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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. What do we need?

    French early tanks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Chamond_(tank) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schneider_CA1 Any plane do you like.
  2. Hello, friends! My new campaign series is finished and waiting admin approval! 15 month by month campaigns covering the air war over Galicia. From the end of Brussilov offensive to the end of war in the Eastern Front. You can fly as a German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and (briefly) as a member of the Mission Aeronautique Francaise! Get it while is hot!!!!!
  3. File Name: Armchair Aces over Galicia File Submitter: ojcar File Submitted: 11 June 2015 File Category: First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Missions and Campaigns Welcome WWI buffs! This new series is a compilation covering 15 months of air war in Galicia Front in WWI. The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the brand new Galicia 2 terrain by Stephen1918. You'll have about 15 mini-campaigns and 150 missions per pilot! The beauty of this approach is that you can follow your fav unit throught the war, or you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Germans did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit. This mod is intended for FE2, but I think it works fine in FE with a little text edit (change all SPAD7_150 references for SPAD7 ones). Click here to download this file
  4. Rumpler C.I updated (again!)

    Don't worry and thank you, friend!
  5. Rumpler C.I updated (again!)

    One of my absolute fav to fly in it! I love the new skin!
  6. File Name: Armchair Aces Redux File Submitter: ojcar File Submitted: 25 March 2013 File Category: First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Missions and Campaigns Armchair Aces Redux by Ojcar Welcome WWI buffs! This is a mammoth compilation of a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Western Front in WWI. The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the two stock maps plus the Vogesen map. You'll have about 39 mini-campaigns and 390 missions per pilot! New in this compilation: - In 1.5: -Roland D.II -Roland D.IIa -SPAD 11 -SPAD 16 -Fixed some typhos in campaign files Click here to download this file
  7. Galicia2 uploaded

    A great work!!!! (as usual) Go to grab it! It's a pity we have no campaigns for this map....
  8. I think they are from here: http://combatace.com/files/file/12950-wwi-ground-objects/
  9. Armchair Aces updated!

    Armchair Aces Redux has been updated once again! Go to grab your 1.3 version with brand new Farman F40!!!!!!!! (Install also Stephen's Airfield for Large planes, please)
  10. Modder Nomination

    I agree! Outstanding map.
  11. New Galicia Terrain - WIP

    Have you try to play with the field guns Data.ini? Maybe increasing VisualRange, MaxVisibleDistance, GunRange or something like that. I have artillery fire in FE2 (when there is something to fire at). My trick is "giving them datalink with recon planes and/or balloons" this way: ViewportPosition=0.0,0.0,100.0
  12. War Movie March Madness Bracket

    Top Gun better than Apocalypse Now, Tora Tora Tora, A bridge too far......among others????????????????? What a nonsense... And where is Paths of glory?
  13. Falco!

    Looks impressive! And, in the future, a Spanish Civil War mod wouldn't hurt anybody........
  14. Farman F.40

    Thank you Crowford. Very useful info for campaigns!
  15. Farman F.40

    Did the Russians use the F40?. I know they used some MF and HF an the F30, but I'm not sure about the F40
  16. Farman F.40

    When you start to move and win some speed, push your stick to raise your tail. Then you can take off as usual. I think it's because you have the engine (and the torque) behind you. The Voisin is easier to take off because its landing gear
  17. Well, I think it's a SF series heritage. You can shot down the Antonov transport plane and I think this affect the enemy supply on some way. I don't like this in FE as there were no true transpot planes in WWI, let alone to shot down a RE8 and cut the eneny supply...... So what I did: I deleted the TRANSPORT in every PrimaryRoles= and SecondaryRoles= of every aircraft.
  18. Request - Thank you!

    I have some shots:
  19. Look here http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ Read their rules and follow them carefully. Good luck!
  20. Request - Thank you!

    Errrr......not a Peter01 Fm.
  21. Weapon attachment angles?

    What are you trying to do?
  22. Weapon attachment angles?

    From the Aviatik DI (185Hp): (the gun is aiming 15º upwards): You should change this: AttachmentAngles=0.0,15.0,0.0 in the [internalGun] And also change GunBoreSightAngle=15.0 in the [FlightControl] I hope it helps you
  23. Farman F.40 WIP

    Don't worry about it. Updating one single plane is easy. Last update had so many new planes I think I changed something in every single campaign!
  24. Farman F.40 WIP

    It looks very good to me. And it's a very needed plane. French Armchair Aces pilots will be happy to have this one in 1916-17 instead the old MF.11c!
  25. Armchair Aces updated!

    I'm sorry to say I have mistaken the Pfalz Eindeckers FMs in this package. I'm uploading a new update with these FMs corrected. Meanwhile here you have the corrected FMs for those who have the pack installed now! Aircraft.zip

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