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Everything posted by Guifon

  1. Su-34 New Camo

    Why there is a skin if there is not the aircraft for download ? Somebody knows where one can find the aircraft ?
  2. is there a SF2 version ?
  3. Bomba Nuclear - Brasileira

    Essa coisa que aconteceu nos anos 80 nunca ficou muito clara pra mim, vc conhece algum site que explique isso melhor ?
  4. This need the mod falklands/malvinas 1982 to be instaled in WOI? I think it was only work in SFP1
  5. Mirage III F-5E Tiger MiG-21
  6. MACH2!

    O bom e velho Mirage III, adororo esse caça !!
  7. Dúvidas!

    Olá, a maioria dos mods funciona sim no WOE, e tem vários heli's pra baixar. Esses arquivos devem estar na pasta FLIGHT.
  8. FX-2!

    Acho que vai ser a Dassault, com o Rafale.
  9. I did this to resolve the problem with chaff/flares, just delete them from the aircraft, and play without chaff/flares.
  10. Tem muitos brasileireiros ou lusófonos aqui ?

    Po, tem bastante mesmo ! Eu sou do interior de SP
  11. I tried the same way and many others, and this campaign don't work. If someone knows how to make it work please tell. Guilherme
  12. Hi, I installed the Falklands 1982 All-Inclusive Mod by Edwards in a fresh SF install with SP3.2 but the game CTD in the campaign and single missions I had installed various versions of weapons pack and this don't have any effect in the crashes. Somebody can help me? Sorry by the poor english, i used a translator. Guilherme
  13. This mod runs on the version 3.2 service pack

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