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Everything posted by swambast

  1. Thank God...!!! Recovery complete...talk about a mishap stirring up even greater passion towards progress. I plan to be in a fury come December and January. Wait until you guys see what I have planned next - in my humble opinion it will FOREVER change the way we do scenery design. What once would take potential hours can now be done in minutes - it is a break through beyond what I had ever imagined possible with the project. In fact, I plan to put out a teaser video in the future demonstrating the potential because it is really much more exciting to see it in action, and maybe it needs to be seen to be believed...! Stay tuned for more excitement, I hope I won't disappoint!
  2. Thanks to all for your support, the drive is in the hands of a trusted friend who works in the Forensics field. The latest update is he was able to recover some of the data from the partitions, but I am not sure how much. Also, I had him prioritize getting the family photos/docs off there first of course, as the latest update from him is the drive is physically failing. Thanks again for your support, I will be trying to extract more data over the next few days and report back later, maybe there is a slight glimmer of hope...
  3. I'm going to make this update quick and to the point: I really need your thoughts and prayers, please. I suffered an absolutely devastating back-up hard drive crash of all things...I'm still in a state of shock as almost 500GB of information may be lost and it contained almost all of my Thirdwire development stuff...
  4. Absolutely magnificent...she is a beauty!
  5. God Bless You...may your friends and family find strength in knowing how many lives you touched and made greater...
  6. Hi, thanks for reading. Well, I'm starting to take an increased interest in 3DSM-based simple ground objects. I have had the absolute good fortune and graces of a friend of mine who attends the university loan me an entire computer tower with both 3D Studio Max and Adobe Photoshop Elements on it, so I am doing the best I can to pick this up with the limited time I have. How does one get the .bmp textures to be output into the final .LOD model? I can stumble through getting the object textured in the viewports the way I want (editable meshes, etc.). But what specific steps/commands actually cause the final .bmp texture to be written out into the .LOD file after you export using the .LOD exporter plug-in? When I open the final .LOD in a text editor, there is no reference to any of the .bmp textures I applied /UV unwrapped. Thanks for any guidance here, slowly picking this up. On another note, it seems you very small ground of talented 3DSM modders are all busy working on your projects right now. But if anyone actually has some additional free time and willingness to help train and coach me 1:1 more in-depth in 3DS modeling specifically for Thirdwire objects, please Private Message me!!! Please - I have read multiple tutorials online, but I'm trying to leverage the experience and knowledge of someone who knows the THIRDWIRE modelling world - and I don't see many options. I recognize and appreciate the value of your talents, so please let me know what it would take to make it worth your time and effort. I am really interested in learning this on my own, and not just having the models created for me since that just fosters more dependency and frustration. Well, thanks for reading all and for this great community support.
  7. It's sooo....close...and I still can't find that stinkin' option...OMG.
  8. Just don't quite get it I guess: "Make sure for the slot you are using, that Blinn is selected as the Shader Basic Parameter." - I can't find that option anywhere. "Make sure under the basic Blinn parameters, that the bitmap you wanted is selected with Diffuse." - Yep, think I'm doing that part right... Here is what I see: it's so damn frustrating because it LOOKS like what I want, I just can't get it out properly...LOL!
  9. Thanks much for the reply...I must not be getting the texturing properly applied then, here is an example .OUT: I see the 5 materials read <No Texture> and that must be what the .LOD references when integrating the .bmp textures...looks like I don't understand how to properly apply the texture, even though everything looks right in the Viewports... steeringwh [140 polys, 420 verts (decal)] '19 - Default' Windshield [4 polys, 12 verts (decal)] 'Default' RearTire05 [68 polys, 204 verts (decal)] '19 - Default' RearTire04 [68 polys, 204 verts (decal)] '19 - Default' RearTire03 [68 polys, 204 verts (decal)] '19 - Default' RearTire02 [68 polys, 204 verts (decal)] 'Material #68' RearTire1 [68 polys, 204 verts (decal)] 'Material #57' bottom [84 polys, 252 verts (decal)] 'Default' body [374 polys, 1122 verts (decal)] 'Material #35' Num Nodes: 9 Total: (942 polys, 2826 verts) Mesh Max: (374 polys, 1122 verts) 5 Materials: ( 1) 19 - Default: <No Texture> ( 2) Default: <No Texture> ( 3) Material #68: <No Texture> ( 4) Material #57: <No Texture> ( 5) Material #35: <No Texture> 0 Textures: Points Extents
  10. Hi all, is there a known problem with the af19crates model? After placing the object, the model tends to "bleed" through the ground, and expose the other objects. For example, the object rendered I believe is supposed to be a single crate. If you look at the first screenshot, when you circle the object just right it appears correct. But in general, if you orbit the object, it tends to "break apart" and the model flickers and exposes the entire surface. Kind of hard to explain, but here are some snapshots...any ideas or feedback on this would be appreciated, or even just a confirmation...
  11. Jimbib, I think you nailed it...I'm sure that's the problem. I wonder if anyone would consider fixing it? Anyway, yes Wrench the AF19crates are from Polak's library. Therefore, none of Polak's objects could be legally used by YAP without his expressed written permission since YAP is run for commercial purposes (and of which I am still grateful he granted me permission for my STT tool!). I'll send you another PM on the other stuff...Thanks.
  12. Kevin (or others), I've been experimenting with some of the helicopters and prop planes using WOV with Patch 8.30.06, and noticing that both the choppers and the prop planes exhibit pitching problems, where they will jerk up slightly and then jerk back down, rinse and repeat. It makes flying these aircraft near impossible, as you feel you have absolutely no control over them. I double-checked this by triggering the autopilot to on, and the AI exhibits the exact same bobbing up and down effect described...any ideas on what causes this, and more importantly, what I can try to correct it? Thanks for any insight! Steve
  13. I'm dusting off my TrackIR3 and remember that it's best to map the trackir "center" command to one of the X52 joystick buttons...Can I somehow do this natively via the Wings Over Vietnam Control edits? Or do I need to download and install the entire Saitek SST software, create a custom profile, etc. Thanks for your help.
  14. OK, figured it out. Just went into the TrackIR profile, clicked the edit command to re-assign the "center" command for example, and when asked to select a key I just hit my joystick button instead (that was already mapped to the look straight ahead cockpit view), cool - too easy! I was actually surprised and very impressed to see that the TrackIR software allows you to directly map joystick button assignments...that is great support!
  15. Hey Wrench, this one escaped me for some time, hit me up with a PM when you have an update to share, it would be nice to have this option available.
  16. This is just fantastic guys, thanks so much for your efforts - it will be THE reason I go out and purchase SF2V...!
  17. Hi all, I will be leveraging my Target Placement Tool to the fullest to completely overhaul the Thai Nguyen area to make it more realistic and historically accurate...if anyone has sources to maps, city layouts or any other references, I would greatly appreciate any sources you may be able to provide...thanks! Here is one such layout, but far from ideal!
  18. Paul, that is just PERFECT!!! Thanks a million, I really was "googling" my tail off with limited success, but that is really a great find so thanks much for passing along!
  19. Sorry, I guess I should know this, but is there a way to increase the speed at which the cockpit views zoom and pan around via an entry in the respective *controls.ini? I personally find it too slow and am not really a "snap view" fan...thanks for any insight on this.
  20. Yep, thanks guys...I did get that far, but wasn't sure what values would have the most impact...i.e., "Saturation?" [RangedControl006] AxisControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=22.000000 Saturation=75.000000 ReverseJoystick=FALSE MouseScale=0.250000 UseMouseRate=TRUE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=FALSE SelfCenterRate=50.000000 KeyControlRate=2.500000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=CAMERA_YAW_RIGHT DecreaseControl=CAMERA_YAW_LEFT CenterControl= [RangedControl007] AxisControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=22.000000 Saturation=75.000000 ReverseJoystick=FALSE MouseScale=1.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=FALSE SelfCenterRate=100.000000 KeyControlRate=5.000000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_IN DecreaseControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_OUT CenterControl=
  21. Thanks Umut for your continuing support and feedback - and look again closely at what I posted, there is a special surprise in there somewhere just for you...!
  22. September 2009 Updates: For Starters – Two Functional Enhancements fulfilled out of respect for Wrench: 1) Toggle Display Debug Status: shows current status and offers one click toggle on/off debug updates (simply updates the entry in your Huddata.ini file): 2) Create Test Missions for any Target Area!: Create an instant Test Mission for any Target Area (which also writes the output conveniently right into your Missions folder). The actual Mission body/text is also fully customizable if you do not want to use the defaults…! See screenshot below. Better integration with FSSC: now STT reads FSSC registry settings allowing quicker access both to and from most recently used FSSC files allowing for one-click loads Improved user interface: automatically jumps to the last object changes in your objects listview (no longer requiring you to scroll down to the bottom of the list) The “featured attraction” of this version: Greatly enhanced .INI Flexibility! Delete Target Objects: Now you can delete target objects out from ANY row, and STT in real-time will dynamically update the Target Object #s to maintain proper sequencing! Save .INIs how you want: Make “on-the-fly” changes to Target Areas such as adding or deleting objects and benefit from the real-time numeric sequencing updates, and then with just one click save/merge them directly to your _Targets.INI file or even create a “Single Target Area .INI file” allowing you to instantly load up just that one area next time instead of the entire _Targets.INI list! Real-time “Mission Position” calculator: allows you type in target object x/y offsets, or if you need to translate target object x/y offsets, just type in their respective X/Y offsets and STT will dynamically report out their respective mission position coordinates for the area. And, as you add the new target objects into your .ini, STT will also conveniently write out a comment for that target object entry allowing you to easily cross-reference their values. Example Output: //Target[001]=Position Coordinates 496735,830163 Target[001].Type=S-60 Target[001].Offset=-19265,22163 Target[001].Heading=0 Ad-Hoc Mission Editor to quickly replicate GroundMissions: Used to very quickly add another GroundMission that already exists in the current Mission File - that is, you want to make a copy of it but want it to be in a different position. For example: you want to quickly add more AAA into an existing mission file, and that mission file already has an existing AAA entry you would like to re-use: Click the "Open Mission File" button, and load your Mission File. Type in your X/Y Offset Coordinates and Heading. Click the “Tgt Object” drop down and scroll through your GroundMission entries – note that STT in real-time updates the GroundMission entry with the proper Position coordinates and it appears in the next viewing textbox. When you find the one you would like to copy, click the button "+ Add Entry to .MSN" button and then just click the "Save Mission" button! Done in seconds! Also, ever really liked a mission and maybe wanted to include some of the ground objects as a permanent part of that TargetArea? No...? Well, I have...LOL...anyway, so I made a GroundMission Output Log - it allows you to load up any MissionFile and instantly extract all of the GroundMission entries from it, and the value-add is that it converts all mission coordinates into their proper X/Y offsets!!! Here is an example: GroundMission Output Log Generated at: 09/10/2009 4:03:46 PM Target Area Name=091 Da Nang Air Base Target Area Position Coordinates=636000.00,492000.00 Mission .MSN Source File Loaded: C:\SJSv7_Test_Mission.msn ----------------------------------------------- //Target[001]=Position Coordinates 496735,830163 Target[001].Type=S-60 Target[001].Offset=-139265,338163 Target[001].Heading=0 //Target[002]=Position Coordinates 496735,830163 Target[002].Type=S-60crew Target[002].Offset=-139265,338163 Target[002].Heading=0 ...etc. Here are a few screenshots, enjoy!
  23. 11 Sept 01

    ...today of the victims, heroes and memories of America's 9/11 that changed our Lives forever...may we never forget.
  24. Hi all, I am currently adding some very complex error array checking within my Swambast Target Translator program. It basically parses out all areas and checks for proper target sequencing for every single target area. Now, I use a lot of test VietnamSea_Targets.INI files, so was not surprised to see at first a lot of errors pop up. BUT - when I loaded what I thought was the original VietnamSea_Targets.INI directly extracted from the Master VietnamSEA.CAT Extracts for Patch 8.30.06, I was VERY surprised to see STT report out errors!!! Anyway, is it at all possible that TK shipped the original VietnamSea_Targets.INI with errors - or did something go wrong with my CAT extracts...? Can someone kindly please double check this for me, using the VietnamSea_Targets.INI directly extracted from VietnamSEA.CAT for Patch 8.30.06? Here is JUST ONE EXAMPLE (there are other TargetArea errors reported out as well) of the STT error: "Sequencing Error in TargetArea123: Vinh Airfield - Last Tgt Object was 050 but was expecting 044" and when I review the VietnamSea_Targets.INI, sure enough here is what I see: [TargetArea123] Name=Vinh Airfield . . . Target[042].Type=blastshield Target[042].Offset=518.60,-221.40 Target[042].Heading=270 Target[043].Type=blastshield Target[043].Offset=518.60,-295.60 Target[043].Heading=270 Target[050].Type=vBarrack1 Target[050].Offset=621.86,-226.03 Target[050].Heading=90

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