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Posts posted by Coyote

  1. ok now see, Global got my blood boilin...god sometimes peeps can be so ignorant..why is it that the world is so jealous of America? ok, ok, I dont wanna get started..let me stick to the task at hand..I believe since this IS a US fighter, all the pics being posted seem to be fitting..correct me if I'm wrong, but we only gave these birds to one other country in the middle east, and it was a watered down version. So why not put our flag all over it!


    I mean if any of you nonamericans can give me one good example of any other fighter that can top the cat, well of course, once again, the US does have better fighters, but come on, how long do you think another countries Air Force is gonna be in the sky with US pilots...UNMATCHED!


    And Global, if your ever in the Chicago area look me up, I'll be glad to give you some one on one time :twisted:

  2. :shock: wow some really good hangers goin in..Look at Dueces all american hanger..Does the Cat ever take a bad pic?? anywho, some asked how long it would take me? well, I dont know...This is my first model in awhile, and its turning out to be a difficult one at that..the Cat doesnt have the typical shape of other aircraft, then theres the skeleton. I'm trying to get the wing sweep in there, the airbrake, the tail hook, and trying to figure out what to link the canopy to. I wanna get a working canopy, I've seen alot of requests for those, so I figure I wanna get it on my model. I think what I need to do is approach this in another way. I'm trying to do too much at one time. I need to work one thing and go on to the next...I will release screens when I get the wing sweep worked out..I've also decided that when it is released its just gonna have a bare metal finish no squad marking, then release some squad skins in weeks after.

  3. As I slave away at work, I thought damn I gotta get home and try and get these intakes right on this A model cat..I thought well, I have to comeup with a loadout image, and its gotta be packaged with a hanger screen too..Then I thought why not see if MadJeff would host alittle contest here..we could have the community members submit screen shots of there Tomcat hanger screens, then have the community vote the bvest one. Then I would package the winners submission with the final product, as well as credit them in the readme..not a big prize, but I think this cat is gonna be one of the biggest releases since the AH-1...so what do you guys think? MadJeff can we do that??

  4. Although the Tomcat was built for the Phnx Missle, would it be fair for the migs in SF?? I mean talk about no challenge...anyway I WONT be doing a phnx missle..I will leave that up to someone else, because I dont want to have the neg feedback from all the Mig pilots who are gettin ate up by them, lol..and a thanks for the pics of the cockpit...my head hit the keyboard, I might be doing a simplified version, lol..sorry but DAMN! I will get it superclose, but I think it might need to have some things left out..You guys rock tho! One thing I wanna know is, would it be better to connect the wing sweep with the flaps or the throttle? See I was under the impression they were some how connect with the thrust of the jet..please correct me if I'm wrong..

  5. I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that The Den is still live, I havent had a chance to work on any skins lately because I have a new project. I started modelling again. I have done some modelling for Microsoft flight Sim 2k. I dusted off my tools and begun production on my favorite plane, the F-14. I figured this game needs the Tomcat. I have some basic model stuff down, and am working on getting the wing sweep working. I also am hoping to get a working canopy. My main objective is to get the wing sweep to coincide with the thrust levels. I'm working closely with some of my buddies from the MSFS comminuty to get this bird lookin sweet.

    I will put out skins as time permits, but my main focus is on the Tomcat. If anybody could post tech data, or even a cockpit pick (dont know if it exists) that would help me out when I get to those steps.

    I will post pics when I got something worth lookin at!

    Thank you guys for you continued support!



  6. Thats ok Buff, like I said in my skinning tutorial research is my first step. I did find the picture you have posted, but I went further then the first thing I found...I dug further and found that the 767 not only trained pilots for the RN but also the RAF. The RAF used this camo scheme. They also used the Navy Blue, since like I pointed out above they trained pilots from both services...heres the picture I chose to do the skin from...


  7. lol, thanks man...your gonna have to send it to me so I can post it on my site...I got some great new skins coming for this week also....I was doing some research last night and found some squadrons that arent that well known...beautiful skins tho...mainly F-4's, and A-4's.....I have also been gearing up to some skins for these new planes coming out...like the Saab mainly, but have some quality stuff for the sabre as well...I tried to contact the designers to see if I could get the textures early to get some skins ready to release at about the sametime they release the new planes..anyway stay tuned...Also I am shooting for friday releases on at the Den now, due to me working some much overtime...Sprint is keeping me busy working on the network with thier upcoming upgrades to PCS vision...


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