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snapper 21

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Everything posted by snapper 21

  1. Microprose Sea Power Early Access

    It's on my Steam wish list!
  2. Thank you ravenclaw looks brilliant, I now have enoigh bombs to finish the mission
  3. Best New Maps

    I find Korea a very interesting map to fly over. As for Afghanistan, I think there is one in Falcon I wonder if that could be ported into SF2 world?
  4. Hi ravenclaw_007 Jut checking, did you ever release this little beauty for the F-104G? Cheers Snapper21
  5. So if you start the game it updates the ini file. The only time I have seen what you get is when either Texture.ini is missing or the skin folder name has changed without running the game.
  6. Has your aircraft ini file got the skin details? [TextureSet001] Directory=10TFS Name=10th TFS, 50th TFW Nation=USAF Squadron=10TFS Specular=0.200000 Glossiness=0.200000 Reflection=0.150000

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