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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. I love that clip, scary idea that we could have faced something like it on the Cold War battlefields, or even fielded it, imagine if the wind turns around and blows back on us. I doubt that sound is from the blast though, 15 kiloton yield is too much to even think of detonating less than 15 miles away and that thump comes way closer than that in proximity to the flash, almost instantaneously.
  2. Rick is dead...Oh my god.

    I really feel sad about this one, his music touched my soul so many times and at the stage in my life where I became the person I am now. Peace, Love and Respect to your memory Richard Wright.
  3. I have all the required carriers working in woe for operation rubicon, having patched up woi I thought how about porting these missions over into it and see what happens. Of course problem number one, there are no cv63 or scb lods in the woi object cat so I extracted them out of my woe install and placed them first in the ground objects folder minus the carrier data inis (as these was already in the carrier folders) so that any carrier e.g. Orjol that calls for them can find them. No joy, they don't show up. I then moved all the carrier lods into the folders of the carriers that need them and same problem, no carriers. The terrain files are exactly the same, I only keep one terrain folder and move it from install to install as required so I'm out of guesses what could be the problem. I also applied the changes to the flightengine ini as required by OR. I must be being dumb or missing something, or both. Interestingly though, USS Enterprise shows up for the Taskforce one mission.. I have strange dejavue here because I have faced this problem before and it was down to the lod files being missing but this time that can't be the reason, I even made a brand new vanilla install, patched up and took the lods out again in case they where damaged and still no carrier except cvan 65. Just to add more wierdness into the mix, after blowing up due to said missing carrier in socal tour2 I hit f7 to find a friendly ship and there was one, an Essex class however all I could see was smoke, wake and bow wave, Philadelphia Experiment gone wrong again?
  4. I'd love to know how you get on if you do old boy, have almost ran out of tea trying to figure out what is so special about the USS Enterprise. For me, completing a mission successfully is nice but doing it all and catching a wire puts the icing on top.
  5. CA Subscriptions

    RANT ON: It sucks massively that only relatively very few people on this site have contributed to the running costs, I seriously doubt that the same people have not downloaded content and benefited from of the backs of the founders. There are many many memberships going back a couple years or more with little or no posts to their name, as a community we are surrounded by many more members than we know, who probably read these threads regardless purely on the off chance they spy a goody to download with no thought of contribution or fraternity at all, the fact is that the internet is full of such leeching self centred behaviour (e.g. p2p down loaders vs up loaders). So what about all the people who do feel some kind of fraternity towards this community but don't contribute, I doubt all of us are stone broke and incapable of taking the load off the few owners/founders/admins shoulders. I guess it's just too easy for people to think that because the net is full of freeloading that it's the normal thing to do, that it doesn't harm anyone. If and when the costs make it unrealistic to run this site any more, the people who will be first to forget all about it and move onto the next free pasture of the net well congratulations, but the rest of us that enjoy these games, the community and the site, please guys and girls lets all lend a hand. If keeping this site up means limiting downloads to one a week, then so be it imho, it's better than either payware or sinking. Final thought on this, to people that do think more than just where to grab a nice freebie (as those people aren't likely to give a rats a%$£ anyway), but the amount of experience that this site's information and download material has contributed to my experience of thirdwire sims is easily equal too and probably for a lot more people too, a shedload more than what you get out of the box. I don't mean to detract from TK's enormous mostly solo input, but just to ask that you consider how much more than the original game is directly accessed by us through this site, so why not contribute the price of a game to the site? If you feel your gaming experience has improved by half from the site, give the equivalent or more or less, but at least we could all spare something couldn't we? Not all the people who read these pages are apathetic users, now we just need a little more of us who can to dig into our pockets and show some respect RANT OFF
  6. Happy Birthday Fubar512

    Happy Birthday!! And many more to come
  7. 40th anniversary of WP invasion into CSSR

    Your country fought and survived and won as you are still here, remember the hardship, rejoice in the victory and take note of the lessons learned; imperialism fails in the end no matte rwho the bully country may be, their feet are all made of clay (bible reference)
  8. A disaster in Madrid.

    Very sad news, may God rest their souls.

    We will remember them
  10. It certainly makes it easier to know when you have something locked with eo or lgb's weapons. The default key for select ground target is E, press this and cycle through the targets then whichever target is contained within the red box is the target that the EO or Laser seeker will attempt to track. Without that red box there is no way to move the seekers field of view as seen on the cockpit display, find the target you want and lock it, so I treat easy visual targeting and cycling the E key as a fudge that at least gives the impression of selecting a target from the others. I guess the weapons would work without those little red boxes but then how would you know exactly what you are locked onto if for example you don't have a tv display in the cockpit, or even with the tv display, can you tell which is the exact target from just looking at that? If so turn the visual targeting back to hard and just use the E key and monitor any changes on the tv display as it moves through different ground targets.
  11. Look whos turned 19.

    Happy Birthday Jimmy, many happy returns of the day!
  12. I had a similar problem, have always used hard on all gameplay settings apart from visual cueing and hud, in the end I had a look at the designator pod ini's and found that they appeared to be configured as jamming pods rather than designators, I think this came about from using the wrong weapon editor because when I deleted the editor I was using for everything and downloaded the right ones for each of my installs of sf gold, wov, woe and woi respectively, re did the weapon editor .dat dance, hey presto, they are now configured as designator pods again and work in game as such.
  13. Congratulations are in Order

    Congratulations and Best of Luck Jimmy dude!! It's not easy doing any degree but aeronautical stuff must be insanely math and physics based, kudos to you to have the brainpower to do it!
  14. Happy Birthday Tailspin

    Happy Birthday Gentlemen and many returns of the day!! Now get loaded, now!!!! :drinks_drunk:
  15. Georgia moves against separatists

    I am trying not to put too much feelings into this topic, rather to offer the facts as I have been told from my family, but Gepard has quite comprehensively described the timeline of events as I understand them, to quote him "- The exact date i havent found, but Stalin cutted off South Ossetia from Russian Federation and included it into Georgian Socialist Republic. -1942 german forces reached the caucasus region and tried to start an anti russian revolution. They had only minor success, but Stalin banned hundret thousends of people to sibiria." What I can add is that Stalin did not stop at banishing the Osettians who where unhappy at their land being given as his gift to his native Georgia, but filled up the empty spaces with Georgians, so began a long process of Georgification of the region as this guaranteed the Soviet power over the unhappy people that wanted independence, after the break up of the U.S.S.R things have changed, now Russian thought rules Russia, not big red ideas from Germany, Lithuania or Georgia.
  16. Georgia moves against separatists

    My thanks and prayers to you and your family too! We seem to have a similar view on this region/situation, most of all it is an ethnic conflict although to say that the ethnic Russian part was installed by Stalin conflicts with my knowledge that it was in fact, the Georgian ethnic part that was instead encouraged by Stalin.
  17. Congrats China

    I hope her Chinese was as good as their Greek Aye London is guaranteed to pull out some crappy lazer display and a load of fireworks from China and as for portraying our History smolly creayola will they have fun with that! Can you imagine what the modern era will look like, the multicultural fairy land that dosent even exist then a speech by Cameron or Brown, meeeh we need a kick up the backside in this country before it's too late :pioneer:
  18. Georgia moves against separatists

    Right before I offend anyone, my cards on the table, I have family involved in this region. Now as far as I have knowledge and correct me if I am mistaken but the region of Osettia was not considered part of Georgia untill Stalin, a Georgian, rose to power in the former USSR. I think sometimes we are too quick to jump on the bandwagon of what Russia says/does now equals in some way what the former USSR said/did, this is ignorant of the fact that Lenin was a Lithuanian and Stalin was Georgian and they both pushed agendas that have very little to do with Russia today, Stalin pushed for Georgia to have control of Osettia, currently Russia is promoting the opposite of this situation and it has much more to do with language and culture than with politics, the people who live in Osettia do not nor have they ever felt part of Georgia despite Stalin's big ideas. Anyways, piece said, peace out. Hope this ends soon before more innocent civvies are blown a new ar$5 hole.
  19. Everything and then some mostly but if any one gets the most airtime for me it will be the Sea Harrier in comrpnt's sfp1 Falklands mod, Wrench's Haf F-4 in WoI (my personal favourite at the mo) and the MF A-7 also in WoI. As far as WoV is concerned A-Team's AC-47 Spooky is a dream to fly over CA Stary's Green Hell (just downloaded v2 with fixes) but F-111 fly my boat too as do most RAF birds especially the hypothetical Brit Tomcats I wish RL provided enough free time for me to get into modding properly myself but the credit crunch is hitting us poor graduates very hard (cue violin) So alls I can say is a very big, huge THANK YOU to all those creative genii who make these amazing mods for the greater enjoyment of all of us Wooooot!!!
  20. Ahhh I wanted to watch that too but am at work then, will try to sneak my mini tv in, excellent to hear we have tv stars at CA :fans:
  21. Looks fantastic! Can't say I had much success with making a Greece and Cyprus terrain (yet) due to severe constraints of time, very nice to see that someone else is working on one though
  22. Congratulations!!! I don't even want to know who (or what) "Cheeze - whizz" is though
  23. Mr. T. II

    Anti gay my a%$e, typical U.K. mentality of bending over to our own self created problems in the hope they go gentle on us. Some U.K. members may remember 1997 to 98 when they canceled Christmas in Birmingham in case it "offends the ethnic community" and called it "Winterval" instead And Mr T Rules!! He would win in a fight against the Terminator or the Predator, but not against the man with no name.
  24. This Gave Me Goose Bumps

    Beautiful to see that there are still men proud to serve the country, may the Lord watch over them all and return them safe to their country.
  25. Mr T.

    Mr T rules, i thought there are more than one of him for Snickers? Don't have much time to watch tv these days. Oh yeh but anyone else heard that they are changing back to Marathon though!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo looking forward to that, also Opal Fruits are coming back instead of Starburst, but only in asda

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