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About swambast

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    Master Control Programmer

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  1. No, it's not. Besides, who cares at this point?
  2. Dawn Patrol over North Vietnam...
  3. Awesome discovery ravenclaw, congrats!
  4. Uh, that is absolutely excellent for 26k polys, fantastic work and you should be damn proud. Being intentional and optimizing right upfront the base model is the way to go vs. often relying on multiple lower level LODs, well done FLOGGER23.
  5. Intruders.

    Awesome work!
  6. Yeah, but I've already personally collaborated/supported them in the the past and contributed to that project and likewise they in return permissions to WTR, so I don't really see that as an issue unless I'm overlooking something.
  7. Here in the U.S., it is the day after Memorial Day. Still fresh in my mind is remembering and reflecting on the ultimate sacrifices made. And another reminder of how important it is to set aside our differences, and unify our thoughts and prayers around a common purpose. And then each year as Summer heats up, it gets me re-energized around Vietnam as the August Gulf of Tonkin anniversary comes around that escalated everything. And all that got me thinking… The old glory days of widespread Vietnam interest have faded away, and today a much smaller and fragmented approach remains. In my humble opinion, while individual projects and personal initiatives arise that are commendable, it no longer makes sense to continue to stand-up siloed projects. We have eBurger’s legendary SF2V Air & Ground War, YAP and Revamped YAP, When Thunder Rolled, Capun’s Vietnam creations, individual project efforts and more. Every one of these projects for various reasons have decided to “go at it alone” with a select group of participants and insiders. And yet every one of them is re-creating the same things over and over again; offering different flavors/versions like the terrain, aircraft, ground objects, etc. Can we consider a new and perhaps better approach this year? I would like to propose joining forces and the unification of all these projects. Bringing together, where it makes sense and is mutually agreeable, all available Vietnam project components, assets and team talents for those willing. And we set a new quality and ethical baseline, a fresh start, collaborating to ensure we use only purified assets - those that have received proper permission and credit. This ethical approach not only honors the original creators but also upholds the integrity of the new unified vision. One initial plan and consideration could be to deliver the project in phases. Starting with the most important aspects of the war, obviously for me that is Operation Rolling Thunder. And then expand to cover additional campaigns/strategies such as the Tet Offensive, Lam Son 719, and more. Along the way we expand and cover what is needed – such as supporting/major helo operations (LZ X-Ray a must), Search and Rescues including BAT 21 Bravo, Recon aircraft such as Bird Dogs over the A Shau Valley and more. We compare assets, we leverage what is best available from across the projects and where appropriate create a trusted sharing arrangement. And it’s done in a controlled and manageable “piece by piece” approach broadening out the scope covering more and more aspects of the war. I don't have all the answers on the nitty gritty how and what about this, or what about that - I'm just trying to first assess the possibility and potential interest. Let me also say, that I have been blessed and trusted by many modders with literally countless source files, permissible contributions and assets related to Vietnam. Being a Vietnam fanatic, I have meaningful relationships in some capacity with every one of these separate Vietnam-era projects underway, including all project leaders. I am already reaching out to them to further explore this idea and others as well. In full transparency, having access to and being a major contributor to the When Thunder Rolled project opens up incredible new options and considerations no longer exclusively payware and many more options for freeware and donation-based approaches. For example, instead of creating yet another terrain foundation, perhaps the WTR terrain that already included the ground-breaking original/enhanced version with rail lines, Ho Chi Minh trails, NVA camps and countless other details could simply be leveraged - and then simply enhanced for accuracy and "updated" vs. having to “do it all over again.” Obviously just one example, but when scaled to the entire scope of possible assets becomes a major accelerator to enhancing Vietnam-era assets with better options available today. I am wondering if we could set aside and work through our past and differences, and look towards a different future. By coming together and unifying our efforts, we can combine the best of our resources, talents, and ideas. This unity not only becomes a rallying point, but also fosters a sense of community and love for a shared purpose among all participants. We can create a cohesive and powerful tribute that far surpasses anything we could achieve alone. Could this be a possibility; what are your thoughts?
  8. @Wrench Here's one mock-up version, created brand new low poly scratch model. Base texture work with full credit/acknowledgement to Tomas; with additional texture enhancements/modifications by me. Will this work or did you have another version in mind?
  9. Finally got caught up over weekend after long travels on this. Added in some details including the industrial fans, propane welding tank racks, and just had to get some ground crew in there...I have to fix a few scaling issues here and there, but for the most part she's on the home stretch. This is one big hangar indeed. Any other suggestions or comments, let me know - thanks.
  10. Tough crowd... The irony of your post, is it's quite interesting and your eye for detail to pick up on that fact quite impressive indeed. And I like the fact that you proposed a more proper option. OK, let's try to make it better! I did some historical research and settled on this; hopefully a more accurate improvement...
  11. Alright, decent interest. Now just curious, what modding skills can be brought to the table - do we have 3d modellers, texture artists, _data.ini gurus, terrain tile artists, etc. that would be willing to potentially contribute?
  12. Thunderchief hauling ass over WTR Terrain Redux 2.0
  13. TSF Saab 37 Viggen(*) Flygvapnet Package

    I'm confused. What is the concern here? He appropriately credited his specific sources which doesn't always happen these days.
  14. I know the golden era of Vietnam passion is behind us, and many prefer post-Vietnam flying these days. But, I’ve been especially motivated by some recent activities. This includes some behind the scenes discussions with veteran modders. And GKABS recent work with the Intruder, has been really great to see. Beyond this, considering the never ending controversary of YAP stuff, multiple tragedies on the WTR Project and a general lapse in Vietnam-era assets…I thought it would be interesting to start a specific thread for those that still find this Vietnam era appealing. And especially any modders that would be willing to potentially collaborate on projects. From there I had some additional ideas to share if there's enough interest. Welcome your thoughts and comments on this topic, thanks.
  15. Sorry, I really was not planning to post anything, but holy hell...I mean...holy hell. So much misinformation here, makes my head spin. For example, there are countless items from SF1/YAP ported to the new SF2 version as part of that scope - does that mean now it's all ethical, moral and legal...LOL? There are still plenty of concerns with content in this revamp project (not said lightly and supported by evidence). The project leader is absolutely trying to do the right thing, but he's inherited a hodge podge of illegal and/or unauthorized assets that's still used for the SF2 version. And there remains unethical modders that in my opinion stain the entire efforts undertaken. The leader is caught in the crossfire between progress and doing it ethically; please don't make sweeping claims and facts on this topic as myself and many other veteran modders lived through this time then and now and know the real story – and this portrayal is not it.

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