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Everything posted by TexMurphy

  1. Empty airfields

    reason Im asking is that I thought one could get the verdun winter skin package to work by just creating a new folder verdunWinter and pointing out the cat file in the ini file... didnt work at all... I really dont get any of the terrain stuff... that frustrates me... Tex
  2. Nieuport 28

    Looks good.. try to see if you can get the fabric damaged with small ripps and shreads on the inside of the main "edge"... think tht wuold look even better.... On the FM when you say not fast enough did you mean it slowed down once you lost the wings?? Tex
  3. Empty airfields

    Does this mean you have actually managed to get the game to load any other terrain then Verdun??? How did you do it??? Tex
  4. Empty airfields

    Ahhh ok so they are in fact planes... I thought they where ground objects.... But then couldnt one do something like this in the _data.ini file for the campaing.... [AirUnit014] AircraftType=SE5A Squadron=29RAF ForceID=1 Nation=RAF DefaultTexture=RAFBrown1 StartNumber=1 BaseArea=Sainte-Menehould Aerodrome RandomChance=100 BaseMoveChance=10 MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=16 Experience=70 Morale=100 Supply=50 MissionChance[SWEEP]=90 MissionChance[CAP]=90 MissionChance[INTERCEPT]=80 MissionChance[ESCORT]=40 MissionChance[STRIKE]=10 MissionChance[CAS]=15 MissionChance[SEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=25 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=50 MissionChance[BALLOON_BUSTING]=15 MissionChance[BALLOON_DEFENSE]=10 [AirUnit015] AircraftType=SE5A_STATIC Squadron=29RAF (static) ForceID=1 Nation=RAF DefaultTexture=RAFBrown1 StartNumber=1 BaseArea=Sainte-Menehould Aerodrome RandomChance=100 BaseMoveChance=10 MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=16 Experience=70 Morale=100 Supply=50 MissionChance[SWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[INTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance[STRIKE]=100 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[SEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 MissionChance[BALLOON_BUSTING]=0 MissionChance[BALLOON_DEFENSE]=0 Making one "shade" squad for each real squad.. this squad having its planes set to the static version of the real squad.. mission type set to well which ever mission suites best.. Id something that you get an intercept mission against... you go to the field and pick them off there... Im just thinkin out loud here... tex
  5. Nieuport 28

    Ok here is the new version of the FM... ALOT has changed... 1. Basicly wings are now smaller. Hence less lift and less drag from wings. 2. More drag now from fueselage to keep speed constant. 3. Increase in mass to correct C1 numbers. 4. Increase in prop effiency to counter the increased mass and lowered lift which gave very bad low speed handling. 5. Even more drag from fueselage to keep speed constant, numbers not excessive. 6. Increase pitch momentum from elevators. Please tell me what you think... Remember we are making a nimble plane which was outclimbed by the Albatros DVa but out climbed the DII... it just barely outran them... If someone could do me a huge favor.. please please.... Take off the plane and climb... make sure to be at a alt where you are not climbing in AGL feet but in true feet (usually swiches around 3000feet)... then measure the climb speed.. how many feet per min does it climb???? Ive unfortunatly not got the time to messure it tonight and if someone can do it within the next 24 hours it would help me a huuuuge lot.... Thanks in advance. Tomas EDIT: Climb is waaaay off.. so still need to fix that which I will do tomorrow... N28_data.txt
  6. If somebody are intrested

    yes please!! great for doing FM work.. Tex
  7. Empty airfields

    yes... adding them to the targets.ini file. Tex
  8. Flight

    how was the skill between the pilots? did you run tests "other way around"? Tex
  9. Nieuport 28

    I was about to sudgest you get whippin on the 17 once your done.. ;)
  10. Nieuport 28

    Ok I test flew the plane with the new FM this morning... I dont know what was going on but I think I was just tooo tired as I was getting my arse handed to me all the time... It did feel much more unstable then before. Especially at low speeds. This aint suppricing as the lift is lower. I do think that Im on the right path with this as it definatly should have less lift then it had before. Only negative thing is that it feels less nice then before based on pure flying joy. As said still needs more work but Ill spend time on it tonight as well. Tex
  11. Flight

    You can never compare just You in plane X vs AI in plane Y... you have to reverse it as well... Does the AI out turn you when it is flying DVII and you SPAD? My guess is YES... Reason to this... AI cheats... AI always cheats... there is no flight sim where the AI doesnt cheat... for example it could be so that AI can apply more pitch then you can... there is a flag for how much pitch the AI should be able to apply... Tex
  12. Nieuport 28

    Ok I got the lift and drag adjusted... now I need to adjust the ai values for the stall speed, climb speed and turn speed.. and need to combat test it had more impact then I thought... will not get ready tonight... gf-ack... ;) Tex
  13. Nieuport 28

    your right and Im the moron... though Im totally confused wtf is going on with the FM... nothing is right today....
  14. Nieuport 28

    Ok on subject of Lift... SE5a has a total wing area of 24m2 according to wikipedia N28 has a total wing area of 16m2 according to wikipedia If you look at the lift CLa and CL0 of the SE5a and N28 you see that they are identical... iirc you said somewhere back that you started with the SE5a flight model... This means that Im fixing the lift... Will hopefully post new _data.ini file tonight. Tex
  15. Nieuport 28

    EmlD!!!!! Get that N28 off your desk and back into the rar ASAP!!!!! ;) Tex
  16. Flight

    Bloody April. Germans scored a crap load of RAF kills in April 1917. They scored most of them flying Albatros DII and DIII. By the end of April 1917 the RAF started rollin out more and more SE5´s and the tide started shifting slightly. By May 1917 the Camel started arriving on the battle field and the germans started loosing air supperiority. But already in March 1917 Richthofen was bitching about how bad the Albatros was and was flying Halberstadt DII for a breif period. He was also supposed to have said that something along these lines "Our morale is so bad now due to our planes that no one wants to be a fighter pilot any more". Killing DH2s, BE2s, FE2s and Sopwith 1½ Strutters in a Albatros DII or DIII is one thing... Killing Camels and SE5s in Albatros DII or DIII is another.... Ok Im not comparing with the french who had better planes then the RAF in April 1917 but still shows my point the Albatros DI and DII where "uber planes" compared to their early opposition but then "crap planes" against their late opposition. Tex
  17. Nieuport 28

    Its not that much work... Ill look at it when I get home... I have no idea about the holes or anything arty... but I do have alot of opinions.. ;) Would be great if you can get the holes sorted.. the damaged nodes look great with the wood structure... the total result with the wood structure and ripped fabric would be spectacular!! Tex
  18. Nieuport 28

    Well it does influence the fight characteristics... lower lift means higher stall speed... higher stall speed means less low speed tight manouvers... What I will do is that I will compare the wing surface area with the other planes then I will compare the lift with planes that have similar wing surface area and make sure they are in the same ballpark. I think thats as good as we can get it. Tex
  19. Flight

    Iv not flown the D7 much but the Albatroses fly like crap because they have a bad engine power to mass ratio and they have a slow roll rate. The fact that they are heavy means they have alot of momentum in the direction you are going. This adds on to the "skidding" and with the slow roll rate it does take ages to get these planes around from one manouver and into the next one. Tex
  20. This is one plane I really wana see in game soon... hope someone gets crackin on it...
  21. Just uploaded a package containing a bug fix of the DVa and new flight models for DI, DII and DIII. JFM provided some awsome skins. So now there are up to patch 1 standard DI, DII and DIII Albatrosses flyable with unique version specific skins. This is as far as one can get with them without a new 3D model. So hurry up boys and whip up some 3D models. ;) Hope you enjoy the challange of flying the early albs vs SE5As, Camels, N28 ect... it sure is a challange... Tex
  22. Nieuport 28

    cockpit with better view attached N28_COCKPIT.txt
  23. Nieuport 28

    Few art things... First the prop... click it.. Then the mono plane version... look at the wires.. maybe they should be attached to the upper wing instead... dont know... click it.. More on the mono wing.... Hmm you know its almost so that one WANTS TO loose them wings... it flies better and faster without the wings... speed going up is natural as drag goes down but Im thinking of lowering the lift of all wings so that it stalls much earlier when missing wings... what do you think??? Tex EDIT: IN the cockpit.ini change to the following parameters MaxYaw=170 MinYaw=-170 this will give a nice check six view...
  24. World War V mod?

    Thats what I ment.. ;)
  25. Nieuport 28

    Im liking the glass!! It could be a bit darker texture but its nice... Imho the FM feels nice... I do wana run a few more tests to see how the AI does against AI... Would like to hear from some authority like Capun what he thinks about it.. Tex Edit: You know I love that render... cant you use it as a hangar screen???

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