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snapper 21

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Everything posted by snapper 21

  1. Hi Ravenclaw Have you got an AN-M40? cheers Snapper21
  2. Thanks Torno for another brilliant 190 model.
  3. I am in the dark about all these Mosquitos
  4. Allenjb42 Allenjb42 once you have added Vierlingsflak can we see a re-run of your mission please.
  5. Hi Wilches Beautiful Tempest skins make it look like a new model. Have you got any Typhoon skins? cheers Snapper21
  6. I haven’t finished the book yet, but the attack on the trains on the way to Bac Ninh would be the one so far.
  7. When you have been reading this post for a while and then the book but just realised the link
  8. Hi All Is there a trick to adding different aircraft to your flight and having them armed? For example if I want to fly an F-4G but have the rest of my flight in F-4E I thought just having both aircraft having SEAD load outs would work. When I change the aircraft in loadout screen they come in empty. I can add weapons manually just wondered if there was a work around? Cheers Snapper21
  9. Version


    This is a pack of F-16s I downloaded from AVSIM before they got hacked. They are from 2004 but I am uploading them here so that other people can use them if they so wish. There is no read me included in the file so I can't give credits, if these are your birds please PM me and I will add credits. The Pack includes F-16A_15 Skins Nation=USAF Nation=Pakistan Nation=Venezeula Nation=Norway Nation=Indonesia Nation=RAF F-16A_IAF F-16B_10 Skins Nation=USAF Nation=Venezeula F-16B_IAF F-16C_30 Skins Nation=Egypt Name=Turkey Nation=Greece F-16C_IAF F-16D_IAF Cheers Snapper 21
  10. Is it min and max yaw? MinYaw= MaxYaw= DefaultYawAngle=0 [ASPIDE_SAM] SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=6 TargetType=AIR MissileRange=20000.0 MinMissileRange=500.0 MinMissileAltitude=250.0 PitchAngleRate=45 MaxPitch=65.0 MinPitch=0.0 DefaultPitchAngle=10.0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=45 MinYaw=-110 MaxYaw=110 DefaultYawAngle=0 YawModelNodeName=Aspide_Yaw PitchModelNodeName=Aspide_Pitch MissileLaunchTime=6.0 VisualSearchTime=6.0 ViewportPosition=0.0407235,-59.6908,8.71171 IndependentSearchChance=100 LookAroundChance=100 GunnerFireChance=100 GunnerFireTime=0.5 MaxMissilesInAir=2

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