeing Stearman with a North Korean skin). -Some planes need an update in FM (the La-11 and uses the same FM than the P-51, the La-9 has errors too) I have tweaked some of them (for my private use) -There is no Il-10. I use a modded Il-2 instead (no North Korean skin, sadly), but the modded FM and loadout works well (I have retired some armour too, it was invincible!). -Bombers need a little tweek. I think B-29s are a little über (climbing as rocket, armour plated as a Tiger tank and firing as Lee Harvey Oswald). -Other suitable planes: AT-6D (modded, it's too fast), F3D, F7F-3n, Avenger. -Some "what ifs": Yak-15 (there is a Yak-15 confirmed victory, possibly an error), La-15 (close in appareance to MiG-15, maybe some La-15 reported as MiG-15s by USAF pilots), MiG-9 and Il-28 (the Chinese had both of them, but not used in Korea) Well, these are only my opinions. I think a little criticism can be positive feedback for the modders, but I'm very grateful to all of them for their awesome work. They make this series legendary!
  11. September FM Update

    Very good, Peter01! I'm becoming a FE-addicted! But I'd also like new FM's in other planes, for example, Pfalz Dr1, Farman Longhorn/Shorthorn, Fokker DIIIL, Pomilio etc. I know it's a lot of work, but maybe in next release? By the way, what are the best terrain/sky mods for stock maps? I have Edwards terrains and they are much better than the stock ones.
  12. Well, I have installed FE+Expansion pack+ Peter's FMs, a lot of planes, Firecage's Planefest II and the two Charles campaigns, so I think I'm ready! After flying, I liked the experience a lot!. The AI is awesome, but aiming the guns is a pain. The planes feel VERY sensitive (or maybe my joystick). I have reduced the joystick sensitivity at minimum and augmented the dead zone and the thing is better now (but not totally good, I feel too sensitive elevator). The flight models by Peter are very good (much better than the stock), but in general I think the roll rate is overmodelled in all planes. I's a little strange, because I have readed WWI planes had slow roll rates. These roll rates speed up the combat, and in fact the combat feels faster than the IL-2 or RedBaron 3D (where roll rates are slower). Never mind! FE is a hugue lot of fun, with tons of potential! Thank you all the comunity for your hard work! Two more things: -Are somewhere something similar to Widesky or Green Hell mod for FE (awesome mods for other TK sims)? -Peter, how about a flight model for Farman Shorthorn and Longhorn (and the Fokker DIIIL and Pfalz DrI)? I love these planes...
  13. I agree, the planes must be unstables, but in my PC, with my joystick (Saitek Cyborg Evo), there was too much unstability (even in stable planes as Fokker VII). With a minimum joystick input, the plane moved way too much. With Dagaith's trick planes are unstable and sensitive too, but I can move the stick a little more without too much flatspins. The flight models are very well done (only too much roll rates I think)
  14. Thak you, Dagaith, it feels a lot better now. This game is a blast. It only needs more planes to be perfect (I'm a Western Front Patch man), specially two seaters.
  15. anyone considered mideast terrain?

    There are Red Baron 3d mods of Italian Front, East Front and a Palestinian front. They are very interesting, but a little "old" (comparing it with other Red Baron mods). Not only Austro-Hungarian planes, but some Russian planes, as the Ilya Muromets bomber or the Sykorsky fighter. The Ottomans had some Eindekkers, Halberstadt and Albatros DII and DIII There is no better sim than FE to bring to life all these "forgotten battles of WWI"
  16. We'll fly allied planes only? Or we'll fly as Iraqui as well? The "bad boys" epic, you know.....
  17. Very good points, Lexx!. But I think fear is a very powerful weapon.... Think about it. Imagine the amount of damage that only 5 or 8 nuclear bombers can make Better two deffensive lines: the first one surrounding URSS, the second defending USA itself. I don't think fighters of any kind would be used offensively (except as harassement of enemy bomber bases)
  18. Mosquito were used as pathfinders and as intruders (patrolling certain German areas as airfields), not as classical bomber scorts. By the way, the Voodoo couldn't scort the bombers all the way. A counter measure could be a first wave of Russian interceptors attacking the scorts (forcing to jettison fuel tanks) and other waves attacking the bombers (an old German tactic used against P-47s). Voodoos could be used as intruders instead scorts (as F-105s). A first wave of intruders in very low alt penetration attacking PVO airfields and a second wave with your strategic bombers, but I advise you to safe ALL your fighters. You'll need them because surely the Soviet bombers are on their way to USA as well... In fact, was the B-52 the plane that stopped the "penetration fighter" developpement. Not a single purely scort fighter was designed after the B-52.
  19. Well, if you are armed wid AIM-9B, you must search your target tail, like it or not. It implies a dogfight, just the thing we must avoid. With the Falcons is even worst. The only option is the nuclear Falcon and the Genie....If you want to fight. If not, you don't need any scort, and your defense are your electronics, chaff, etc, or penetrate at very low alt. If they can't see you, can't intercept you!
  20. I had the same problem and solved it to changing the BaseArea from Siping AB to Shenyang AB (PRC). There must be a problem in Siping AB.
  21. I'd like some Spanish units (suitable for the future mid-80's campaign)
  22. WIP #1 - The Game

    The AI is the same. It uses the same manouvres for all the planes. This is the problem. It flies the same routines in the Eindekker that the D-VII. And is the same problem in all games. In IL-2 it flies the same the FW-190 that the Zero. In Thirdwire series you can include a series of AI commands in the data of a new plane. In RB3D you can't. And I repeat: Greybeard is still making FMs for both HA and WFP. With the same version of FM, and Albatros DII flies exactly the same in HA and WFP. Obviously, there are more planes in WFP, but in the "common" planes, the FMs are the same. Ah, Greybeard uses NACA data in his FMs (if available) and uses some advanced aerodinamical formulation in the rudders, ailerons, engines, etc, to give them the most historically correct data, so they are very well researched FMs. Thirdwire series has the advantage of giving some AI commands in the plane's FM (as in the new Sabers and MiG-15s). With a little time, FE will be the true RB3D successor. Keep on the hard work! (By the way, I love your work, Peter)
  23. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    ¡España es la mejor!
  24. Very nice Wrench! And how about the "IL-10" (well, a modded IL-2 in fact) you have workin in?
  25. WIP #1 - The Game

    To make clear some things: In RB3D the AI is the same in both Hell Angels and WFP. Its the same AI that the original game, not more, nor less. You can change between some FMs and DMs, but in latest versions, the standard are the Greybeard FMs (and I think Zintek DM). They are the same FM and DM in Hells Angels and WFP. I advise you to use FCJ control panel and set the enemy AI at 40% with latest versions. It has a very good balance. With more AI%, there are too many aerobatics with the aces and they are prone to accidents. AI higher than 66% gives the AI pilots too overcontrol and (specially in early planes) too many accidents

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