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snapper 21

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Everything posted by snapper 21

  1. Hi to everyone that has one of there files on my pc and discs, I come here a lot, and download a lot, but rarely leave a comment. So I felt it was time that I did a general thank you very much to all the modders and skinners who have worked so hard and added so much to the games I play. There are just so many brilliant files to download you could really fill up you're hard drive! Thank You Steve Snapper 21
  2. Hi craigbrierley What can I say except brilliant.
  3. That is a Brown B2? http://richard.ferriere.free.fr/3vues/brown_b2_3v.jpg I am joking! Sorry couldn't resist, expecting this post title to be read and a few choice comments made. On a serious note is the site any use to the genius modders around here? http://richard.ferriere.free.fr/3vues/3vues.html Cheers Snapper 21
  4. Sabre.jpg

    From the album My Pics

  5. I say keep the kb as well, it does take a little more to navigate now, but still has all the good info. Besides where will Wrench write his bible? O/T slightly could we not have the file announcments for just that, the poster saying the file is there. Any discussion maybe in the general discussion forum, the number of old files that get dragged to the top makes it hard to see the new ones Anyway cheers for the kb and to Wrench for his Bible Snapper 21
  6. Thanks ravenclaw_007 that works a treat.
  7. Hi USAFMTL Now I am not trying to start an argument, but are we talking about the same dial, top left of cockpit just under the mirror? If we are I am going nutty because that looks like a clock to me. Have added the F-4J_GAU1 to the cockpit folder as you said in your post. Have attached two pics to show what I am getting Cheers Snapper 21
  8. Does anybody know how to get the clock to show up in KFIR C-7? Have copied the CLOCk.bmp from WOV but still can't get it to show. Its a small thing but would like to fix it Cheers Snapper 21
  9. Hi I have been trying to find out if the F-16I uses just the Litening, or Lantirn as well. Does anybody know? Cheers Snapper 21
  10. So is this cheat any good????
  11. Hi Wrench Have been reading the Knowledge base, and see that you recomend using the Mirage Factory weapons pack for WOI. Does this mean just the weapons folder or the effects that come with the pack aswell? And do I have to do a merged install with the database that comes with WOI? My other question is a general one, I have been using the Popeye in a combined WOI,Bunyap and Mirage Factory weapons pack install. The missile when launched jumps above the plane then drops down below it before the rocket fires. Has anyone else had this? Can't decide if this is a problem with the new weapon editor adding new bits or I have messed up my weapons pack. Thanks for your help Snapper 21
  12. Beautiful planes USAFMTL. looking forward to the updates.
  13. Well I am glad I bought WOI, it looks great and runs not too shoody on my pc. Don't know if thats a full scale map but there seems to be plenty of room for carrier ops! Not a moan but I couldn't lock a Maverick onto those parked planes maybe they are still seen as an aircraft not a ground object, now wheres those cluster bombs!
  14. Well would quite like the Storm Shadow and a TIALD laser designator for the Tornado Cheers Snapper 21
  15. I have an idea, but not being a modder or skinner I don't think I could do anything with it. So I am putting it here for someone to run with it or just shoot it down. My idea is this, take a F-111A from the F-111 package, put a new skin on it, rename and adjust the loadouts and data files. Then using FastCargos idea for adding canards and pylons to the SU-33, add the canoe and fin tip pod on the F-111. As the EF-111 is not a shooter, thought this could be an Ai plane only. Well stupid idea or not? Snapper 21
  16. Well have been looking at the Prowler, and come up with this for the Raven. // Countermeasures --------------------------------------------------------- //ReferenceName=Bunker-Ramo ALQ-86 receiver/surveillance system [ECM1] ReferenceName=AN/ALQ-41 SystemType=ECM_JAMMER JammerType=NOISE_JAMMER JammerStrength=85.0 MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74 MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15 [ECM2] ReferenceName=AN/ALQ-51 SystemType=ECM_JAMMER JammerType=DECEPTIVE_JAMMER JammerStrength=85.0 MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74 MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15 [ECM3] ReferenceName=AN/ALQ-55 SystemType=ECM_JAMMER JammerType=NOISE_JAMMER JammerStrength=85.0 MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74 MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15 [ECM4] ReferenceName=AN/ALQ-41 SystemType=ECM_JAMMER JammerType=NOISE_JAMMER JammerStrength=85.0 MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74 MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15 [ECM5] ReferenceName=AN/ALQ-51 SystemType=ECM_JAMMER JammerType=DECEPTIVE_JAMMER JammerStrength=85.0 MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74 MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15 [ECM6] ReferenceName=AN/ALQ-55 SystemType=ECM_JAMMER JammerType=NOISE_JAMMER JammerStrength=85.0 MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74 MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15 [FlareStation1] SystemType=DECOY_DISPENSER EjectPosition=0.5,-5.0,-1.37 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-8.0 NumFlare=70 [ChaffStation1] SystemType=DECOY_DISPENSER EjectPosition=-0.5,-5.0,-1.37 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-8.0 NumChaff=70 The jammer strength I took from the ALQ-99 pod, put 6 stations because I read the Raven was a more powerful jammer than the Prowler which can carry 5 pods. And finally put 70 flares and chaff because I thought ure a long time dead! What do people think? Snapper 21
  17. Hi USAFMTL Do you know anyone who has time to skin a Raven? Or are there any templates to use? Can't see any in the download section. Hi Wrench Question, would it be better to put a couple of jamming pods from the Prowler in the bombay with the animation from the doors taken out, or go into the data file and add it there? And also any idea where I get that sort of info? Cheers Snapper 21
  18. Well I have played around with the data file, and the only options I now get are long tanks and sidewinders!
  19. Looking on the internet I found pictures of Ravens with no pylons , two pylons and four pylons. The fuel tanks seemed to be on the outer pylons. So I started to edit the data file just to let the outer pylons have fuel tanks, but then remembered the Raven could carry AIM-9s for selfdefence. On the F model these are on the inner pylons, so what I am wondering will it look strange tanks on the outer sidewinders on the inner? Snapper 21
  20. According to all things wikipedia, the Raven was a modified F-111A, that was later fitted with the F-111 D engines. Have noticed that the fin top pod is faired in. Dont know how difficult that would be to do. I was looking at the Canoe from the RA-5c, but I cant get it to show up at the mo. Snapper 21
  21. Yes, have had it when pressing download, and sometimes when going to a second page of a planes download section. Hitting back, then pressing the button again seems to work. Cheers Snapper 21
  22. Hi everyone I would like to create some anti shipping missions using weapons like the harpoon and exocet attacking beyond visual range but cannot find a way of locking onto ships. Is it possible in the game to lock onto a target this way? If not is this going to be fixed at anytime, or in later versions of the game? Thanks For Your Help Snapper 21
  23. I've Moved House

    So you may be thinking whats so important about that, well I now live in Fareham UK and at present I have the Red Arrows doing a show nearby and turning in formation over my house!!! Oi get up higher, watch my roof tiles! And now its the prop boys turn, I think thats a Spit Cheers Snapper 21
  24. I've Moved House

    My deflection shooting with my digi camera wasn't too hot so these are the best.
  25. Yes I am being nosy But

    But can I ask what in the list of forums is the DS Mod Forum? Cheers Snapper 21

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