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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. Level bombing aids, optical gunsight(s) for First Eagles, WW2 and so on plus some kind of radar cue/mode for the 1960/70's and perhaps more accurate ccrp modes for 1980's onwards.
  2. Testing the RAF's F111K for nuke delivery duties. Performs splendidly! Two bombs, two airfields, same result KABOOM
  3. I tried the advanced shaders on my pretty mediocre onboard graphics card and suprise suprise I actually get lower FPS. I did see a massive improvement in the shading and textures but unfortunately no nukey flashy smoky stuff. However, the other little bonuses of running in SF2 environment are more than worth migrating I think considering the advantages of having a merged install, better avionics code, much smoother and better graphics even on my lametop. Now all we need is WOE2 and WOI2, like Pokemon you gotta catch em all!!
  4. Thanks for chiming in with that info MGySgt Sir! Seems you have identified an area we need to look into i.e. write those lines where needed. (Edit: I see you have already done it! So onto step 2) I'll try that next and see what setting uses advanced shaders has to do with it, if anything. A huge debt of gratitude is owed to you for the enormous amount of hard work that must have gone into collating, editing, testing and finally releasing your weapon pack! In other news, I just finished my own franken mod weapon complete with crayola repaint skin and really appreciate the hard work that the real modders do all the more for that. Hope to release if anyone is interested, it's a jerry rigged WE.177B (don't hold your breaths on this it's a real POS but at least it's the right colour and goes BOOOOOM!!!)
  5. Lexx's nuclear effects pack won't work in SFP2 either. This seems odd as all the other effects appear to be working, can anyone else confirm that they have working nuke effects in SFP2? Maybe I just missed something obvious.
  6. Has anyone else got nuclear effects working in SFP2 yet? Maybe I am being dumb. I have Killer Bee's weapons pack installed but noticed the lack of nuclear effects despite being included in the pack. I made a separate mod folder to test if CA Stary's Enhanced Explosions 3 pack would work in there, and still no nuclear effects.
  7. As a next best thing for LABS or similar, try giving the aircraft a CCIP if it doesn't have already, then toggle pit off when you initiate the climb for the lob as the ccip will fall below the visible part of the cockpit, zoom out the view so that you have the maximum FOV to see when the ccip passes over the target area. This is by no means precise and will not give you perfect hits with dumb bombs for example, so I find it a reasonable compromise for those systems seeing as they weren't 100% accurate by any means. When delivering nukes though, close is good enough! However, I have been messing with the viewpoint settings to try and free the virtual head so it can swivel between the pilots knees and look behind him so to speak, in the hope that in a virtual over the shoulder lob, the ccip could be visible behind the aircraft, unfortunately this does not work for two reasons, the hud doesn't extend that far to the rear hemisphere of the aircraft (no values seem to have an effect on this so seems it is hard coded, this is also the snag for sideways facing ccip in gunships), and by extending the FOV that much, the inputs become reversed past a certain point which really knackers situational awareness in the most delicate part of the manoeuvre.
  8. HR 45

    Totally That is the key issue that gets thrown out by the extremists on either side, the anarchists who think that there isn't a need for ANY restrictions, licensing, checks or anything at all that goes between an individual and their gun, and the woolly minded hippies on the other side who don't trust any civilian to have a gun no matter what.. those extremists spoil the fun for everyone else and cloud the real solution to the problem which is give people a chance to behave decently with guns, but more importantly, DO something about the black market and the criminals that use it.
  9. HR 45

    C5, I agree with those points to an extent, but two additional things would concern me from abandoning all restriction. First, the focus of any gun law should be to target the criminals, e.g. those who don't buy guns legally but from the black market, where are the proactive efforts to find and destroy those weapons going to come from without laws that clearly demarcate legal from illegal gun ownership. Secondly, I can't speak about what will happen in your part of the world because I don't live there, but from what I know of the UK and Greece, having the authorities know exactly what gun you have, who you are, where you live and even a thumb print is a huge disincentive that aids a person to "cool off" before making a decision on when and how they use their weapons, in a total free for all, some areas would suffer I think from an increased level of shoot first, regret later incidents, but of course that is not guaranteed to happen in all places, that depends on the underlying culture of the people. Big city anomie is totally an other world to mountaintop village, but the citizens of a country are all equal so I suppose any law faces the awkward balancing act of reflecting the needs of society regards the best behaved people, and the lowest common denominator. A big stick works like a charm for most people to behave decently, the stick needs to be there though for the idiots, but the main conclusion I can draw from my experience of guns in the UK and in Greece is more needs to be done to stop the black market, to get rid of the gangs and the criminals, stop them at their root like feed them to the sharks, or send them off on rafts across the Med.
  10. HR 45

    Any restrictions! Of course there are! It's not quite Afghanistan yet My girlfriend's father keeps two shotguns at home and an air rifle that would be over the legal limit here is considered a non issue in Greece. The shotguns have to be kept in a safe place of course, legally the responsibility is down to the owner to make sure a burglar can't just come in and take them. All guns have to be notified to the authorities and licensed according to use, for example, target shooting means you can own your own pistol and take it to and from the club with you so long as it remains secure at all time, not dangling from your hip like desperate Dan. Hunting is very popular all over Greece so most people that own guns do so for that purpose. There are exemptions for people who can prove that their life is in danger to carry a gun concealed on their person (+ max 30 rounds). However, in the very mountainous and out of the way areas like Mani, Olybos and much of Kriti, the people are very civilised yet have enough weaponry to hold out against an army, it is not uncommon to hear everything from muzzel loaders to lugers or even automatic weapons being fired into the air to celebrate births, Chritenings, weddings, birthdays, graduations, passing a driving test, a football team win, cancellation of a soap opera (men), or to complain about cancelling of a soap opera (women) and especially to celebrate Easter and New Year! It sounds a lot worse than it is... the thing is that people who live there don't go around shooting each other, guns are not looked at as a manly way to settle a dispute, so it is very unlikely that a fight will result in a gun being drawn, it is actually unlikely that a Greek man will carry a gun to a fight anyway because this would imply he is a little wussy who can't fight like a man. There are a lot of cultural reasons why I would not feel scared at all walking at night through those areas, compared say to walking through Sparkhill in Birmingham (at any time of day) that's why I think gun laws often do more harm than good as they do little to stop the wrong people from getting guns, and from using them. Certainly sensible and fair gun regulations are helpful, but nowhere near as necessary as having a little culture and morality in the population, that though is something way beyond the scope of some lines on paper as this law is.
  11. IDF's version.. what what in the butt :P

    but.. but.. in the BUTT!!
  12. IDF's version.. what what in the butt :P

    Disturbing! They want to do WHAT!
  13. HR 45

    At the minute, mine too! Can't fault it for putting the fear of God into the enemy when they see great white storks distributing Nuclear babies into every cove, corner and city. It's MAD I wish you guys hadn't brought Springfield Armoury XD up! I just read about them and saw some pics... they are to die for! 16X .45 ACP from a polymer body that doesn't look like it needs a degree to take down. I wish we could even have a debate about new gun laws in the UK, unfortunately that's about as unlikely as O'Bama banning the sale of guns anywhere in the Continental US. Ah well. Maybe if I behave Santa Clause might drop one through my chimney this year. Or maybe they might still have reasonable laws in Greece by the time I get citizenship, who can tell.
  14. I'm sorry 531_Ghost.....

  15. Happy Birthday Column5 and Crab_02

    :HB: Guys!! And many more
  16. HR 45

    Lexx: I can see which way this would head if I reply to your points Lexx, so I'll leave it Completely OT, but what is that in picture in your signature? Looks strangely futuristic yet old.
  17. HR 45

    I think you're onto something Eraser. I think the problem in any responsible society is that for sane gun laws to have any purpose at all means that something has to be done about the illegal guns, otherwise as you say, all they do is penalise the legitimate users. However, to give up all attempt at legislating on guns just because there are always going to be illegal guns is extremely defeatist, similarly the argument that because there is always a black market fro drugs, we should legalise everything. The sane and rational approach I think, with drugs and guns, is to first tackle the gangs running these markets, secondly to have fair and context sensitive legislation that protects the right of the individual to do, more or less what the hell they want with whatever they want in private, or in the company of other consenting adults. I'm still not going to be too happy thinking about a bus driver under the effects of crack in his shift, or carrying a gun for that matter, he can do those things in his own time and place.
  18. Wikipedia has a good picture of the X-4, might help for reference. - Picture link
  19. Hot Sauce

    I can't stand chilli sauce that tastes of vinegar. This one is pretty good, it's reasonably hot so not for beginners, but there is still some lingering vinegary taste. Can't beat fresh home made chilli sauce made with Gwyn's secret mix of 8 spices, 3 herbs, canned tomatoes, excessive amounts of Garlic and gratuitous amounts of nagga mirch chilli!
  20. Swine Flu

    Oh my! If that happens, I am definitely going out to infect as many of my neighbours wives as possible! Get some!!
  21. It's a nice idea, but has a very limited usefulness due to the constraints of the game engine. If the Auto pilot could actually fight, drop bombs etc itself, that would free you up to sit in the back and find targets and so on, but you would still need the game engine to allow you to fulfil a useful function, telling the pilot what is where and so on. But it is good that people try these things, that people bother to think about it helps I suppose, to generate interest and hopefully, the interest that young modders see from this generation will bear fruit in the coming generations of developers. I hope to be playing simulator games until I am as old as the hills, because one day it will be everything we dream of now, and more! Can you imagine chatting with your friend online, and you both decide you want to play the game, you both choose to fly an F-4, so between you, you decide who is going to play RIO and who will be the pilot. On your screen, you see only your part and your friend sees his. Imagine sitting side by side in an A-6 or F-111 and turning round to actually see the face of your friend on the screen :yes: It will be a funny feeling explaining to my grand children that I remember my father telling me about those funny looking jets, and that I even saw them in museums and air shows before going and playing them with them, perhaps like if my grandfather was alive, for him to see WW1 aircraft in games today. Point is, it will take a very long time to get there, but each step taken now is less that needs to be taken later. I believe the Chinese know of a similar expression well :yes:
  22. Swine Flu

    Something interesting about the nature of this global over reaction. The confirmed cases of the virus in Mexico was 91 as of last night's news, the population of Mexico was 109,955,400 in 2008 according to the CIA figures. This nonsense is ridiculous, for every sick Mexican, there are 1,208,301 uninfected persons, and they are the worst hit country for with it! I think that puts it into some perspective. I'd be more concerned about the kidnappings and drug violence if I were living in Mexico :groupwave: :groupwave: :groupwave:
  23. Happy Birthday Ravenclaw

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
  24. Plenty of calcium and Vit D for your bones to heal! Take it easy and get better soon!
  25. Swine Flu

    Well this one is a Mexican wave! :groupwave: Sorry, but that had to be done.

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