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Everything posted by TexMurphy

  1. Im making a Albatros pack similar to the ones already posted but for Patch 1. Ive also discovered something the DVa is way to slow in the TW version. It runs at about 175ish at sea level when it should run at 185ish. My package will include the following. DI 150hp version, correct weight, adjustments to fuselage to simulate the flat sides and adjustments to upper wing to simulate shorter wings then the DVa and adjusted drag and prop efficiency to get 170 km/h speed. (170 km/h is a guess as I do lack topspeed stats for 150hp version, but I do want to use that version to give more veriaty in the variants). DII 160hp version, correct weight, adjustments to fuselage to simulate the flat sides and adjustments to upper wing to simulate shorter wings then the DVa and adjusted drag and prop efficiency to get 175 km/h speed. DIIIa 170hp version, correct weight, adjustments to fuselage to simulate the flat sides and adjusted drag and prop efficiency to get 175 km/h speed. DVa 180hp version, correct weight, adjusted drag and prop efficiency to get 185 km/h speed. If any skinner wants to create a skin to go with the DIIIa, DII and DI as default it would be cool and appriciated. Tex
  2. Cockpit is broke because the padding and guns where moved with the patch.... its up to the creator of the cockpit to fix it... alternativly one can use a Fokker cockpit.... but Id rather keep this one and hence its very easy to swich once the update comes out.. Tex
  3. Pfalz D.iii Released

    on how to reg read following thread http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...858&start=8
  4. RvH looks pretty accurate to me.. ;) A stoopid question... receiver ????? Tex
  5. RVH Could you check at 900-1000 meter as that is where the topspeed of the Albatros is. Tex PC Ill make sure to include it... Tex
  6. 1. Make a backup copy of <install folder>\Objects\Aircraft\AlbatrosD5a 2. unrar Albatros.rar into <install folder>\Objects\Aircraft\ make sure to preserve folder structure * three new directories get created, AlbatrosD1, AlbatrosD2, AlbatrosD3 3. download and install the Albatros cockpit http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=3701 4. Also make sure to install the albatros cockpit into AlbatrosD1, AlbatrosD2, AlbatrosD3 5. Add skins to AlbatrosD1, AlbatrosD2, AlbatrosD3. In the <install folder>\Objects\Aircraft\AlbatrosD5a you will see that there are a few subfolders. All subfolders except the "cockpit" one are skins. Copy one or more of them into the AlbatrosD1, AlbatrosD2, AlbatrosD3 directories. Tex
  7. World War V mod?

    Nice!!!! Once the model is a bit more ready Id gladly help out with the FM... Tex
  8. Please comment on these Albatrosses... You need the cockpit mod, you need to copy it to the directories for all Albatroses and you need to copy at least one skin dir into these folders. Also good idea to backup the stock DVa folder as I have included a moded DVa. Tex Albatros.rar
  9. Nieuport 28

    Ive flown it a bit more and Im still not decided wether I like the side sliping or not. I do guess it is the Cyb (Side force due to sideslip) and Cyp (Side force due to roll rate) ratings that need adjustment and possibly Clb (Side force due to roll rate). Tex
  10. Bristol M.1C

    mmmmmm niiiiiiice!!!!!
  11. Bristol M.1C

    you suck at beeing a tease... come on screenie!!!! Im at work need screenies!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;) cant wait to fly her. Tex
  12. Open .rar files?

  13. Nieuport 28

    feels VERY nice now... thanks for removig that nasty SPAD stall characteristics.... Now one can feel one of the SE5 characteristics but that is ok.. its the sideways power... so when you barrell roll you actually keep going sideways aafter you have let go of the controlls... No worries though... it is a joy to fly the plane... Tex
  14. Nieuport 28

    Climb rate is accelleration... hence relationship between thrust and mass... where trust is the effect you get out of your prop... Once the plane is flying lift has nothing to do with climb rate... lift is only needed to get it flying and to keep it flying when speed decreases... Tex Speakin of which... is it possible to rip wings in FE????
  15. Its gonna be DI and DII with 160hp and DIII with 175 hp rest as I described above. Gonna see if I can do something with the DII view to move it up a little bit. Tex
  16. Nieuport 28

    I guess that explains the very strange stall behaviours I was getting. Have you or anyone else read any references on how the plane behaved?? Was it similar to the N28?? I have no idea personally, hence Im asking. I dont mind drastic unrecoverable spins and stalls if it was similar to the SPAD XIII. I it wasnt or we dont know then I do think it should be changed for gameplay purpose. For me feel is the most important thing and its nice when planes have their own distinct feeling, ofcourse within reasonably historical bounderies. Tex
  17. DT59 Interesting... proves what I said above... TW´s DVa is too slow for a DVa and is propably just a DV on a 180 hp engine.. I need to check that when I get home. Tex
  18. JFM sorry man its me being a moron... the DIII got its Mercedes DIII upgraded to a DIIIa mercedes engine... too much DIII in the same context.. ;) So it is still a Albatros DIII and not a DIIIa.
  19. Thanks JFM. I see the stats you posted where for the Albatros D.III, the version Im thinkin about is the Albatros D.IIIa with the 170hp engine. But if I ballance it on the D.III climb numbers and then add 10hp then I should be close enough. Tex
  20. The idea for this package is just to fill out the void until the real models come out. Always nice to have veriaty in the skies.. ;) Ill do the stats as you posted. Whats your take the difference in height and strutt lenght what would it do to the handling of the plane? Tex
  21. JFM, Great stats!!! Do you think you have stats like that for the DIIIa and DVa as well? Tex
  22. As an answer to JFM. Nope Im not doing any model work just ini work. Id love to model it but Im not a artistical person I can do some skinning but thats pretty much it. So if you feel like making any skins that you wana package with the Albatros package then it would be awsome. I will post the package here so you can feel it out. Dont wana add your stuff to something that you havent tried out. Ill post when I get back home tonight. Tex
  23. Yepp its wikipedia Ive based my numbers on. I dont know how correct they are. Also if it is so that the 150hp version was extreamly rare Im not gonna add it but then Im gonna have trouble differenciating between DI and DII as the only diff will be mass. Im gonna move center of gravity around a bit on them demepnding on what the mass is. So they will still be different. Its up to you guys you know this better then I do. Tex
  24. Awsome... double awsome!!!
  25. World War V mod?

    Ive tried to request Zep carriers as I have a campaing in my head that I would want to do but it does require Zep carriers. Setting would be caribean with England and France fighting each other and Privateer/Pirate/Merces flying from Zeps. Privateer/Pirate/Merces would be flying German planes. This would give a nice rehash of the planes and pit SPADs and Nieuports vs Camels and SE5As. Tex

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