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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. Spoilsport. Guess he must have been a blue meanie.
  2. Dreamstar, unfortunately the answer is no. Go into your ODS weapon folder, look into the individual weapon folders, some may have a weapon ini file present, as mentioned above, this is the file that has made the huge difference between how the old game handles weapons and the new games. All the weapons now must have a weapon ini file in its folder, then what you would do is run the new weapon editor to open the new games default weapon data ini and merge with the weapon data ini from ODS and it would create the individual weapon data ini files for each weapon also. However, two problems, nowhere near all of the weapons in the ODS weapon folder will have a weapon ini, so you won't have those weapons. The task at hand is a gargantuan one considering the vast amount of weapons released over the years, basically we have to create a weapon ini for every weapon that doesn't already have one.
  3. To save time, could those who have weapon lod/shadow inis post them, if everyone could maybe contribute ten weapon ini's we could get the weapons packs to work a lot quicker than any one individual trying to do it all on their own.
  4. Kali Anastasi!

    Easter Greets to anyone celebrating today, have a good one! Χριστός Ανέστη!!
  5. That's how you take out an airbase! We all wobbled to the O club for some JW and wondered how the hell we managed to hand fly the thing all the way home, talk about knackered!
  6. I set the path in the config ini of the Weapon Editor to go to the mod folder. In the mod folder I have Objects and Weapons folder, in the Weapons folder there are all the weapon folders for the game plus two additional ones (CA Stary's Napalm and mine) well the odd thing is that now there isn't either a weapon data ini or weapon data dat file anywhere! Even in saved games! So I guess the game reads each individual ini now? It takes some getting used to this new format, but we had this before i.e. ground objects, what a kerfuffle that was getting ships and that to work again. Forgot to add, the weapons are showing up fine for me.
  7. Happy Birthday Israel.

    And many happy returns of the day!
  8. Yes, I thought avionics 70 was working.. I have the A-6A pit with MigBuster's CCIP mod working in SFP2V, however, no amount of cajoling will see the clock replaced with the RWR, it stays as a clock. And the digits on the fuel read out stay the same despite using the updated pit from the downloads section. Interstingly though, the blips for the RWR show through the cockpit texture occasionally. It seems that CCIP is now included in avionics 60, which is good! Forgot to add, all the F-111 are fully working in SFP2V merged install.
  9. So does that mean we have to write a data ini for each weapon, place it in the folder, then run it through the new weapon editor? That will take some time!
  10. What is your porn star name?

    Patchy A5 hmm even using teddy bears name and what the road was (lived literally on the side of a main road, no street) it would be Woogie Holyhead, sounds terrible.
  11. Israel remembers her fallen Men and Women

    Forgive my ignorance, but the significance of the 1863 date?
  12. How loud is too loud?

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wear/8021185.stm Reminds me of days at Uni! I'd just have asked when's my turn Eurghh Washington! I can imagine the sounds now "way ay man! That's it pet! Am gannin, am gannin way ayeee!"
  13. Typical Brazilian flare! Show offs!
  14. Bermuda Triangle

    Could this mathematical conundrum point to the mysterious source of the Bermuda methane eruptions? Stay tuned to the Discovery Channel to find out!
  15. Anyone here on Facebook?

    That's an idea. TK was considering something as a backup for the Thirdwire forum in the event of outage problems, something like twitter. I can't imagine it would be anything but good for the game and the developer if we got the community over on the networking sites, free advertising and all.
  16. Bermuda Triangle

    That's what the Zionists want you to believe! They are really the underwater docking bay and refuel service stations for the secret Soviet modified MiG-25, the one that can go underwater to the bottom of the Mariana trench and then back out into space to dock with the moon base. They keep it hidden in Antarctica, that way no satellites can see it. It can even drive under the sand.
  17. Anyone here on Facebook?

    If anyone wants to add me, the link's on my profile here. Edit: Being thick with search again.
  18. The end is near

    At least your not as old as Dave :whistle2: Ho! I mean, age, is just another day
  19. CAS came just in time for these guys!
  20. Spare A Thought

    Hopes and prayers going out! Stay strong
  21. Anyone here on Facebook?

    Roger that
  22. Bermuda Triangle

    I think you're on to something here Rambler! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/1180973.stm Perhaps seepage from all that mating effects the buoyancy of the water? What an awful end for seamen.
  23. ANZAC Day, Least we forget

    My little way of remembering them is to pack some Royal Legion ANZAC biscuits in my lunch box to share wherever I go to work, people usually enquire where to buy them and so I explain the significance of the ANZAC name. It's shocking how few people know about these brave men, especially the younger generations.
  24. Happy (belated) St George's day!

    I'm Welsh, but Happy St George's day wishes all the same! Now go hunt some hun!

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