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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. It is a bargain at that price. I didn't mean to say it was expensive, I've spent more for a lot less. From the vids I've seen, that no one seems to have any major gripes about the game, and the "feel" of community you guys have here.. it is a very appealing purchase. I'm just feeling the squeeze at the mo what with Xmas coming and all, gaming shall have to wait for the new year. Glad to hear it can get to Plymouth quickly, I only wish the trains and buses could manage the same
  2. Only two things keep me on the fence from getting into this, and that's finding the Ubisoft DVD so I don't have to load the disk every time, and getting enough cash to afford it! Maybe Christmas someone will think of me (friends and family who read this hint hint)
  3. Depends how old the MiG-21 is, older ones had a combining glass, later ones had HUD.
  4. Just wondering if anyone else has got this problem. I've had 5 files downloading now for well over half the day, and at 169B/sec one will take a further 2 days to dl. I thought it may have been an ISP limit, maybe they mistook the internet activity for peer to peer but that doesn't seem to be the case because other files from CA download all the time lightning fast, even alongside the problem ones today, NF4+ fix pack for example completed in under a minute. Files in question are Lindr2's Mig 27 and 23 files. Anyone else getting slow speed with these or just me?
  5. Hi, I did try the second download link for "http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6576" but in this case, there isn't one. Issue was resolved by downloading different files of the same mod. Cheers, Gwyn.
  6. Thanks rscsjsus5, retried the downloads and got them all in 2 minutes! Strange interweb day. Now to get these into SF2E/I!!
  7. Seeing as all of today has resulted in just 3.7 Mb out of 42.5Mb and 3 days left to go.. what have I got to loose. I'll try asking Graham my flatmate to turn it off and on again. Thanks.
  8. Thanks mate, the result was ping 45ms, download 2.40Mb/s, upload 0.45Mb/s. It says with that speed an 800MB file would take 44 minutes to dl, this sounds about right as Thirdwire games take about that to download. I would try those tips regarding flushing the DNS, resting the router, but I have been waiting for these all day, and if memory serves me right, this is exactly why i gave up on some of these before. Did you manage to get a good speed on these? Thanks for the tips!
  9. While I never met or conversed with Bpao, the enormous contribution he made to the Thirdwire community was unmistakeable, his reputation will endure no doubt in this community. My deepest thoughts and condolences go out to his family and friends. Such times really make me appreciate so many of you, people we may never meet in life but are still a big part of our enjoyment in life. I feel a prayer may be in order tonight, for Bpao, his family and all of us really.
  10. I just tried it, didn't work so far. I remembered to take out the cat file reference in SouthVietnam.INI so it isn't that. I put the new cats both into the main terrain folder, not in the mod folder. Will give it another go. Riiiiight! Er,m can't quite follow, so do you make a cat file of the SouthVietnam and mod VietnamSEA folders first, as I just tried, or do you dump the whole lot into a folder with the extracted GermanyCE and remake as GermanyCE cat, and then what should be in the mod folder if anything?
  11. I must have been dreaming, but I was sure it did work! Tried again and all I got was flickering between loading screen showing 90% and the game but not pretty. I had the same result with Vietnam North and South. I noticed in the options ini that while antialiasing and use advanced shaders are both set to 0 in my (as of last night) still working SF2E October install, the Vietnam install was set to antialising 4 and shaders 0, so I set aliasing to 0, bingo! Game loaded fine, took off from the airfield but didn't see one tree, but just as I retracted flaps the computer froze and I got a blue screen. I'll give the laptop a break for a bit, no more testing for a while.
  12. Removed HDR plugin, not using advanced shaders gives me an improvement on FPS with HDR plugin in pre October version of SF2 series, averaging 16-22 (limited at 22 so will take a look what happens unlimited). Green hell as implemented in Eburger's Vietnam mod seems to be fine! I removed previous install of the Vietnam mod and made a copy of SF2V.exe to make a new mod folder, applied all the fix packs and walla! Works just like it did.
  13. Found a british guy i like

    Well at last! Every point in that speech felt like the hammer hitting the nail on the head and driving it in. I'd love to see just how the media (and their junkies) would survive living in the Gaza strip as a normal person, not as a celebrity journalist pandered to by a bubble of Hamas cheerleaders, but just as ordinary citizens, wouldn't be long before they would be begging the IDF to come rescue them.
  14. Aye, I'm struggling to get more than 3 fps top on my laptop using the SF2I executable, but nothing much different with the other, patched, executables still jumping anywhere between 1 to 18 fps. In Saved Games, Thirdwire folder, the options ini shows that for all other patched versions of the SF2 series, use advanced shaders is set to 0, turning this to 1 produces the same 3 fps death choke on my laptop. I tried setting this to 0 for SF2I and have noticed a slight improvement, now I get 8 fps about 5 times a minute! Just waiting for defraggler to see if this makes a difference.
  15. Happy happy joy joy! I can't wait to see what's new and improved! Only 10 mins to go!!!
  16. Thank you for the hard work on this project. SF2V will never be the same!
  17. Life - What Makes You Happy?

    Very good question,indeed! I've been down in the dumps recently trying to work that one out. Beer, alcohol in general, and you can extend that to drugs on or off prescription are not, I believe, the key to even manic depression (although I would never advise anyone else to come off their meds without consultation and monitoring via a normal health practitioner!!!) Alas, tonight, after three nights of trying to work it out in my new "home" in the South of England.. I figured that what I was missing was.. training! Training makes me happy, that feeling that you only get when you have been working out your whole body to the maximum limit and beyond. The feeling that you get when you faint from over exertion and come back only to work harder! I know that with time, I will regain my energy, regain my healthy taste in foods (I had a tuna salad tonight, instead of the usual pizza) I will be harder, and fitter, able to work longer and better, I will feel more confident with my peers, I will smile more, I will do more, I will live more, if I need to defend myself in a fight I will be better able to do so, I am more likely to interest girls (in that way) and more over, I will need less invasive medical help later in life! All in all, training makes me happy in the sense that ordinarily, the things that used to make me happy don't anymore, my enjoyment of life has virtually dissipated unless in the company of my girlfriend. As nice as it is to be happy with someone, you should never base your own happiness on someone else because one day they may not be there. To be happy in myself I have concluded that I need training.
  18. Coolie Hat sensity

    Welcome mate! Glad to see some interest in this sim. I have recently downloaded Free Falcon 5, Free Falcon 4 (known as Red Viper), Open Falcon 4.7 and have already sourced AF disc.. lo and behold, turned out I had a long forgotten second hand F4 disc from years ago, sans manual unfortunately. As to which is better, I understand that it is a simple case of none is better per se, but that each has something that the others lack, with Open Falcon being the most obsessively detailed simulation in the true sense of the word simulation. Free Falcon is not at all far behind in terms of simulating almost everything and is light years ahead in terms of graphics whereas AF gives you a much easier learning curve with the advantage of a much more stable (as in less likely to crash) experience. As I have not even begun to fathom the controls of any version yet, all of the above is taken from reading tons of forum pages discussing the pros and cons, perhaps the most succinct being post #5 here: Which one is better? Could the coolie hat sensitivity be configured through the controllers settings? I seem to remember setting up sensitivity and button sequences outside of games with both Sidewinder and Logitech controllers from configuration menus accessed in XP Control Centre. What Joystick are you using? Have you tried Track IR type stuff? How are you finding the learning curve? Have you actually completed any missions? I'm so excited to do all of this myself soon for all Falcon based games and DCS Blackshark, if only could get some more freeeee time!!!
  19. Birthday's Galore

    Indeed! all.
  20. Lockerbie bomber most likely getting out

    Don't stress too much, given the vast amount of holes in the case against him and the fact that Gadaffi himself turned this guy out of the country in the end, plus the fact that Islamic bombers usually fight over each other to claim responsibility in order to ensure "martyrdom" while this guy has all the while maintained he is a patsy makes me wonder if this could ever have been the end of the story. No doubt the real perpetraitors are either known personally by Gadaffi or at the least are traceable through his offices, but the idea that Lybia would ever reveal the paper chase that leads to one of their very own trusted assasins is ludicrous in the extreme, in this case of Lybian exported personage, I say caveat emptor.
  21. Tofu

    Same for me, hit or miss. I prefer the harder, more rubbery kind of tofu that you can squeeze gently without it splintering into slippery slivers of watery nothingness, others prefer the silky smooth texture of said soft tofu. Yet more depends on the spices with which it is cooked as the substance itself has very little flavour. I use a lot of dark soya sauce, a drop of oyster sauce, ginger, garlic, crushed dried red chilli and perhaps a little cumin or coriander seed depending on what else is going with it.
  22. I'm going away for two weeks (real time) so won't be updating more files until then. Rest assured I will be straight back to it as soon as I'm back! Have fun in the meantime.
  23. Happy birthday ezlead !

    And many returns of the day!

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