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snapper 21

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Everything posted by snapper 21

  1. SF2 NA

    Jonathan, I accept your rant about the tilte, to many SF2 NA around, and also the unashamed plug for your own campaign! Yes I have read RSR, and Arctic Victory is quite believable. If TKs game had started with either NATO defending or trying to re-take Iceland, that would have been better. I just don't see how his scenario could ever of happened. As for WOE, while I never live long enough to see what happens to airbases, I like it because you seem to be there from day one.
  2. Hi WhiteBoySamurai As always, cracking looking ships. If you have a plan to make more PLAN, then surely the Sovremenny class and its variants which is winning the poll at the moment would fit the bill. Cheers Snapper 21
  3. Thank you For the planes and the history lesson. Just had to go and find out about Cupid! Cheers Snapper 21
  4. I voted for everything I could, simply because any of it would be good. But I guess the Sovremenny, Kidd or any of the JMSDF ships would be most interesting.
  5. Hi WhiteBoySamurai About that alternative data.in. Yes some of the visual vertical launch is lost, but the ship is just an awesome weapon. I had a simple test mission, two flights of Su-24 attacking one Kongou, my plane flies on auto pilot all the way. With the normal data file which uses the weapon system, I got close enough for my second flight to attack with dumb bombs and get one hit. All planes returning to base. With the data file using the gunner system all four planes shot down before 8 miles to target. For me the gunner system is the way to go, hope you do the type 23 as well. A big thank you for bringing us these brilliant ships. Cheers Snapper 21
  6. Not trying to be difficult, but can I say airwarfare Kirov? If not, will it be possible to copy info from this version to make it so? Cheers Snapper 21
  7. Hi WhiteBoySamurai Your Kirov looks awesome, I am looking forward to the challenge. I don' t think just turning up with a couple of misiles on a plane will work against this ship. I reckon a full strike package with jamming support will be needed! Cheers Snapper 21
  8. TK set his E-2C to AircraftCapability=DAY_ONLY?? Is it a mistake, because surely the E-2 is up night or day, or is it a game thing? Cheers Snapper 21
  9. A big thank you to all the team I have just taken off in a F-14 from a moving carrier in the middle of a moving battlegroup, brilliant Thanks again Snapper 21
  10. Hi Kodiak Try here http://combatace.com/files/file/8548-british-isles-terrain-beta-04 Cheers Snapper 21
  11. Hi WhiteBoySamurai The Type 23 guns don't seem to be working. The main gun wont engage, and the side guns are not moving. I looked in the data ini and there looks like there are two guns number 1 and 1 number 2 but no number 3. Cheers Snapper 21
  12. Hi WhiteBoySamurai Thanks for these updates. Are you planning to update the type 22 we have here? Cheers Snapper 21
  13. Hi gerwin Works a treat in XP. With the new loading screens and your terrain have a whole new game. Cheers Snapper 21
  14. Plane on the ground and the refuel hose is retracted
  15. Try this search data in for DummyComponent=TRUE on the [LeftStab] and [RightStab] and change them to this //DummyComponent=TRUE It worked for me. Cheers Snapper21
  16. Oh my GOD!!! Get that Tico refitted MaxMissilesInAir=2
  17. Hi Gerwin Tried Iceland terrain with water settings low, had a quick flight and it looks quite playable. Cheers Snapper 21
  18. Force DX9 dosen't work, I get the error message below. But to be honest, I don't think my old PC meets any of the game requirements.
  19. Hi ndicki Yep I did, installed it with all my other SF2 games, and my results so far. SF2NA will not start up, when I bought it I was half hoping/expecting it would start and run like a dog but I don’t get anything. That was the bad news. The good news is that so far in SF2E, on the waterworld map, I get lovely carriers with planes on them, lots new ships and planes to play with. One reason for buying SF2NA is that I want to take off from a carrier on the Vietnam map in a campaign with other ships around. I am keeping my fingers crossed on that one I can run TKs Iceland map but the sea is just white. I will try some antiship missions in SF2 later to check that I am getting missiles from all launchers not just the front one. So far I am quite happy with the results, though a lot more testing is needed. Cheers Snapper21
  20. If TK dosen't hurry up I am going to spend my money on something else, maybe a new Itunes playlist instead. 1) A Day's Wait 2) I Can't Wait 3) I Don't Want To Wait 4) I Will Wait 5) Just Can't Wait 6) If I Have To Wait 7) Lets Wait Awhile 8) Only Heavne Can Wait 9) Stretch Out And Wait 10) Tomorrow Can Wait
  21. Come on TK release it soon, if your store had carpet I would have worn it out by now!
  22. I think we are still looking at a WIP. I have just noticed in the last batch of pics that USS South Carolina is missing its Phalanx.
  23. Hi Fubar Will give removing TKs probe a go, though wont we be knackered if TK adds in flight refuelling, they look in slightly different position. I hope yoi get permission to upload the changes, they do look good. Am I right in thinking you have CCIP in the cockpit? I have been trying to add that myself, but without a weapon selected I lose the gunsight totally?? Cheers Snapper 21
  24. Hi NeverEnough That worked a treat. Thanks Snapper 21

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