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snapper 21

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Everything posted by snapper 21

  1. The "I'm not going to watch the wedding" thread

    I am sorry, I think you boys are just jealous of us Brits. Take my next few hours. I get a free day off work, the misses has gone to her sisters with the baby to watch something on tv. And I get to watch films or play Nato Fighters or Vietnam Exp with no distractions. Its a hard life Cheers Snapper 21
  2. Name Your Poison of the Day

    Szechuan Style Smoked Chicken washed down with CAFFREYS Irish Ale and to finish the night off, Jack Daniels and coke
  3. I gave it a go, addded the lines as follows at the end of [Fuselage] SystemName[021]=ECM SystemName[022]=FuselageFuelCell5 SystemName[023]=FuselageFuelCell6 SystemName[024]=HideRPylon SystemName[025]=HideLPylon and at the end of the WEAPON STATIONS [RightStationRear] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=10 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.40,-0.95,-0.97 AttachmentAngles=00.0,0.0,45.0 LoadLimit=350 AllowedWeaponClass=AHM,SAHM AttachmentType=UK,NATO,RAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass= PylonDragArea= LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankName= MovingPylon=FALSE RotatingPylon=FALSE [HideRPylon] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=11 StationGroupID=7 StationType=EXTERNAL ModelNodeName=RPylon [HideLPylon] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=12 StationGroupID=7 StationType=EXTERNAL ModelNodeName=LPylon Stlll getting the lines, maybe it is my graphics card. Thanks for the help Snapper 21
  4. Hi whiteknight06604 Thanks for the idea, gave it a try but still get the white lines. Can I ask what version of the game you are running? I have full combined install with exp1 and 2 to jan 2011 build. Cheers Snapper 21
  5. Been thinking about this mod, especially since last Wednesday when I got to work and this was hovering near by. ( The camera on my phone dosen't show how clear it was to see). This was near Fareham, Hampshire UK. Cheers Snapper 21
  6. Thanks FC Its not to big an issue, so will fly it as is. If I spent more time flying instead of looking around I wouldn't have noticed it. Cheers Snapper 21
  7. Thanks Guys Think I have found the offending lines, RPylon (12 polys, 36 verts) 'ERROR: No material is assigned!' LPylon (12 polys, 36 verts) 'ERROR: No material is assigned!' not sure how to edit out those parts, I take it notepads not the best for this. Any simple instructions how to do this? Thanks Snapper 21
  8. SF2 WOV F-104C&D-10 Starfighters



    Credits Aircraft F-104C-10 and F-104D-10 Starfighters Mod by USAFMTL Original Model by Ajunaidr Skins by Sundowner Decals and data ini tweaks by USAFMTL Avionics by Fubar Drop tanks and data by Crab_02 Cockpit starfighter 2 Simple SF2 conversion and bundled together by me Snapper 21. Copy files to your mod folder in my documents. Anything or anybody I have forgotten please pm at Combatace.
  9. Yes, if you delete the mods folder, start the game again a new mods folder is automatically created by the game.
  10. Fellow Brits

    Hi Fellow Brits I saw this http://itunes.apple....nce/id402739422 Have bought my copy, think it would be great if it was number one on Sunday, so if you can give it a go. Cheers Snapper 21
  11. Fellow Brits

    Good idea
  12. Thank you. Was thinking last week we could do with one of these.
  13. Us poor Brits need to be able to defend ourselves
  14. Yep more artistic license, I added the blindfire from the Falkands mod to the detect system. Will get the updated radar from the Libya terrain
  15. Hi Veltro2k This is not a request, no its not:grin:
  16. Hi Veltro2k

    Hi Veltro2k Just checking, could only find the MK1 at Capuns site. Do you mean there is a MKiV coming? Cheers Snapper21
  17. Hi does anybody know of mid war era European theatre skins around for the Hurricane 2c? Cheers Snapper 21
  18. Hi Wrench Found this one over at your site. Have painted out the red round the old machine guns, haven't managed to fix the colour on the cannons yet. Then I found this skin, and the beta at Capuns site. I am in 20mm heaven. Reminds me of a book I read One Armed Mac. Any ideas when the blue grey came into service? Cheers Snapper 21
  19. So I have been playing around with the Mirage Factory F-18A. I Merged it with the F-18E cockpit and avionics file. Renamed it all to F-18C. Gave it the APG-79 radar and the 402 engines with uprated 48900 dry thrust and 78700 wet thrust. So my question is, with this amateurish cutnpaste am I anything close to a late block C model, or should it be called a F-18C+? And just in case anybody asks, no I am not going to release it, its just a placeholder and a bit of fun. Cheers Snapper 21
  20. Hi guys and girls Am trying to get the Mirage Factory RF-4C into WOV2, am having a little problem with the cockpit. So my theory here is, that some items in the original WOV.cat are not in the new version, or not in the same place in WOV2. So started to extract files from original WOV and place them in the cockpit folder in WOV2. And this is what I have so far. So my questions are, has any one got the time to give me a list of images and files needed ? Or better still, could tell me what file calls for these images? I have looked in the cockpit.ini but can't find any link between the file and the images needed. Unless I am being blind Thanks for your help Snapper21
  21. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=3329
  22. Hi eburger68 Added your new airfield bitmaps, and got this result on my first mission. Should point out that getting this shot cost us one RF-4C! Do like the look of the airfield though. Cheers Snapper 21
  23. Amazing mod from an amazing team. Thank you.
  24. Well don't get me to check your home electrics!!! When converting the files I got an extension on them so the game wasn't seeing them. SO I was probably flying over the stock terrain. (STUPID) looked nice though. Have removed the extension and problems come back. Sorry got all excited my fave mod was fixable. Just did a very quick experiment, and I was not flying over the same part of Vietnam. But first mission after installing SF2 I, I had white buildings and white flickering patches on the Vietnam SEA terrain. Resaved all the config files as unicode. Had one more flight, no flickering and brown buildings. If that is all that you have to do, big sigh of relief! Will fly a bit more and see what I can find. Cheers Snapper 21
  25. I before E except after C. Its in our edumication:rofl:

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