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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...l=subscriptions Never have so many new members and so on..
  2. After running out of space to install more Thirdwire mods, I decided to loose Windows 7 beta from it's seat in drive D. Although I formatted the D drive, the option to boot into it still shows when I start the computer. I read that the installation CD can remove the boot option, however, the puzzle for me is that the manufacturers statement on the box of the laptop is that the hard drive is 120GB, yet windows disk management shows C drive at 102.97GB, and D drive at 8.81GB. I guess the MBR, boot sector type stuff which I know very little about take up some "hidden" space on a disk that Windows doesn't show, what I am wondering therefore is how much if any of this space is needlessly taken up by Windows 7, and if there is some way to claim this space back?
  3. My math is not the best in the world, so pardon me if this totally wrong, but.. if manufacturer claims 120GB based on 1MB being 1,024,000 then 120,000,000 divide by that downright fraudulent claim gives 117.188GB more or less. So I should only be missing 2.813GB, yet I am missing 8.21GB according to Windows.. that still leads me to wonder if Windows7 is somehow taking up space somewhere.
  4. Well that really takes the biscuit, so HD manufacturers are basically allowed to just lie about the actual size by the sounds of it I solved the problem of Windows 7 still being offered at boot through simply deleting the option in msconfig.
  5. must see video on Middleeast crisis

    The hardest thing for a country facing unconventional warfare with only conventional means open to them is that inevitably, human shields will be harmed in the process of eliminating the threat. This only causes more support for the unconventional forces. How to get the people on the ground to realise the root cause of their hurt is much, much more complex than they have been taught to believe is the real problem. People are blinkered to simplistic views, all Jews are Zionists*, all Muslims are suicide bombers, neither is true of course, but unfortunately truth hurts more than the simple us and them mentality. * not that even half of those who bandy this term around as synonymous with racial superiority and world domination really understand what the concept refers to anyway.
  6. Bermuda Triangle

    Well there's the answer! Global warming solved, it was simply methane released due to natural underwater mudslides, fast moving sonar mudslides too! Think loud, noisy underwater movements of mud with the urgency and volatility of a half digested chicken bhuna washed down with some ultra bubbly lager and voila. I don't know, I can imagine little boats disappear all the time with no trace, but full on ships without leaving a single life ring floating for someone to find even months or years later? I think cases involving aircraft maybe harder to explain, like the Chuck Wakely incident. Ball lightning, UFO, hallucinogenic drugs or just a case of outright lying.. still it's odd that from time to time pilots risk their careers by sticking to stories of mysterious encounters, makes me wonder there may be a grain of truth in there somewhere.
  7. Bermuda Triangle

    Well that methane theory really put the wind up me, the though of a ship just loosing buoyancy like that is really scary. I experimented with a toy boat and some curry beans in my bath.. I wouldn't like to experience that in real boat! I get the theory, but if there was really that much methane under there, surely it would have been detected on geological surveys by the petro-chemical people? I guess it's a lot of individual reasons rather than one big answer. I was reading about the British airliners that went missing, very creepy indeed. I guess what's most intriguing is not necessarily the numbers of disappearances, but the way that they were so total.. at the other end of the spectrum you have the ghost ships emerging through the North West passage after years and years of drifting, and the severed limbs turning up on beaches. maybe one day, a fishing trawler will drag up a piece of wreckage or life ring or something will turn up then we can definitely say.. they didn't just vanish.
  8. Plane appears invisible despite having its own lods, also no cockpit shows up, just the gunsight. I tried substituting the stock F-4 E (75) cockpit by putting that in the main ini for cockpit file, strange result. Cockpit shows up although facing backwards into the cockpit on the ground, the furthest I could look back was to see the front in the corner of my virtual eye so to speak. I let the auto take it up and gradually the field of view became moveable until the whole front of the cockpit was visible, however strangely it was skewed off centre around 7 degrees to starboard. All the lights are lit up on the panels also. Any ideas?
  9. That was a quick response! Great news, it is one of my favourite addons so far.
  10. :lmaosmiley: One was lower than the other too! Big balls, swing low, hit hard.
  11. Kali Anastasi!

    Cheers! Ate more than enough to make up for 7 weeks of lent! Probably now wont see the toilet for 7 weeks after all the chocolate and dairy products.
  12. Alright CharlieLima...It's Your Turn......

    Happy Birthday!
  13. Kali Anastasi!

  14. Yes!!!!!!!!! That's the business! That's what I was aiming for, huge long swathes of burnt out truck, but I can only get half that sort of damage from higher altitude bursts of staggering amounts of bomblets. Are you getting that from 10m detonation?
  15. Going to go back and test this out again, I must have flown at least 30 armed recce missions fiddling with different values for this last week, that's one thing that drives me nuts about "modding" (a few text edits) this game is that waiting time to load up the game, select mission and test then go back to the drawing board.. Anyway! In SF2, I had got the incendiary BLU-1 to destroy a good stretch of trucks, yet the remaining can dropped on a line of hangars did nothing other than cover them with orange. Same with CAS, I didn't get any tank kills but scored some AAA. The annoying thing though is with a high value of bomblets, the best airburst felt like 20 metres, but that's too close to my preferred level bomb dropping altitude for napes. There must be a solution to this, Napalm is just too cool and iconic not to be sorted.
  16. Just a thought, but the destructive value of my napalm clusters seems to work for me, just use incendiary type for the bomblets, keep the effect as napalm and make up for the wussiness of the incendiaries with sheer volume. Problem solved.
  17. I was fiddling along those lines too, I didn't take an exact note of the values before uninstalling SFP2 prior to SF2v. I chose napalm as the effect still, but with something ridiculous like 8000 incendiary bomblets, 12 metres detonation and I can't remember the dispersal, .5 possibly. Either way, result was way cool long nape effect, longer lasting than normal from the sheer amount of churning bomblets melding into one carpet of sticky flame. Armed recce is great for testing these sorts of fiddles because you often get a nice long convoy to test drop a couple BLU-1 on. My edits seems to kill trucks and the lighter stuff but not much damage to hangars or tanks, probably even 8000 incendiary bomblets isn't enough to destroy a line of advancing tanks
  18. Captain freed?

    Captain freed, brilliant news in itself, 3 of 4 pirates killed makes for a truly satisfying result. Justice has been served. Arghh

    A couple of days ago, the police "chief" that is in charge of counter terrorism in the UK was photographed entering 10 Downing Street. Nothing unusual in that... except this numbskull decided to leave a top secret document, text facing outwards, on top of a pair of folders under his arm. The newspapers agreed not to publish high res versions of the picture while police frantically rushed to catch those terrorists clearly named in the photograph. Result... several terrorists in the imminent phase of attack apprehended. Scenes of panic at Liverpool John Moores University as armed police storm the library to nab their mark, convoy upon convoy of armed police everywhere from motorways to takeaway restaurants taking these guys in. Surprise surprise they were all bar none Pakistani nationals, on student visas. Thank God we have some good police and SiS personnel! If they were all like the tool that jeopardised this case.. we'd have been hit hard again before now. Another suspected terrorist was also arrested separately in Wales, Mr. Chamchawala of Newport, Gwent, will have to explain to the magistrates court for what reason exactly he had 12g of HMTD under his kitchen sink. In other news, one of President Obama's half brothers was refused entry into the UK as his fingerprints matched a set recorded in a previous investigation into a sexual assault in Berkshire.
  20. Wrench, that's a great thread, that's the one I meant. However it doesn't cover how to change the radar parts of the avionics ini over from the 60 format to the 70 format. Sure people with enough time can guess what needs to be done, but perhaps a step 1,2 and 3 guide would be more useful. Again, something I might start myself if no answers materialise in the meantime. It might not be so easy to figure out to everyone, certainly took me a while to figure it out.
  21. Anyway with all this semantics, look, no disrespect meant. Flogger asks what needs to be done to change planes, radar included, from avionics 60 to 70. The answer is a hell of a lot of text based work that doesn't currently have an explanation anywhere on this site. Hopefully we can all contribute some solid solutions. Perhaps we could add to the existing KB to cover the different format for the radar data.
  22. Of course, but if you wanted to make a custom HUD with say a different shaped icons and so on, you would need to build a HUD directory, as most modders tend to do with their releases it seems. You are right, it isn't necessary to extract files, if you want to keep them the same as default ones. You are totally right that it is a LOT of work.
  23. "So, there is no need to improve the avionics in let say Skyraiders, early MiGs and so on?" "Not really, except for maybe a few rare cases." Without being anally retentive as to the dictionary meaning of "improve", I believe in this instance it was clear what the OP was alluding to, that being is there any need to change, alter, edit.. "improve", the data other than simply swap the dlls. The answer is unfortunately is yes, quite a lot of work as you say :yes: In terms of using stock tga and so on for the hud, one would have to know where to extract them from, how to set them up in the avionics ini and so on. A guide for this sort of thing would be really useful. Although there is a perfectly good one in the KB for adding ccip and some other HUD data, it's a start, but doesn't yet cover getting the radar to work.
  24. Sorry to contradict you here, but there is a total and complete difference between avionics 60 and 70. Look at the format of the avionics.ini file of a thirdwire plane that uses avionics 60, then compare with the avionics.ini of a plane that uses avionics 70. The way that the information for radar range, output power, scan rate, angle and so on are totally different meaning that in all cases, if you swap avionics 60 for 70 in the aircraft main ini, the result will be.. a porked plane. To get it to work, you need to add significant amount of information into the avionics ini for it to have a HUD for example, it wont just appear ready made. Also if you do add the HUD details, and the necessary files to the cockpit folder, you will still need to figure out how to translate the original avionics 60 format radar data in the avionics.ini into the different avionics 70 format. This is something I have been fiddling with in the past, for example in getting CCIP into the F-111s. The easy part is getting a HUD into the plane, but the harder part was figuring out the totally different "language" used to express the radar information between avionics 60 and 70. As it's the bank holiday weekend, I might have another crack at writing up a guide on how to do this. Also it might be worth our while asking TK what exactly is the difference between the way avionics ini should be written for 70 and 60 dll.. far easier than trying to second guess the answer.
  25. Well They Found Her

    Sick and twisted people in this world. God rest her soul.

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