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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. Do you think we could have the Scousers join in on the Welsh side in some way? Personally I feel the divide between Wales and England is almost imperceptible as you go through the marches up to the Dee and on through the Wirral to the Mersey, I always feel at one with the people there and they show enough respect (in complete contrast to Shrewsbury and Chester). I think there may be a few regions of England, Cumbria for example, that given enough dialogue, would actually pause to consider whether it was worth fighting for a London based parliament and the Royal Family, or to join with a Celtic led independence movement.
  2. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! Wikid idea for a campaign!!!!!!!!!! In my youth I craved for a republican solution to the Celtic states, however living in the real world suggests a federal future including England would be the better for all of us, equal Celtic nations alongside England, all independently governed, yet somehow allied when it comes to the big issues e.g. defence. This campaign scenario could represent a violent stage towards such a federalised future, or not as the case may be. Either way, if you need any help with Welsh, that's my first language, so pm me anything you need translating! By the way, how about the Eryr Wen (see my avatar) as a decal for a North Wales squadron? I assume the Welsh would have taken over RAF Valley and Mona and any assets based there along with St Athan, Pembrey Sands and Sealand. It would be ace to reactivate some old strips as well, I don't know how much remains in Porth Neigwl but can find out as my mum lives not far from there. Llanbedr was one of my favourites, many an afternoon spent watching Jinjeviks (don't know the spelling) being towed up into the air around there. Man alive this has really piqued my interest ndicki! I may not have any talent at all when it comes to model building or artwork, but I'd love to help in some way! Gwyn
  3. Ear Toture

    It's a world wide phenomenon
  4. Resistance Fighter

    That reminded me! Ages ago, my mate who was living in Liverpool at the time, walking down the Albert Dock he tells me of a plan he would enact had he the money. To "train" a silverback gorilla by means of an electronic shock collar or gonad clamp, possibly combination of both. With the correct combination of sign language, verbal commands and the remote control, said gorilla would enter a near vertiginous rage and unleash from an M-16 on any opponent threatening his owner. He would be fully trained to dress in tails and bo-tie, mix mohitos and chauffer the Rolls! Needless to say, nothing ever came of that plan. Twycross Zoo claimed it would be against their adoption program ethos.
  5. Amok in german school

    People have guns in America, doesn't stop tragedies like this happening there. Previous to the incident Saywhat outlines, Australian gun laws were also less prohibitive, it didn't stop that tragedy. In the UK, two incidents like this shaped our gun laws, the result is that it is hard, though by no means impossible to legally own a gun. This hasn't stopped illegal guns from being smuggled into the country however. My personal view is that guns are ok at the range, at hunting events and so on if used responsibly and away from anyone who doesn't want to be near a gun. Likewise if a household feel they can handle storing guns safely at home, no problem. For me the problem occurs when people take guns into other peoples space, like shopping malls and schools and so on. I just wish there was some trustworthy failsafe to negate the possibility of any gun being taken into the public sphere by anybody except the democratically elected authorities. Even so, I grudgingly have to see that there is some logic in the constitutional justifications of the US, if the authorities go bad i.e. Zombies run the police, army and so on, what are we to do? I still think though, that I can trust the police and army of the UK not to go overboard, mostly because I have friends and family in the forces and know that they would never act in a facist way towards us, so I am happy to let them be the only ones with the right to carry the weapons to sort these nut jobs out. As for how to stop weapons from appearing by surprise in public to devastating ends like this, some sort of "big brother" metal component detecting infrastructure? Smell sensitive technology built into our urbun space? It can't be as bad as CCTV since it wont be spying on your every move, your every expression, no pervy security room attendant need be zooming down your wifes blouse with his camera, all that such technology would be doing is making sure that no trace of weapon is passing by the detectors. That would be one possible though expensive solution to the city/urban sprawl, the countryside on the other hand would still be less restrictive, but having said that, incidents like this seldom happen in the countryside despite farmers having more guns than brain cells, it seems to me almost all gun massacres happen in urban areas, shopping malls, streets, cafes, schools etc. Just the places were I am not happy seeing anyone with a gun unless they are the police.
  6. Somewhere down the line it would be great to have, however, I think the real missing link for me is the avionics for modern bomb release, CCRP etc. I'd still pay for further instalments provided refuelling etc were part of the overall plan for the near future. If the focus of new games will centre on bringing added richness to the high end graphics card users instead of such things, then I'm afraid I wont be buying them any more.
  7. Ah s**te-olite! If I'd have read on before posting my previous reply, seems superflous. Either way just hope people can lay off the grock and just enjoy this beautiful release as the undoubted highlight of the year so far that it is! I get bored of flying these games every so often, yes from the lack of a certain something that doesn't need going into yet again. Either way, along comes the MF with this amazing model, fm and pit and I feel like it's a totally new game once again. Somehow even the terrain feels better from this pit, I notice things better, A2A has become interesting again, not just interesting but I feel it like I haven't done since a good few patches ago. If the MF ever come my way, I'll buy you all a pint of Vodka! Stanby for screenies, straight after some post night shift shut eye. Cheerio!
  8. I think you answered your own question dude, it is just a game. In real life maybe the flaps do go all the way to 11, but to achieve the same feel, end result or whatever there is needed in the game a different setting? As for a few kilos or litres here and there, as you so rightly said "some sources got different results". I suggest that you accept that other people have their sources, you have yours. You just being you does not make your sources superior.. give these guys a break, at the very least, start your own information thread or alternative data ini and leave it at that.
  9. I love these little gems so much! They fly like a charm armed to the teeth! I don't fancy my chances when I step back into the blue side planes
  10. Ahhhhhh! Fish. I am so glad this is finally coming up to release!!!!! The first two instalments were must haves for WoE really. The Javelin looks bostin! I hope Comrpnt makes some missions for this too!
  11. NK again.....

    A few well placed cruise missiles and a hand from our good old pals in China..
  12. UK People

    Sounds to me like you would just love Cambden then! When the gf and I head to London we always stay in the Victoria area, plenty of cheap hotels and very central. I can easily recommend the best western hotel, stay away from Elisabeth House though! Smells of smack and is generally dirty.
  13. UK People

    Depends on your taste really. If you like art and culture and that sort of thing, well you arrive after 1700 so forget museums as they will be shut, try Leicester square for a theatre show if you want. If you like getting off your tits and feel comfortable around punks, emos, crusties and so on, then definitely go to Cambden town!! One of my personal favourites for London night life. Greenwich is very nice but then you have to make sure you have a bed to lay down in that side of town at night because you can't trust the tube at night. Generally in London, don't rely on the tube because they have maintenance and so on happening all the time, if the desired line is shut all is not lost, just walk or get a taxi to the next station that has an alternative line going where you want. As for beer, stay away from the big bars that cater for tourists, thus the reason for my preference of Greenwich and Cambden, big touristy bars will not shy from charging you £5 a pint The beer in a lot of places in London does taste watered down.. that would be illegal but it does taste that way. Why not just buy yourself few cans of special brew instead? That's what I do, then sit yourself down and enjoy watching London go by. Don't pick a fight with anyone who dresses like a rapper and says Brap a lot, you will get shot, stabbed or probably both If you like comedy, there are a couple of really good venues in the evening, you can catch anything from drama students making some extra cash to venerable stars like Greg Proops who seems to live in London. I seem to remember the comedy tickets are sold around the same area as the theatre tickets so Leicester square is the best bet for that. For eating, can't go wrong with China town! Plenty of choice and even a few other places around if you don't fancy chinese, Pizza, Indian or dreaded gastro pubs are not far. China town is also right next door to soho. Unfortunately soho is not the place it once used to be, gone are the hippy fashionistas and hard core porn shops come brothels, replaced by generic dirty video and dildo shops and some insanely overpriced catwalk outlets. Whatever you do, go out and have a wander! You have nothing to loose other than sleep and a little money if you stay away from the brap brap idiots and stay within ten miles of the centre, you will still have time to get back for some rest and your check in. Be sure to have a good time and let us know how you got on!
  14. Greece Prison Escape

    I don't know about the prison guards but the police in Greece are pretty well equipped. The normal cops seem to be equipped with various 9 mils of the Glock and Sig family. The airport cops at Eleftherios Venizelos though have some heavy duty magnum revolvers, not like the wimpy 9's at Birmingham, I feel very reassured when waiting for a plane in Greece that should a terrorist attempt anything, one shot is all it would take, he wouldn't be getting up for his rights! Boarder police have some pretty heafty looking GR-3's up near the border with Skopje. They stopped my gf and her cousin on a road trip once, asked if they has been smoking hashish since the chlorine from pool had made their eyes water! Cops out in the styx just automatically see a city plate as evidence of dope running.
  15. Greece Prison Escape

    :rofl: It's hilarious but scary at the same time! This being the country I plan to move to and live the rest of my life. Rather than incompetence, I fear that somewhere in all of this is a mix of threats of violence, money and fear coupled with a greedy and spineless person in charge. Greece is a wonderful country but has a fair share of idiots in the civil service, that and the enormous amount of red tape it takes to get anything done. I bet that if netting was going to be put up even now, first a form would have to be filled in order to get another form from the same office that gives someone a place in a cue to get a ticket to get another form from another office so they can get another place in a cue at the first office for the correct form.
  16. 11 year old murderer

    http://news.uk.msn.com/world/article.aspx?...&ocid=today From baby faced fathers to baby faced killers, this kind of story makes me think the world needs a damn good kick up the backside.
  17. 11 year old murderer

    Young people can and do shoot responsibly. I see no problem in responsible adults teaching young people to shoot either on private property or at a range, hunting ground or similar. There is no problem with having smaller stocks built for that purpose. What the journalist describes as a "gun for kids" has conjured up different sets of images in different peoples minds. Some of you are thinking that this means a gun marketed to kids in the same way as a harmless toy, perhaps packaged in colourful cardboard and plastic. That would be sick, but is not the reality. There are plenty of guns made with smaller people in mind, so a junior firearm is not aimed as a kids toy, it is a firearm all the same but with the needs of a smaller body in mind (some women prefer the smaller size and power for example). I have certainly never seen junior stocked shotguns marketed for kids in the UK yet we do have them available on license. I think there are a number of questions in this case, for example, if indeed the kid does confess to this or is otherwise definitively proven guilty, why did he do it? That is a huge question in itself. Secondly, a much easier question to resolve is how did the kid get access to the gun? If the child could find the key to the locker that easily in my house, I would have failed in my parental responsibility twice, first because my kid didn't get that lesson I taught him about the value of human life, and secondly because only I and perhaps another adult should ever be able to access the gun safe. Although I can teach my children right and wrong as best as I can, it is not a cast iron guarantee because we humans have a little something called free will. Do you think Hitler's father taught him to be a monster? No father can give an absolute cast iron guarantee that their kid will not do something crazy or evil, but every father can and should make it absolutely certain that short of a cutting torch, the kid cannot get access to the guns without first coming through him.
  18. 11 year old murderer

    I know there are a lot of entrenched views either side on the issue of guns this and guns that, but truth is guns don't kill people. People kill people and guns just make it a lot easier to do. I had a rifle as a kid and an air pistol but I certainly wouldn't have had independent access or unsupervised time with either of them at age 11. My children will be brought up the same, until they are adults themselves, they will be getting the key to the safe from me. They wont know where the key is kept and they certainly wont be allowed to keep a gun in their bedroom. Obviously we don't know why the kid did it, or even if he did it as the case is not closed from the sound of it. Just maybe the kid is innocent, but certainly there are a lot evil things that happen in this world. That children as young as this or younger are capable to act like that is sickening. What solution I do not know. You can't guarantee that your kids wont turn out psycho even for one split second no matter how well your parenting, you can't keep watch over the kid every single moment of the day nor would that be right anyway. You can't remove every implement of death from them short of putting them in a padded cell in a straight jacket. I just feel sad and sorry for the loss of two lives, one innocent beyond all doubt and a lot of hurt all round. Nesher, you're right, a good kick in the nuts. I believe the Jewish religion as well as the Christian one upholds that God Himself formed that opinion of humanity many years ago.
  19. Any GI Joe Fans out there?

    Action Force fan here! Same thing in the end. Looking forward to the movie. I only wish they had the cahonas to make kids toys like that now. When GI Joe/Action Force went ghey it really was the pits. About 1992 iirc, GI Joe became obsessed with day glow costumes and toxic waste and I stopped begging my mum to buy them. The film looks to be a bit in between "back on track!" and whacked out ghey.
  20. Wasn't hard. I wondered why the radar was messed up simply by adding the CCIP, assumed it was something different in the 60 and 70 dllelleels so I compared the nearest platform that had working radar with avionics 70, that would be the RF-111G. Then looked for where the data sections seemed the same, some slight renaming and can't find all the data in both forms, either way what did obviously match up can then be changed, the RF-111G data edited to match that in the F. The rest is simply a matter of adding the use 70 line in the main ini, add the additional HUD parts to the cockpit and away you go. Also I changed the EO display a little, either way. For the A model that didn't have a HUD irl (it had green bars on the gunsight instead telling the pilot how to fly to the computer calculated release point) I just made the gunsight work as a CCIP mutch like the MF ARN 101. The way I use it to simulate the real low high low approach is to line up with target low, toggle cockpit off and adjust view angle down and climb high drawing the CCIP up over the target. Of course in reality the radar would have been locked onto the target and the computer would be "seeing" that part while the pilot prepares for the best egress route. Bombs away, toggle cockpit back on and drive home James. Also the toggle cockpit off is great if you want to line up for a level overflight of the target and drop a stick of clusters on say a column of armour! The CBU units disperse a lot more when released from level flight and at least with CCIP and toggle pit, you can see where to pickle every time, just as the computer would assuming it had a radar lock. If you need help, PM me.
  21. My better half would kill me for buying more puter games now.. need money etc. SO i'm off to gamble on the fruit machines, whatever I win will go to buy this!
  22. father at 13, looking like 8

    Unofficially yes, although you don't pay tax until you are 16. I don't think there is a law against working for a wage at any age, I know when I was 12 my father thought I was lazy for not having a paper delivering job! I had my first real job when I was 15 with a regular pay packet for salting sheep skin and cattle hide. As to this doomed civilisation, my two pence.. It is driven from the benefit culture. For years people as well as banks have been rewarded for failure. People who don't work get state finance to "help". Unfortunately people do not feel much self respect or shame from taking this help and prefer to shift the blame on to anyone but themselves for their lack of work. They blame the "system", they say they would work but have a long list of excuses such as, the work is too hard, it doesn't pay as much as they want, they don't want to work far from home, or long hours. This girl's family would have known that if she does get pregnant she will bring extra income to the family in the shape of money from the government. All in all it seems like everybody is doing it and there is no sense of shame left, the blame is always put onto other people, the system, the media, American gangster rap, anything at all rather than face up to and accept a bit of personal responsibility for our own lives. All too often kids in England (UK in general) are brought up by the television and friends rather than by the family, many of the worst parents were only kids themselves when they had their own children so they pass on their immaturity, their selfishness and helplessness on to their children knowing that the "system" will wipe their behinds. I keep saying to colleagues and friends, God forbid that we had to fight the Second World War again, because with our culture the way it is now, we would loose badly. If you want to see the kind of problems facing British culture since the 1980's, loom up the Jeremy Kyle show clips on youtubes. Edit: what the %^ with their and there already, only happens online.
  23. Happy Birthday mppd!

    and many more to come!
  24. Yep, but for now we have CCIP as a next best thing. I find level bombing using the toggle cockpit feature give good results if a little fiddly at times.

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