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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. Errr....Sorry, but there was an error in the first release, making the MiG-15 lighter than MiG-15bis. This is now corrected. As a plus, I have included Ordway's MiG-15 cockpit. It's a Must-Have! Remember: I have done a few changes, but the bulk of the work and all the credit for this plane must be for Pasko, Dave and Ordway!
  2. File Name: MiG-15 Fagot A mod 1.1 version File Submitter: ojcar File Submitted: 17 Jun 2008 File Updated: 20 Jun 2008 File Category: Mig-15 Well, the MiG-15 and MiG-15bis were nearly identical in looks, so I have modded the good ol' Pasko's MiG-15bis into a MiG-15. The Data.ini is strongly based in the new MiG-15bis package from Dave (I love this and the new Sabers). The differences are: -Worst airbrakes in MiG-15 -Different guns. -Different engine -Mig-15 is heavier than MiG-15bis I have touched the Data.ini only. Nearly all the credit must be for Pasko and Dave. It's their work! The external model is the same than MiG-15bis. All the MiG-15bis skins fit in MiG-15. Good hunting! Errr....Sorry, but there was an error in the first release, making the MiG-15 lighter than MiG-15bis. This is now corrected. As a plus, I have included Ordway's MiG-15 cockpit. It's a Must-Have! Remember: I have done a few changes, but the bulk of the work and all the credit for this plane must be for Pasko, Dave and Ordway! Click here to download this file
  3. Thank you Wrench. Nice plane!
  4. Well, you can download it now, here in Combatace!
  5. Version


    Well, the MiG-15 and MiG-15bis were nearly identical in looks, so I have modded the good ol' Pasko's MiG-15bis into a MiG-15. The Data.ini is strongly based in the new MiG-15bis package from Dave (I love this and the new Sabers). The differences are: -Worst airbrakes in MiG-15 -Different guns. -Different engine -Mig-15 is heavier than MiG-15bis I have touched the Data.ini only. Nearly all the credit must be for Pasko and Dave. It's their work! The external model is the same than MiG-15bis. All the MiG-15bis skins fit in MiG-15. Good hunting! Errr....Sorry, but there was an error in the first release, making the MiG-15 lighter than MiG-15bis. This is now corrected. As a plus, I have included Ordway's MiG-15 cockpit. It's a Must-Have! Remember: I have done a few changes, but the bulk of the work and all the credit for this plane must be for Pasko, Dave and Ordway!
  6. Well, my new MiG-15 Fagot A is working very well. I have corrected the weight as well. If you like, I could upload the plane (given credit to Pasko and Dave, of course)
  7. Now we need some Po-2 and Yak-18 for "Bedcheck Charlie" missions. Il-10 and Tu-2 would be nice too...
  8. Il-10 for Korea, F-102, Tu-95, Buccaneer....
  9. Thank you all! I have done my MIG: -Added correct guns -Added engine data from Dassault Ouragan (it had a license copy of Nene engine) -Added air brakes data from La-15 (much smaller air brakes than MIG-15bis) -I haven't touch the Maxcontrols, because Dave's numbers are in fact smaller than yours (I think controls are out at lower speed then) It feels very nice!
  10. How about the MiG-15? I love the Sabres, but the MiG-15 is one of my favourites.... We have only MiG-15bis. What about the earlier version? If possible, redo the FM (I'm impressed with the MiG-17 FM in Charlie's Aces), add a new cockpit and I'll be in heaven....
  11. Il-10 was a two seater, not a single seater. Some Il-2 were single seaters (first series). Il-10 was also a little smaller than Il-2.
  12. Well, I'm waiting for an Il-10 too...IL-10 is faster, more nimble and more armoured than Il-2. It carries less ordnance too.
  13. Well, the real Sheffield was sunk by an Exocet, but the missile warhead didn't explode!!!!! It was sunk by the kinetic energy of the impact, so the strenght of the game's Sheffield is way overmodelled if it can hold two direct impacts (explosion included).
  14. Well, I have downloaded the Tet Offensive campaing and the Readme says I need the RF-4C by Doghouse. Do you know where can I download it? It's not here. Thank you all.
  15. Well, I have done it myself. I took the F-4E (for the long nose), deleted all the weapons and cannon, modded the radar to ground map, terrain avoidance only, add only fuel tanks and a ECM pod, use F-4B engines, and I have a "more or less" RF-4C. Not perfect, but as AI plane in Tet Offensive, it works!
  16. Well, it's funny, but....nobody has this plane? It seems it was here.
  17. Hello! I have a UH-1H Huey that I had download somewhere (I don't remember). I have installed it in WoV and tweaked a little (adding weapons for gunship missions), but it has only a black Special Operations skin. Is there any Army or Marine skin for it? I tried to add some UH-1B skins, but doesn't work (parts of the helicopter without skin). With that and others helicopters (AH-1G for example), and Infantry mod, I'm making a helicopter campaing. Thank you!
  18. It can be very funny to try shot down a F-15 with an ancient MIG 21 and survive....or probably not. (I know there are Mig-29 and some Mirage F-1, but I'm a little masochist)
  19. Don't worry. Exploring the downloads area I have discovered a Tet Offensive campaing. It seems more or less as my campaing idea. Maybe I just play this campaing, adding a couple of units with Uh-1H and Loach (I love these two). Of course, I won't release it to the public, because it's other man work.
  20. Well, Bad Frank has sent me a good Marine skin. Thanks, Frank!
  21. Thank you all! Capun, the LOACH is fine now! A pity you haven't included the cockpit you have in your site. I have tried to download it but it has a password. Is it payware or something like that? Well, with the Huey I'll follow the skinner way...but I'm a crappy skinner. I'm loving the choppers very much. It's very funny dodging AAA and attacking ground targets. After many years of simming, I'm discovering helicopters
  22. Other helicopter question: I have the OH-1A from this site. It's nice, but there are a couple of bugs: the gunners weapons are 23 mm guns instead M60 guns (easy to fix), and the gunners are not skinned (they are white). There are some files in the download to copy in the aircraft folder for the gunners skin, but they doesn't work
  23. And... why not here? A question: It's possible to play the American campaings also?
  24. Oh, man! when are you going to release it? and, Are you going to include some helicopters?

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