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Everything posted by TexMurphy

  1. Firecage Very good find and I do assume that you are right as indeed the AI doesnt use rudder which is extreamly frustrating... Tex
  2. help with campaign code

    Ive experimented with this as abit and Upgrade[01].Month does not seem to do the trick... I still get it when ever during the year specified... Tex
  3. Nieuport 28

    If you update the dates then Id say we are ready... Tex
  4. Nieuport 24

    It is starting to look uber great!!! at some point we need to merge yours and mine data.ini file. Just give me a sout when you want the initial FM put in place. Tex
  5. Nieuport 28

    EmID.... The data.ini needs exact service years... do you have them?? TEx
  6. Nieuport 28

    On the right and left stab... CL0MachTableNumData=3 CL0MachTableDeltaX=0.10 CL0MachTableStartX=0.00 CL0MachTableData=8.354,1.000,-0.865 to CL0MachTableData=8.354,1.000,-0.365
  7. Nieuport 28

    Decided against the usage of LockControlSpeed as it feels strange when it suddenly Freeeeeeezzzze and then un freezes.... I did lower the MaxControlSpeed (value where effectivness starts to fade) of eleavtor a bit but it doesnt do much... Though I did manage to fix one big issue... Before this version when you went into a dive the plane pulled up for you... now it doesnt... Tex N28_data.txt
  8. Nieuport 28

    Could you hold the release just a bit... This thread http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=3941 has given me some new information and Id like to try something when I get home from work today... We will have it ready for release either later tonight or tomorrow though... Tex
  9. WIP - Fokker D VIII

    Id love to do some FM work on this plane...
  10. Jasta 13 Skins

    Dont take this the wrong way and it IS understandable that german skins are over represented in a wwi sim... they had the coolest paintschemes of all times... but still you know nice to have allied skins as well... Tex
  11. Hi-res Terrain Set Released

    Awsome job!!!! you think you could upload it to CA???!?!?!? Tex
  12. community mod project.....

    Funny... I just got home and went straight to the computer to post the following.... "FE Great war 1917 who wants to help build it". What I was thinkin is making a pack of 1917 stuff... planes, skins, campaings, single missions, ect ect.... Tex
  13. Nieuport 28

    196 was my mistake ignore it and use the latest attached fm... alterantivly download the N28.rar Reason you see these times is because Im from sweden and my nickname has nothing to do with the state of Texas... ;) Tex
  14. Jasta 13 Skins

    JFM you know your the skinning pimp, right? You wouldnt want to do a skin or two for the N28 would you? ;)))) Tex
  15. Nieuport 28

    lol... you know Im a moron right... N24 and N28 are names soo much alike.. Ive started the work on the 24 FM and I must have edited my local N28 FM by mistake. The values in the uploaded version are the correct and the latest. Tex
  16. Nieuport 28

    RVH&Tailspin Thanks for the positve feedback guys! EmID I ment the empty inertia... got me self a spreadsheet setup so I can easily calc it for upcomming planes.. ;) Also could you do me a favor Ive got a small typo in the FM.... Under LeftAileron CDdc=0.01295 should be CDdc=0.0195 And Under TopWingTipRight CLa=0.26042 should be CLa=0.2642 Thanks Tex
  17. Nieuport 28

    EmID What Rx, Ry, Rz values did you use in your MOI calcuations?? Tex
  18. Nieuport 28

    Updated FM changes 1. Lift moved to wing tips 2. Speed tuning, 122 is on the deck and fades a bit too qickly with increased alt. 3. Lowered the climb rate to about 1100 from about 1300 The lowering of the climb rate results in a little bit of vertical loss but I do think it was just a tad over the top. Tex N28_data.txt
  19. Nieuport 28

    thanks for the references EmID just to double check... in the n28.ini LoadoutFile=N28_loadout.ini and not pointing to spad13_loadout.ini Also will you have the same node names for everything on the N24? In that case I could start working on the FM using the N28 3d model... Tex
  20. Nieuport 28

    I HATE RAPIDSHARE!!!!! ;) Anyways click the "free" button... wait for ages... select mirror and type in code... download... hope it does download on first attempt or you will have to wait for hours before you can attempt again.... Tex
  21. Nieuport 28

    Wodin look on the first page of this thread the link is there...
  22. Nieuport 28

    Also any specific reason to choosing the less common 24 over the more common 27??? Tex
  23. Nieuport 28

    Or dont detach the vert tail from the tail... that way if the tail is shot off it falls off in one piece... unless the vert tail it self got hit... you should be able to have assymetrical detach... tail detaching from body and vert tail from tail you dont need to have it both directions.. Tex Another question what N24 version we talking? bis or non bis??
  24. Pilot selection?

    yepp thats the best part about this game you can mod more or less everything execpt the code it self..
  25. Pilot selection?

    Entire point of Thirdwires games is that you can extract each and every file from the cat file and mod it... it looks first in the directory and then in the cat file... Tex

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