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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. Although it may be years away, the great thing is that when it comes out, seeing as hardly anyone are developing flight sims anymore, it won't be competing against products backed by major software companies and so won't look dated. Perhaps the trouble with having the market flooded with flight sims as it was in the late nineties is that the big companies can afford to make flashy looking products a lot quicker than everyone else purely down to having the money, but this emphasis on looks killed a lot of the better games in terms of gameplay as to make money the designers had to race head to head with everybody and their uncle releasing ever flashier looking games. It is to an extent reassuring that the jet Thunder team are taking their time in creating what seems by all indications to be a feature and content rich game engine that is easy to mod. I think a lot of people if not most that mod Thirdwire games will at least give it a try when it comes out.
  2. RAF Cosford Airshow

    Oh no Gutted. Hope you had fun day though! Maybe we could have a CA contingent get together for next year. Cosford has always been on my list of must sees as I lived in Wolves for nigh 6 years and can you believe I never made the time to go!? They say it has a certain charm lacking even in the larger displays such as Biggin Hill or Farnborough.
  3. Also, I doubt that: Just look at the amount of users and downloads on this site alone! I think CA form a considerable majority of his fan/user base and we certainly are not a mod fearing community who would rather pay $5 than take the 5 minutes it takes to read a readme!! (then again who reads those anyway, we just all know how to do it from osmosis..)
  4. The major obstacle for me from even considering purchasing one of the additional single aircraft packs is that I can't see TK using the income from them for anything like such content changing progress, more likely if they are a success then they will probably end up funding more of the same for another few years. I don't mind paying for progress, just it would need to be something pretty major in the Thirdwire paradigm to get me excited after all these years. I hope I don't sound greedy, but single aircraft added to the same game engine would not really enthuse me to part with $10 a time, unless there was a clear indication that major change was being considered as the immediate beneficiary of the new revenue stream.
  5. hi..so who misses me lol x

    You are on a bed that has your rear facing up for the whole world to see... in Italy.
  6. Props to the West Midlands Police

    I hope the children can get some revenge on the characters who did this to them, the evil witch and the consumers of this kind of thing should be kept rotting in the toughest prisons for the time the kids are old enough to pour hot oil into their evil faces.
  7. RAF Cosford Airshow

    Ermmm me feels me made a huge mistake.. I had the impression that the airshow would last 5 hours total, starting at 0830, therefore closing at 1330... but you say they closed the gates at 1330 and I feel that you mean the actual airshow start time did not correspond with the opening of the gates.. therefore possibly the train that would have got me there for near enough 11 might just have been adequate to catch the majority of the show. Oh well. Spilt milk I shall certainly be booking tickets for one of the other shows this year!!! Unfortunately won't be able to make Yeovilton either as I'll be going South from up North just a few days later, and can't skip the North part!.
  8. Bombing the hard way is exactly that.. hard! But some basic physics gets you in the right direction, remember that the faster you are travelling, the steeper your dive angle and the closer you are to the target at release, the closer the bombs will fall to the centerline. The bombsight is depressed to 50 mil radians by default, there is a good example attack profile set up for this exact setting in the sim hq article Pureblue posted above. You will miss most of the time, this is normal for you are human and can't be expected to work out all the physics involved in every attack just off the top of your head! Most pilots where never Einsteins or Hawking hence why easier modes of bombing where developed in the first place. However, if you don't have the luxury of pgm's, ccip or some other form of bombing aid, do what they did in real life and drop lots and lots of bombs to make up for inaccuracy! Also, remember that the closer you are, the easier you will be shot down and a downed aircraft and crew most of the time outweighs target destruction, sometimes it is better to miss and send someone else to go do it, or come back yourself another day. In one sense it is frustrating, however it does give you a better sense of what it was really like than to have ccip on every plane like arcade games.
  9. Orders change...

    I want one of those!!! I have a sweet spot for cars with wood. And the two rows of lights make it look majestic. Also the green matches my army parka.
  10. hi..so who misses me lol x

    Thank God! It was getting too quiet without you! :yes: So glad you're getting better, every time I eat an eccles cake I think of you. Many kisses back.
  11. imho it's not about having aircraft for the sake of having them like a pokemon gotz to have them all mentality. As beautifully rendered (on high end machines) as some models are, it is ultimately for me about gameplay, it is about what you can do with it, not what it looks like in a screenshot. There is only so much the game engine can do. I feel it more and more with aircraft that are totally un at home in the Thirdwire world, particularly mud movers that relied on some form of computerised bombing (to some extent this can also be said of the Thirdwire default planeset) I desperately wish that something really new would be added to this series for me to do, rather than to look at, a few new key combinations, a more detailed mission planner, a feeling that what year the plane was built makes a difference i.e. not having to drop bombs using only iron sights in an F-4E in 1976 as with an F-4U in 1946. I suppose TK doesn't want to change his formula too much because if it worked to get all us into the games for this long it must be doing something right! Trouble is, how many of us have truthfully been resenting the limits of the formulaic attack profile for years now and how many will be left come the next few years, will there be enough young guns to take our place? I think TK needs to breath some fresh air into the gameplay as a first priority, even ahead of graphics, and that would most likely be achieved through more detailed avionics above all. After all, what use more cunning AI or better ground defences or more objects to bomb or effects to unleash unless you actually have to do "new" things with it all as opposed to just seeing new things but doing the same old? What do you think? On that bombshell I shall bid you all a good and pleasant night.
  12. Take for example aircraft carriers, perhaps Thirdwire might take the road of offering extra carriers or even a whole taskforce object set to buy, but ostensibly this is not beyond the scope of third party creators to make anyway, and so is in my view rather boring. What would be bloody brilliant is if for the price of the add on or even a whole new game, Thirdwire offered the consumer what cannot be made by anybody other than Thirdwire such as a fundamental improvement in the experience of carrier landings from a working meatball, lso commands etc etc etc etc
  13. Easy a couple hundred aircraft in my First series install and about 132 for the Second series. I'm determined not to let stuff get into my Series two mods folder that doesn't pass stringent quality control tests (usually calculated as a product of how much fun it is to fly or blow up over how much of a FPS hit it entails) Edit: Reason = talking out of my arse.
  14. Here are some pics of the real pit if it helps It's something I would really, really like to build but as a first time modelling project ETA 5 years. Perhaps by that time there would be a method to drop bombs without resorting to combination glass or HUD as neither of these devices are to be found in the real bone. It will be ace enough for now to see the AI do some stuff with these! Great work guys and or girls!
  15. Happy birthday to me!

    Fellow Geminian, and many more to come!
  16. vanessa..member

    Aye, get better soon chicken. All the best!
  17. Wow!!!!!!! I am drooling over the RWR, and the prospect of an up to date F-104 pit. Time to put away some pennies to buy this as soon as it comes out!
  18. Art theft...

    Completely unacceptable I think. If it was only one example, one could pass it over as potential coincidence but given the number of examples on that page alone it shows complete disregard to the original artist not to attribute the original image as the basis for new work. If she had tried very hard to make the images radically different, like having different expressions on the faces, or portrayed from different angels then that would be less offensive. It seems she has taken original images, done the bare minimum to make them look like her own work and then claimed money out of it. Sickening.
  19. The answer

    The government did it
  20. 49.8GB, 112,270 files in 9,170 folders. But the purge continues, I hardly ever use some of the stuff so am trying to trim down and hesitate to download just for the sake of downloading as I used to years ago.
  21. Excellent news! I didn't get round to trying them out yet. I'm on a WW1 bender at the mo, will probably get back into early jets soon! I am pre empting the FE2 changes by editing the decals.ini for each plane slowly and making an appropriate folder in the decals folder.

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