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Everything posted by verde13

  1. Truly outstanding work. One issue though: No numbers are visible at Mig-21 PFV, just the national insignia.
  2. True VAPAF Complete

    Truly outstanding work. One issue though: No numbers are visible at Mig-21 PFV, just the national insignia.
  3. I got this excellent Superbug package but i'm missing the F-4E_lights.TGA for the AoA in the cockpit, which now appears as white blocks. Since i don't own any of the First generation TW sims could you please update the package with the missing TGA file, or even better just post it ?
  4. That would be excellent ! Wish i could help but right now i'm lucky if i get a hour of flying time per 3 days.
  5. I've searched in the knowledge base, tried some things however i just can't change the default F1 cockpit view with the greater FOV F2 view. Any tips ?
  6. Regarding the issue with more ships i found this old thread at the official Thirdwire forums; don't know if it's going to help though: Support Ships
  7. Greatly looking forward to this, however i have a request: Is it possible to add more ships around the carriers in a task force fashion in the Navy campaings ? Would make a hell of difference. Anyway great work.
  8. Any good contacts with the Greek AF?

    Good luck !
  9. Unless you get hit and catch fire, it's unlikely that you'll realise that something hit your plane. No sound is played when a missile or shells hit your aircraft. Many times i've switched to external view and in suprise discovered that my plane was full of holes of which i couldn't account for. Is there any way to add this feature ?
  10. Any good contacts with the Greek AF?

    Based on my experience with the 111 C.W. i'd say that it's highly unlikely. However you never know. Here are the contact informations of their P.A office. Maybe you could send them a letter or a fax. PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICE 115 C.W. 115 C.W. Αkrotiri Souda 73100 Τel. 2821005001, 2821005051 Fax. 2821045970 And some info about the unit itself: 115 C.W.
  11. I found your megapack. Excellent work ! Thanks for your help.
  12. Could you elaborate a bit more ? Are there files available for download ?
  13. I'm in search of one since i'd like to network my AAAs. I saw that FastCargo released one, but i can't find it. Any help ?
  14. which will be released after TW's official patches ?
  15. I've got some really weird results after two missions in Rolling Thunder. The first one was against a bridge which i hit with 5 MK-82s. Yet at the debrief i got mission failure ? The log says that i destroyed the bridge. In the next one my target, a warehouse was hit by friendlies just as i was starting my run. I got " Mission Accomplished.RTB". Back at the base i was awarded the Air Medal for someone else's success ?. Also it said in the citation that i recieved it over Hanoi China ? What's going on here ?
  16. All right then, but what about Hanoi China ? Any way to fix that ?
  17. Hi all, i've been around for about 2 weeks and i just can't find two files: Deuce's Enchanced WOV tileset and carrier lights at night for WoV. I did searched but came up empty. Thanks
  18. Thanks a lot Gerwin, really appreciate it.
  19. Oh i already have CA_ Stary's and Brain's excellent work. I was just curious about Deuce's. And using the CVN is unfortunately not possible since i'm flying in Rolling Thunder. Thanks anyway. I've seen some screenies of YAP terrain. Is that Deuce's?
  20. Thanks guys, that's pretty much what i came up too: nothing. At least now i know they aren't available anymore.

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