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snapper 21

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Everything posted by snapper 21

  1. He got home after taking a sidewinder and landed safely. while I, trying to get a gun run on him, managed to bump into the ground. Master warning light came on so headed home. Found I was missing a main wheel and speed brakes so I ejected over my base!
  2. Mirage Factory Jaguar As before extract these, and place in the cockpit folder. F-4E_ATTITUDE.BMP F-4E_COWL.BMP F-4E_GAU3.BMP F-4E_GAU4.BMP F-4E_HUDREFLECTION.TGA F-4E_PANEL.BMP F-4E_REFLEC1.TGA F-4E_REFLEC2.TGA F-4E_RWR.BMP F-100D_GAU1.BMP
  3. File Name: Viper Pack From AVSIM File Submitter: snapper 21 File Submitted: 28 Aug 2009 File Category: F-16 Fighting Falcon / F-2A This is a pack of F-16s I downloaded from AVSIM before they got hacked. They are from 2004 but I am uploading them here so that other people can use them if they so wish. There is no read me included in the file so I can't give credits, if these are your birds please PM me and I will add credits. The Pack includes F-16A_15 Skins Nation=USAF Nation=Pakistan Nation=Venezeula Nation=Norway Nation=Indonesia Nation=RAF F-16A_IAF F-16B_10 Skins Nation=USAF Nation=Venezeula F-16B_IAF F-16C_30 Skins Nation=Egypt Name=Turkey Nation=Greece F-16C_IAF F-16D_IAF Cheers Snapper 21 Click here to download this file
  4. Well I was adding friendly air defence to my SF2 woe install. After copying each one I checked it appeared in the game. After adding the Stormer HVM I went and had a look. To me it looked a bit light, that is in no way any disrespect to the person who made it:Salute:. Because I took one look at the detail on the bitmap and thought that was beyond me to repaint. Not enough talent or patience. But I still wanted to try and darken it a little, I tried using brightness/contrast but lost to much detail. Then I tried selecting using the magic wand. This came up with a funny pattern and gave me an idea. I put the eyedropper tool onto the Scimitar Green from the Falkands campaign and this is what I got. Not bad I thought, so taking the light green from the scimitar, this is what I got. What do you reckon? Not realistic British army camo, but I don't think it looks that bad. I hereby apologize to all skinners who have done so much to brighten up the SF1 and SF2 skies. My hamfisted efforts are in no way a slur on your talet. Cheers Snapper 21
  5. Hi Baltika Am trying to upload the Viper pack here, if I have done it right should be available soon. I was playing around with your new skins yesterday creating a "F-16A_10_RNoAF", found out that they have an AN/ALQ-126 internal jammer, no need for external pods. I was wondering do we have an F-16 with working brake chute? Anyway really looking forward to your new map, looks brilliant can't wait for it. Don't worry will not be pestering you for a release date, have something to keep me buisy. Cheers Snapper 21
  6. Hi Baltika The only Norwegian F-16 skin I have ever seen was over at Avsim, but it was was for the old F-16 model. I have got it but am not sure if I am allowed to upload it here. Cheers Snapper 21
  7. Try this file http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=3329 Cheers Snapper 21
  8. Sorry Kurfurst I thought I had it, but it was just the folder order was different. All I can say is, that I downloded it from Column5s site and it worked with no problems without having to change anything. Not much help I know. Cheers Snapper 21
  9. Hi Kurfurst Have tried the C7 in SF2 WOE and SF1 WOE DS install, both work fine. All I can suggest is that your download is somehow corrupt. Maybe try downloading it again? Try downloading this file http://www.column5.us/cgi-bin/counters/uni...fir-C7_V1.0.exe daddyairplanes, to get the EF-4C working, I think you would need the Lod files from a SF1 game extracted from the Objects file, an then placed into the EF-4C folder in your SF-2 mods folder. Havent tested this yet though, and am pretty sure the cockpit would also be missing some files. Cheers Snapper 21
  10. Hi Guys Do you mean launchers like the the SA-11 and SA-6 in single missions? Because all I was getting in WOE 2 at first was a lot of mobile AAA and some SA-2s right up to 2010! That is till I started a campaign, now in single mission I have seen and been shot down by SA-11 and SA-6. I have seen SA-9s but not noticed if they fired or not. Cheers Snapper 21
  11. Hi malibu43 Download works fine, and the mod is great. Cheers Snapper 21
  12. Hi malibu43 Just tried downloading the file, keep getting archive corruption. Cheers Snapper 21
  13. Cut N Paste

    I have seen the pics of the D, she looks a beaut.
  14. Cut N Paste

    Hi ArturR I hadn't thought about weight, will give it a go. Cheers Snapper 21
  15. Hi Planejunky Once you have modified the HUDATA, you are putting that file into your C:\Documents and Settings\?????\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\Flight Folder. And not back into the C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Flight Folder and in the options file have mods enabled? Hope this helps Cheers Snapper 21
  16. F-5 Freedom Fighters by the Mirage Factory For the A and C versions, I cheated. I copied all the files except the LODS from FastCargos excellent F-5B cockpit folder into the A and C cockpit folders. For the F-5E I extracted the following files from the original WOV objects.cat F-4E_COWL.BMP F-4E_RWR.BMP f-4e_HUDGlassTop.tga f-4e_HUDReflection.tga f-4e_panel.bmp f-4e_attitude.bmp F-4D_MIRROR.BMP F-4E_REFLEC2.TGA F-4E_REFLEC1.TGA F-100D_ATTITUDE.BMP F-4E_GAU4.BMP While I am here for those wanting these aircraft for there WOV specific installs, the F-5A and C already have Vietnam era skins in the download , but you may want to try the following as well. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7067 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3113 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2905 Cheers Snapper 21
  17. Don't know if anybody has come across this, but I thought this problem was caused by the shadow.shd file which I have deleted from the aircraft folder. Also have change the .ini file from [shadow] CastShadow=FALSE ShadowLOD=F104C_shadow.shd ShadowType=1 ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=400 to this [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=400 But still getting the problem, any ideas? Cheers Snapper 21
  18. Hi Wrench Could you post your 104 ini shadow lines? I have tried this [shadow] CastShadow=FALSE ShadowLOD=F-104G_SHADOW.SHD ShadowType=1 ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=400 but I don't get any shadow???? For the drop tanks I added to the tank ini [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=2000 MaxVisibleDistance=200 And this seems to work quite well. As for the bouncy nose on the runway, have tried using the stock cf-104 values but get pogo stick on trampoline effect.Have tried other values but can't get rid of the initial bounce, any idea what figures I should use? And a general question to those who have download the F-104C-10 anything else that needs updating that I have missed? Cheers Snapper 21
  19. Hi I have a couple of small problems with the RA-5C Vigilante SF1 and SF2 Versions. Also I get them in WOV1 and 2. Neither of them stop me using the plane, just would like to figure out whats going on. The first problem is the front wheel when the plane is on the ground, the front wheel is not sitting on the tarmac. I have tried to adjust the Rolling Radius on main and front gears but no joy. Any ideas? The second problem has really got me foxed. I am not getting any needles working on the second engine ie nozzle, RPM, Temp etc. The thing that is really confusing is the A5A cockpit works fine in all installs. So I deleted the cockpit folder and RA-5C Cockpit config. Then copied the A-5s files in renamed the config and... still no second engine gauges working????? I have also tried creating a new aircraft folder and copying in all the contents in, just in case that made a difference. So just wondering does anybody else get these problems or is it something with my installs? Cheers Snapper 21
  20. FastCargo you are a genius! There were two engines number 1. And changed the shockstroke from 0.2 to 0.5. She sits on all three wheels now. Thanks for your help Snapper21
  21. File Name: SF2 WOV F-104C&D-10 Starfighters File Submitter: snapper 21 File Submitted: 1 Jul 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Credits Aircraft F-104C-10 and F-104D-10 Starfighters Mod by USAFMTL Original Model by Ajunaidr Skins by Sundowner Decals and data ini tweaks by USAFMTL Avionics by Fubar Drop tanks and data by Crab_02 Cockpit starfighter 2 Simple SF2 conversion and bundled together by me Snapper 21. Copy files to your mod folder in my documents. Anything or anybody I have forgotten please pm at Combatace. Click here to download this file
  22. Good God! Turn your back for two minutes loads of replies. Cheers guys just checking I wasn't doing something wrong, will go with what I have got. Cheers Snapper 21

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