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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. Italian Front (WIP)

    Man, you MUST finish this terrain. It's easily the most beautiful FE terrain!
  2. ¡Hello! As you know, I'm a mostly WWI man these days, so I fly my SF2 combo (all games minus DLCs) from time to time. So my install is in the April 2012 patch level. I like the WWII to 70s era much more than the modern "fancy radar and missiles" thing. I like it close and personal (machine-guns and cannons). I want an install with: -Korea -Capun's Pacific war and other WWII stuff. -Israel with 48 and Suez pack. -Vietnam with expansion pack. -NATO 5 -Falklands So, what's the best patch for a mix of propeller and jets bug-free?
  3. Hello! I have all A-Team aircraft and ground objects without a issue, so I don't know...... I think you shoud add one by one plane/object and see what's happening.
  4. New to FE2

    Yes, just do the same things in SF1/SF2 terrains
  5. Don't waste your energy fixing. Since the patch has broken the carrier missions, it's sure there's a new patch coming.....fixing one of two things and broken 1000........TK is from Texas, but He has Chinese quality control.
  6. The fix is easy. Go to each Aircraft.ini. Right mouse button. Go to properties. Check "only reading" and that's all! (sorry for my caveman English, my PC is in Spanish)
  7. Sopwith Strutter 9700

    Wow!!!!! the cockpit alone is worth the price of admission! Outstanding job,
  8. File Name: Unsung Heroes File Submitter: ojcar File Submitted: 26 June 2013 File Category: First Eagles Missions and Campaigns Welcome to a very different WWI campaign experience! This is a semi-fictional Floatplane campaign. This campaign start in November 1917, in North Sea. A very interesting month, because in October the German High Seas Fleet, operating in the Baltic, assisted in capturing the islands of Oesel, Dagö and Moon (Google for Operation Albion, please). Also, in November 1917 was the Second Battle of Heligoland Bight (Google for it, please). At the same time Germans kept on sending out their submarines and merchant raiders, Entente forces continued trying to blockade shipments to the German ports. From time to time, German Fleet units ventured out to shell the British coast in an attempt to lure British ships into a trap. And, of course, fishing ships and coastal merchants continue to operate along the German coasts. The German High Seas Fleet remains in the Baltic Sea, and Zeppelins are a menace too...As I said, very interesting times! This campaign depicts the use of Seaplane Tenders in both sides, trying to spot the enemy ships, hunting down the Zeppelins and attacking enemy ships, submarines, and of course planes. Thank you to Stephen1918 for all the wonderful planes, ships, airships and the wonderful terrain......And of course all the texts revision and betatesting! Stephen, you rock! Click here to download this file
  9. Not exactly, but the merchants you'll see are armed with 37mm flack and the seaplane tenders we have are former merchants. Some of them are named just like some of these raiders. So with a little imagination, you'll fight against German merchant raiders or British Q ships.
  10. Version 1.1


    Welcome to a very different WWI campaign experience! This is a semi-fictional Floatplane campaign. This campaign start in November 1917, in North Sea. A very interesting month, because in October the German High Seas Fleet, operating in the Baltic, assisted in capturing the islands of Oesel, Dagö and Moon (Google for Operation Albion, please). Also, in November 1917 was the Second Battle of Heligoland Bight (Google for it, please). At the same time Germans kept on sending out their submarines and merchant raiders, Entente forces continued trying to blockade shipments to the German ports. From time to time, German Fleet units ventured out to shell the British coast in an attempt to lure British ships into a trap. And, of course, fishing ships and coastal merchants continue to operate along the German coasts. The German High Seas Fleet remains in the Baltic Sea, and Zeppelins are a menace too...As I said, very interesting times! This campaign depicts the use of Seaplane Tenders in both sides, trying to spot the enemy ships, hunting down the Zeppelins and attacking enemy ships, submarines, and of course planes. Thank you to Stephen1918 for all the wonderful planes, ships, airships and the wonderful terrain......And of course all the texts revision and betatesting! Stephen, you rock!
  11. FE vs FE2

    FE2 versus FE: FE2 has somewhat better graphics (dx10/11 support against dx9 in FE). You'll have animate water and stock airplanes have bumpmap. You'll also have better framerates in multicore systems and somewhat better AI. You'll also have more airplane versions and AI Sopwith Strutters. On the other hand there is not stock stational terrains (easily fixed by mods), the weather randomizer is broken in campaigns (there is also a mod to fix it) and sometimes the game goes CTD when going to the planning map before a mission........so it's a matter of taste
  12. Maj James McCudden

    The funiest thing is: I have not added historical aces to Armchair Aces. I have set the campaigns to aleatory generate generic aces (he choses betwwen all the British names and surnames, He had could be Peter McCudden, for example). The game has chosen an aleatory James McCudden!
  13. Plane requests

    Errrr........Stephen, wait a little and check PMs
  14. Plane requests

    I know , I know. You are a good man, only a little over enthusiastic. My point is, at this very moment, Stephen is working in the BE2, so it makes no sense to keep asking for it. He knows all of us are waiting for it, but He will not work faster because we ask for the BE2 one time a week.
  15. Plane requests

    Well, we all have our own wishlist and preferences.......but at the end of the day we'll have whatever the modders have in his wishlist, so please, stop to burn Stephen. I know He's so good in his work it seems to be very easy......It doesn't! He spend a lot of his free time to bring us a lot of wonderful mods and each time he finish a mod, people are crying for more! Relax, enjoy the game and all the new toys. You'll eventually have a lot of yor wished planes (I like all of them and are in my own wishlist too). Give poor Stephen a break before he gets frustrated!
  16. North Sea Terrain for First Eagles

    ....And in the standard "two weeks", the campaign!
  17. North Sea Terrain for First Eagles

    And there's the file you'll need to have FE2 water shaders working. It seems Stephen is getting old..... Add this to your wwiNorthSea folder and overwrite when asked (only FE2 players) wwiNorthSea_DATA.zip
  18. WWI Torpedo run

    Very well, because in the water map every target (ships) are valuable!
  19. WWI Torpedo run

    Provided that the AI planes can use the torpedo and not only the player's aircraft (I don't know yet) and with the incoming new Stephen1918 map a Short or a Gotha floatplane would be much better....but keep in mind that only a few plane torpedo attacks were registered in WWI, because in this missions (a torpedo has too weight for such a low powered aircraft) the planes were too vulnerable). Most torpedo planes were used as recon or bomber aircraft instead.
  20. Well, since nobody has done it yet, I just have posted a link to this thread in Thirdwire Forum.
  21. WWI Torpedo run

    Very intersting! Can the AI use it?
  22. And there are people asking for a FE2 patch........
  23. New Seaplane - Sopwith Baby

    Maybe I can make a little campaign when the New Stephen's map is ready...
  24. New Seaplane - Sopwith Baby

    I'll explain: Flanders map is somewhat bigger than stock Cambrai map. They covers same región, but Flanders map, being bigger, has some sea in it. On the other hand I chose the stock Cambrai map to portrait the entire Flaners región, because it has much more airfields than the Flanders map (I needed a lot of airfiedls for late 1918!). So the campaigns named FlandersFront....are played in the stock Cambrai map instead the Flanders one, and you'll be facing enemy units based historically in the entire Flanders región (not only Cambrai). It's the same in Verdun. As we don't have a proper Marne región map, all units fighting in Verdun and Marne regions are based in the Verdun map in my campaigns.

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