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Posts posted by verde13

  1. In theory, if you have the original SFP1 desert terrain, it should be a matter of a VERY few minutes to move it over into SF2.


    1) extract Desert_Data.ini (as you'll be making some small edits to use the new terrain effects)

    2) create /Desert subfolder in you /***/**/ThirdWire/-nameofgame/Terrains

    3) copy/paste the contents of the Desert terrain folder out of SFP1 into the above named /Terrains folder -make sure the desert.cat is there!!!!! (or just copy/paste the whole damn thing into the /Terrains folder

    4) open Desert_Data.ini, and where the terrain effect callouts are, change to:

















    save and close. that should it bring it, at least partway, up to SF2 spec. BTW, it'll work even without the new shader lines, just won't look as nice for you lucky people with DX10.


    5) download, unzip, install the Desert3 mod.

    6) go fly


    at worst, since the tileset is already included, you can edit the catpointer line (as I always show in my terrain mods), in the Desert3.ini to read something like this:






    now, you can select any other terrain cats. NOT advised to try and use the IsrealME cat, as it's different.



    kevin stein



    Hi guys.


    I'm glad there's widescale approval of this project. Makes it all more worthwhile also to know that there haven't been much problems with it.


    Sorry I haven't got back on this sooner, but for those who might be wondering whether Desert3 would be workable in the other SF2 titles; sure!

    As an experiment I copied the Desert3 folder over to the SF2E terrains folder and flew a single mission with everything the way it should be - no problems at all. So if you've already got SF2 as well as other SF2 titles and you want to use Desert3 in, say, SF2V - you don't need to install the Desert.CAT in the folder.


    For those who have some SF2 titles but don't have SF2, Wrench is correct. Just follow his instructions above and it should all be fine. The terrain itself started out in SFG and when I moved it to SF2 it worked without any problems. I only needed to make some INI adjustments in order to take advantage of the changes that TK made. So the Desert.CAT file from SFP1/SFG is suitable for the job at hand.


    Thank you both.

  2. Go in the appropriate campaign's Data.ini, until you find something like this:













    This is from one of the SF2E campaigns, but the format is the same. Find your preferred aircraft, and change the "MissionChance[CAP]=" to a higher number. The example above says that in that campaign, the particular aircraft will have a 70% chance of flying a CAP mission in the mission/role selection. Same thing for any other aircraft.


    I know, i have the CAP at 90. Still no CAPs are generated, except for those sweeps who appear as CAPs thanks to Eric's fix.


    You're going to end up bombing Vietnam most of the time anyway expecially when the MiG squadrons are decimated.


    I expected this to happen, but so far both at Rolling Thunder and at Linebacker I the MiGs appear in greater and greater number as the campaing progresses, despite them getting slaughtered. In one mission my flight downed 7 for no losses only to encounter 15! at the next one in the same area some 3 days after.


    Also 99% of my missions are strikes and escorts when i used to also get SEAD, armed recon and of course sweeps.

    I have a feeling that something is off.

  3. I believe CAP's are generated in the campaign over ground units when there is a ground war going on. Are you trying to get CAP's in the Rolling Thunder or Linebacker campaigns? There is no ground war.


    The Steel Tiger and Easter Offensive campaigns have ground wars, but no enemy aircraft, so CAP probably won't work there either.


    This looks like something close to what I said...




    Anyway, the way the SF series works, you could just fly Escorts and Fighter Sweeps. They all play out pretty similarly.


    I tried both Rolling Thunder and Linebacker with no success. I know that CAP in SF is virtually the same with Sweeps and Escorts, i just wanted them for immersion and historical authenticity. Seems strange not to have any CAP missions in Vietnam when a significant amount of kills resulted from this kind of missions.


    Anyway what i don't get is how come i can have CAPs as single missions and not in campaigns...

  4. I've got a tiny problem. I've been trying to get the campaign to generate some CAP missions, but so far no luck. I've edited the terrain file so that CAP is an allowed mission and i have given my squadron(F-4B) in the campaign file 90 % chance of getting CAP. Still no luck, even though i can fly CAP missions in the single missions. Have i forgotten anything ?

  5. Recently i'm encountering a very strange problem with the SF2V expansion pack. I've lost all radio comms. Nothing is heard even though the subtitles display normally. Also F-4's cockpits display sometimes with parts of them white. The really strange thing is that i only get this with the campaigns. It can happen with the single missions but very rarely. I haven't been able to pinpoint which object might be the culprit since i've got no audible radio comms with a variety of planes ( F-4, F-8, F-105). The white cockpit parts however have only occured with F-4 variants. If i take out the objects folder then everything returns to normal. I just don't get it.

  6. Just did a fresh install of SF2V merged with SF2E. No textures on the J-6 Farmer C.


    Absolutely unbelievable work with this package. Have spent the afternoon flying F-4Js with VF-96 in Linebacker I. Good work.


    I have the same issue. It's unrelated to this package though. I posted about this at Thirdwire official forums but unfortunately nothing could be done:missing .

    By the way, thanks for the help with the Owl Phantom. Problem resolved.


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