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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. HR 45

    That's a very good point you bring up FalconCAF, I thought about that point about the physical tests and thought perhaps it was to say limit someone with Parkinsons or some other illness effecting motor neurone ability from shooting unaided, I mean I am not diableist in the least, but I would not feel comfortable at a range next to an epileptic with a cocked gun, and that is in no way a slight or a joke about the person, just that probably a little common sense would apply to such situations. I think very few physical illnesses warrant a total exclusion from firearms, in fact I can't even think of one! So long people who need assistance are given that assistance, then cool!
  2. Happy Birthday Major Lee

    And many more returns of the day!
  3. HR 45

    Not necessarily, have you heard of a four winds canon? Not that I have made and tested several of them as proof of concept models cough cough. I agree in terms of sounding reasonable for Europeans given our much more limited firearms laws already, this would actually be a progressive step for many of us! I also agree that the requirement to drive a car is woefully unnecessary unless that part is only for drive by shooters. But the part about keeping out of children's reach presumably relates to unsupervised access rather than under responsible adult supervision? I think the biggest stumbling block for a lot of people will be the clause about fingerprinting and physical/mental tests, many people tend to be suspicious of "them" saying they are mental, because they are part of this or that group for example, or not a supporter of some issue or other. I can sympathise with that given the Nazi abuse of laws allowing incarceration of the insane to put away dissidents, likewise in the Soviet Union. But I wouldn't worry about that at all in the USA or EU nations, then again it is the principle I suppose. It's a tough one that, let insane people get licenses too or no... hmmm Personally I would go with the law and if at some point the government did go Nazi, I'd rely on my own ways and means After all, no government on Earth outnumbers the people it represents, look at the roots of Karate, the Okanawan farmers practised smashing wooden planks to simulate smashing Samurai armour. In the event of repressive regimes, I am very much a believer in the spirit of people to stand up and use their ingenuity to overthrow "them".
  4. As nice as widesky is, one thing I really couldn't go back to is life without the darkening sky as you climb past 50,000ft. Does your mod address that issue?
  5. I noticed something too, not sure if it's a "problem" but this is what happened to me. I was chasing a flight of Beagles armed with the default loadout of infra red and radar Falcons plus rockets. I got a beagle locked from his 7, flying lead pursuit. But try as I might, I could not loose the weapon, even at 1 mile, a couple hundred feet below and still at his 7, I only allowed myself to get that close out of curiosity why the missile wouldn't loose off. I reasoned that the tracers were just a little too close at this point so switched to rockets and hosed him, not a single hit, so slammed the boards out, switched to the heater Falcons and downed him with one shot. I have read that the real Falcons weren't very impressive, for example the G being useless after 2 minutes due to running out of sensor coolant, but I would have thought the F would be able to lock on a Beagle sized target from within 5 miles no problem. Perhaps I was unlucky, will try again later when I finish work.
  6. HR 45

    I wish we could have that law in the UK!! Seems about perfect for us, except two things that jump out as unfair, I don't drive, does that mean I can't have a gun? Secondly $25 just to fill in a form and get it processed. I think that cost should be absorbed somehow through tax, maybe an extra penny in the pound on ammunition or something like that. I can see this isn't going to go down well in America though! Oh dear.
  7. First thing your doing on JET THUENDER

    Harrier CAP for sure!! Having met Simon Weston, I would love nothing better than a chance to alter the course of virtual history by downing the Skyhawk before it hit the Gallahad. Having said that, I wonder what he would do if he had that chance, seeing as they are friends now Simon's story - link. I think this particular game will be one where I will be flying both sides, both with a little sadness and a lot of respect. Great aircraft, Great men, sadly not so great politicians on either side. Keep up the great work Dante and crew!! :fans:
  8. Exactly! I love the fact that each side has killer A2A in close, and can reach out and touch you from BVR, means you have to think a lot more about how you're going to do things. I veer more towards A2G myself though.
  9. WWI & WWII music.

    That is a very cosy trophy room you have there! And some nice tunes! I seem to remember different words for Mademoiselle From Armentieres. I remember it from years back listening through my fathers LP's, two of my favourites included this one clicky linky, also, with the same title funnily enough another clicky linky it might be worth looking out for them on i tunes if you're into songs from the World Wars.
  10. Just Found This......

  11. British task force

    That is the most frightening tractor I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! If Welsh farmers ever learn how to do such a thing, the world will be in grave danger! :lmaosmiley:
  12. British task force

    A Herc carrying bombs on pylons! Amazing! I may not agree with the use they were intended in this case but I admire the ingenuity none the less!
  13. These a-holes just saw the light.
  14. Bermuda Triangle

    It seems a fair few here are no strangers to sailing and flying. I wonder what you real world seafarers and flyers make of the whole Bermuda Triangle mystery. Have you perhaps known someone, who knew someone who disappeared? Maybe you disappeared yourselves only to re emerge in 1968 where with your advanced knowledge of the future you set up to become the world's richest software developer. Huh Bill? That's what you really did isn't it? You sailed round Bermuda for years circling your cash before .. puff! You were gone. So yea, anyone believe there is something weird happening there?
  15. OMG 8 yr old, divorces 50 yr old

    Aye, this is no surprise! After all, the Prophet of Islam himself married a child, Aisha, when she was only 6 or 7 years old and consummated the marriage when she was 9. Islamic law, like all law is based on precedent and so in the country that is the birth place of Islam, not odd at all (in their eyes) that such a thing occurs, after all to say it is wrong would be dangerously close to questioning the Prophets morality. I fully understand why the Mount Carmel raids had to happen, to save children from such marriages to adults, David Koresh included. Had they been allowed to continue and been able to grow into an established religion, with their own countries and laws, this would be the result... a horrendous situation that no one can do anything about, just sit by and keep buying the oil, selling the military hardware and turn our heads away from the things that we don't want to see. If this is political in any way, feel free to rebuke, alter, delete as you see fit. Personally I think it is a whole other world above politics, it is more about human decency.
  16. Mexican Swine Flu claims first celebrity victim

    So refreshing to see the whole world hasn't gone entirely mad! Flu kills people every year, yet no one really makes this much fuss usually. The government advises weaker people in society to get a flu jab, the elderly, the infirm and so on but no one cares to look into the cases of homeless people who die from this every single year. The fact that some people in a slum dropped down with the flu doesn't surprise me in the least, neither does the cynical news reporting deliberately making more out this just to attract viewers. Channel 4 news had a report of people panicking in Mexico, all with masks like it was the end of the world, and just as an afterthought, the reporter mentions that only 2 or 3 out of the dozens of people rushing into hospital have actually been confirmed as having a virus. Load of old codswallop.

    The classics rule!
  18. Bermuda Triangle

    You mean these people? With chemtrails like that, who needs global warming! Naaa all jokes aside, Lexx, you make a good point. I know I have my own complexes, but it takes other people to point them out to you At the end of the day though, you've got to have a laugh
  19. Bermuda Triangle

    :lmaosmiley: Poor souls, they didn't even see it coming. Poof! And the triangle claims another boatload of seamen.

    In no particular order: Iron Maiden Def Leppard Scorpions Rainbow Deep Purple Uriah Heep Motorhead Metalica Sepultura Gwar Pink Floyd (I don't care) Led Zeppelin (same, plus lead is a metal) Ozzy/Black Sabbath (probably my favourite all round at present)
  21. Bermuda Triangle

  22. Bermuda Triangle

    Lexx, the thing about the "need" for mystery and legends, is telling. It does imply that people feel bored of the world of empirical fact, rationality and knowledge in favour of mystery. The appeal of the numinous was described by Rudolf Otto as mysterium tremendum et fascinans, the fascinating, terrible mystery. I don't have this need myself, I am quite happy to revel in surreality and fun when rationality just becomes boring, but I like to come back down to Earth, to throw away all rationality to the wind just because it is boring, and live life accordingly, to me seems a little defeatist. But sighh. Let's have some fun! This thread is too serious! Lighten up the methanes!
  23. Close, but not close enough! Hope wingman does better.
  24. Greetings from Dubai

    Hey! look after yourself out there! Remember that safe sex means indoors http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7673046.stm

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