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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. FE2 Aircraft Hit Box Revisions

    Thank you. Maybe when I'm finished with "something" I'm doing, I'll take a look at some planes damage models.
  2. FE2 Aircraft Hit Box Revisions

    Stupid question: How I install the Mues Tool box programs?. They come with a lot of .dll files and I don't know where they go (or where go the .exe files)
  3. Is there anybody out there?

    I was planning to do exactly what do you said
  4. Is there anybody out there?

    It sounds very interesting. Would you mind to post them when you'll finish?
  5. Is there anybody out there?

    Well, I'm correcting some FM oddities here and there....and working in "another Armchair Aces" and, of course, playing the game.
  6. Bucket List

    Do whatever makes you happy, my friend. You did some outstanding work and made this great game even better. Thank you for all the hard work and good luck!
  7. Vogesen WIP

    Don't be in a hurry, Stephen! I'm sure you'll do outstanding work. Take your time.
  8. Vogesen WIP

    Very good idea! Have you seen if Jan Tuma tiles work in it?
  9. Just don't use "Unlimited" in Effects. For some reason, FE2 doesn't like it.
  10. What the title says. Get it while is hot! - In 1.1: -Farman F.30 instead the F.40 one. -Anatra D "Anade". -LFG Roland D.II. -LFG Roland D.IIa.
  11. Well, Gentlemen, Armchair Aces over Galicia is updated again! New in 1.2: -Oeffag C.II ¡¡¡¡And don't forget to download the WW1 Medals Pack Beyond the Western Front by Capitaine Vengeur!!!!!! A TRUE must have!
  12. I think the medals pack is very good as is. Not a great issue to me the NCO receiving officer medals. I think the medals pack adds a lot of inmersion to the game an I'm very grateful to you, mon Capitaine!
  13. It seems Feldfebel was correct in Imperial Russian Army: http://www.overthefront.com/reasources/military-ranks/russian-ranks
  14. Here we go again....

    And don't forget good old Lemmy!
  15. Fabric Furball!

    I told you Baffmeister was your man!
  16. What do we need?

    Sorry for people wo has downloaded the PfalzFMs.zip file. I wasn't the correct file. I have updated it. Download it again, please!!!
  17. What do we need?

    These are what I'm using now for Armchair Aces (well the EV isn't in Armchair Aces, because I think it wasn't used operationally). The EII uses the EI LODS Pfalz FMs.zip
  18. Armchair Aces updated!

    These are what I'm using now Aviatik-Hanriot FMs.zip
  19. Oeffag C.II

    Don't give me the credit. The funny thing is that I didn't noticed this "feature", so don't ask me...
  20. Thank you, Mon Capitaine! Downloading it now!
  21. A very BIG Thank you! This was much needed.
  22. What do we need?

    I'm flying FE2 and Stephen FE Gold, so I'm sure there's something wrong in your install. Do you have this line in your Morane Data.ini? ServiceStartYear=08/01/1914 And these in the Options.ini file For example mine reads now like this: [singleMission] AircraftType=SopwithTabloidEarly Service=RAF MissionMap=WWIVERDUN MissionType=RECON MissionTime=RANDOM MissionWeather=BROKEN AirActivity=RANDOM AirDefenseActivity=RANDOM LoadMission=FALSE LoadMissionFilename=C:\Users\oscar\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\Missions\FOKKERD7F_VS_SE5A_(1V1).MSN MissionDate=08/01/1914 StartYear=0 EndYear=0
  23. What do we need?

    It's strange, because I just had a mission in a Sopwith Tabloid in August 1914... Have you moved the slide control for dates when select the mission?
  24. Thank you, mon Capitaine! Your medals are a must for my campaigns. They help to make the game much more inmersive.
  25. Armchair Aces updated!

    Armchair Aces Redux has been updated again! Go for the 1.5 version! -New in 1.5: -Roland D.II -Roland D.IIa -SPAD 11 -SPAD 16 -Fixed some typhos in campaign files

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