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Everything posted by TexMurphy

  1. Pilot selection?

    Ive been thinkin about this as well... what if the first names list was left blank and the full names where in the surnames list....
  2. Need help on FM problem

    Read the attached document... http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/charleseaw/zips/SFNotes.zip Tex
  3. Nieuport 28

    That does sound very low... at what alt was that?? The accell at the end is very slow so you need to stay level for a while to get there but it should be 122mph at sea level... sea level is its best speed range.. increased alt means decrease in speed... Anyway Ive done a few adjustments so I still got the speed to fix... Ive done the following 1. Moved lift from top mid wing sections to top wing tips... will make the lift difference between left and right side bigger when wing tips are off... 2. Adjusted climb rate... now Ive got it so that climbing from the deck to 6500 feet takes 5min 24 sec... which is quite good compared to the 6500feet in 5min 30sec which was reported above.. still to do.. 3. Adjust speed to 122mph then I think Im done.. Yeah Id gladly work with you on the N24... Ive done some searches on the net about it and it seems hard to find stats on it... Im sure we will dig up something... And finally Ive got my test plane... >=) Tex
  4. Nieuport 28

    ahh ok...
  5. Nieuport 28

    I dont wana be a pita but the nose.psd is lower res then the rest... intended? Tex
  6. Nieuport 28

    rapidshare... ewwwww... I dont know what peoples obsession is about that horrible site... brrrr... but for the templates... ohhh well its worth it... Tex
  7. Nieuport 28

    @subject of skin Reason Im asking is that I really find the plane lines very thick on the N28... Ive skinned a few planes for Aces High and for that game the default skins are always 1024x1024 (then resized before destribution by the game developers to 512 and 256)... I really dont like thick plane lines especially when it comes to "doors" the little "doors" near the front dont look as good as they could and I really do think its just because the low res... @subject of fm I know the reason why you can land with one wing and Im glad you reminded me. Inorder to minimize the work when tuning the numbers Ive used the mid section of the wing as the main lift area. It should be but Ive used it to a greater extent then it should be. My plan is to redistribute some of the lift to the wing tips. That way when you break em off you will have much less lift on that side comepared to now. Tex
  8. Nieuport 28

    Would it be possible to add high res support for 1024x1024 textures???? Ability for the 3d model to understand both 512 and 1024???? Tex
  9. Nieuport 28

    You rock EmID!! Ill look at the "uggly prop" bug when I get home... Ill leave the FM alone for a day or so... that way we can get more oppinions in... my general take is that it feels very good and is very nice to fly... question at hand is if it is too uber... I need to do more measurements on the climb rate as well.... but I wount be tweakin it daily at this stage... Ive got another question... texture resolutions... can textures be off different resolution levels? atm it does look like the texture on the N28 is quite low res, 256x256 or 512x512??? Tex
  10. Nieuport 28

    Another thing Ive been thinkin about art wise.... moving hammers.. ;) Where would the hammers be located on the N28 guns?? On the inside or outside? Tex
  11. Nieuport 28

    EmID one more thing... the propeller thing... it still gives that strange edgy look from certain angles.... Have you gotten a chance to test fly the latest version yet? Tex
  12. Nieuport 28

    here is the loadout file... as always rename it to ini N28_LOADOUT.txt
  13. Nieuport 28

    Unfortunatly I dont have maany WWI books.. something I do need to stock... The numbers shown by sfabert do make alot of sence... 0-6500 in 5,30 is an avg 1181 feet/min note how identical that is to the http://www.luftfahrtmuseum.com/htmi/itf/n28.htm numbers. Time to alt doesnt linearly convert into climb rate as first part of the climb is a instant climb which is higher then the sustained climb. I will use this information for my ballancing. From the top of my head I would assume that this would give a sustained climbrate of somewhere around 900 feet/min. Ive attached a new flight model. This one is not based on the numbers postd by sfabert. The sustained climbrate is about 1000 feet/min in this one. Its also got improved elevator authority and reduced drag from controll surfaces. Question about this one is... too uber? I do know that the top speed is a little bit off in this one. So dont mind that. Speed is a piece of cake to get right at the end. Tex N28_data.txt
  14. Nieuport 28

    Ok this is starting to get annoying four sites four different climb rates... and we are talkin by a mile!!! 853 feet/min http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Nieuport_28 1181 feet/min http://www.luftfahrtmuseum.com/htmi/itf/n28.htm 772 feet/min http://militaryfactory.com/aircraft/detail...aircraft_id=399 1357 feet/min http://www.airminded.net/n28/n28.html I guess the number variation is depending due to historical source of data... I would guess French, US, UK and German data would differe... so my sudgestion is to pin it at either a avg of the four (1040 feet/min or there about)...
  15. Nieuport 28

    Hmmm that page shows climb rates of about 1 357 feet /min
  16. Nieuport 28

    Thats a good compare... elevators is one of the things I want to change.... can you please fly them both a bit more and provide me with over all feel impressions... Tex
  17. Nieuport 28

    Viper Accelleration and Climb rate go hand in hand. Lift coefficients have to do with climb but just in terms of "how slow can I go without stalling" so planes with equal accelleration but different lift, the one with most lift will climb faster as it will stall later. Though the main characteristic is accelleration, thrust to mass ratio. The climb rate of a N28 is 733 feet/min. The latest FM is in that hood but higher, somewhere around 800 feet/min. There are two types of climb rate, sustained and zoom climb. Zoom climb beeing when you are converting energy from speed into altitude. Example dive, get speed up to 180 mph and climb back up. Zoom climb is faster then sustained climb. Zoom climb has very little to do with accelleration and more to do with mass and drag. A heavier aircraft bleeds energy slower then a light aircraft as the vector force of the plane is f = m*v^2 and its this force that the drag is working against. Equal drag then higher mass and it retains e better. The N28 has low mass which means that it will zoom climb quite poorly. It also has a quite weak engine hence it climbs quite badly. The Pfalz DIII has a mass of 695kg which is higher then the N28s 532kg. Still the Pfalz climbs better 820 feet/min. That would indicate that the Mercedes engine was more efficient or that the german propellers where more efficient so that it procued more thrust. The Albatros DVa is also heavier 685 and has a 180 HP Mercedes engine and subsequently it climbs faster at 907 feet/min. This establishes that the N28 should have a lower sustained climb speed and also since its lighter it should have a worse zoom climb. I think the current FM represents this quite well. Problem is that it should be more nible as well and now we are comming to the problematic part. What is more nible? Well one thing which is obvious is that it has huge controll surfaces and hence it should have good roll, powerfull rudder and a good pitch. But that should also mean that it should have quite high drag from rudder, ailerons and elevators. This with bad energy retention should result in the N28 getting slow fast. With the poor accelleration this should also mean that it has trouble regaining speed if it gets into tight manouvering. That is what I read from the statistical and physical appearance of the plane. Usually nimble is good sustained turn rates and good vertical ability. That is something I just cant see this plane ever having. I can see it having very tight instant turn rate and instant vertical manouvers. What Im working at trying to find atm is a good ballance in the drag from the controll surfaces. You should feel that you bleed E when you crank that rudder but it shouldnt be to a too extencive level. You should be able to instantaniously out turn a Albatros but not in a sustained manouver. Still trying to find the sweet spot there. Well thats some of the thoughts Im workin with. Tex
  18. Nieuport 28

    Note on the FM... I have been working on it at hard setting... please try to test fly it on both hard and normal... Tex
  19. Caproni Ca.3 released

    Balloons are ground targets in FE.... which doesnt make sence but I guess technicaly it was easy to implement... But then again its a stationary target so why not bomb it??? or just circle it and let the gunners take care of it... ;) Tex
  20. Caproni Ca.3 released

    This plane is truely fantastic... very good work Monty!!!
  21. Nieuport 28

    Sorry for the delay in posting this but site was down friday and then there was a patch of powder I had to take care of in norway... ;) Sorry but sking comes before gameing.. ;) I would like to still test this version a bit more and would like some input on it so please fire away. If you have A-Team access then try to test this version vs the Albatros DIII and Pfalz DIII. Tex N28_data.txt
  22. Nieuport 28

    Ok got the climb rate to 780 feet/min which imho is good enough.. ;) http://militaryfactory.com/aircraft/detail...aircraft_id=399
  23. Nieuport 28

    Im a bit torn here on what to do.... Fokker DVII for example has a climbrate which is about 500feet/min higher then what Ive seen mentioned on the web. PfalzDIII from ATeam seems to be spot on in climb rate. Currently (not posted yet) Ive got the climbrate of the N28 about 350feet/min higher then what Ive seen mentioned on the web. Ballance after historical numbers, when available, or ballance relative to TKs planes??? Id say ballance after history... Tex
  24. Hey guys anyone interested in working with me a bit on creating a 1917 campaing? Atm Ive just taken the the 2nd stock campaing and altered it. Nothing historical atm just pitting planes of 1917 against each other. Atm planes included are RAF SE5A (stock) Camel (A-Team) French Nieuport 28 (EmID) SPAD 7 (Gr.Viper's SPAD 13 conversion) SPAD 12 (Gr.Viper's SPAD 13 conversion) Germany Albatros DII (My DVa conversion) Albatros DIII (My DVa conversion) Fokker Dr I (A-Team) Pfalz DIII (A-Team) Atm it is basicly as I said just a non historical campaing that can be had in a few different flavours. Flying Germany is generally harder as the Albatroses are out classed quite alot by the Allied planes. This is intended both as a challange maker but also to show how the german plane advantage got lost right after Bloody April. Starting with a Albatros DII means you will get an upgrade as the campaing progresses. Jasta 2 will upgrade to Pfalz DIII while Jasta 6 will upgrade to Fokker Dr I. Jasta 10 and 11 dont get upgraded they fly their respective planes (AlbD3 and FokkerDr1) for the entire campaing. French side does not get any upgrades in planes. 1st RAF Squadron gets upgraded from SE5A to Camel during the campaing. I wanted to start with an older plane but DH2 feels just toooo old to start with... Anyway what I would want to accomplish is creating a capmaping that is based during 1917, post April feels like a must as we dont have early 1917 planes atm. Plane upgrades would be nice to have as it gives a sence of progression. History is needed and here I need help. What battle from 2nd half of 1917 would be usefull??? Was there any in the Verdun region in this time frame? Campaing so far is attached. Make sure to dl all planes Ive listed above. Tex wwiCampTM01.rar
  25. there are some errors in the progression of planes.... Im still trying to figure out how you can get upgrades in a specific month... Tex

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