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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. right up the road,what a mess,murder on campus

    First of all my condolences go out to the friends and family of the victims. The news coverage in the UK about this outrage typicaly involves a suggestion that America needs to change the gun laws and then they put this question via sat link to some "cold, dead hand" type who explodes into a tyrade of reasons why the UK is not a comparable model for US gun laws, non of this really concerns me half as much as what can be done as the situation stands. I am a security officer and a student at university in one of the worst areas of the UK for gun crime, a lot of my friends have guns and i have had to point a gun myself but luckily did not have to fire, but basically i can not take guns with me to work, or knives or even an asp baton, even a kubaton keyring is considered an ilegal weapon and would result in a higher sentence for me as i am supposed to know better. I was repeatedly struck in the face and chest with a hammer, stabbed with a screwdriver and kicked in a robbery but i fought back, another time i was off duty and stepped in to stop a guy from being robbed and had a knife pressed against my throat for my troubles that time i had to look the guy in the eyes and prepare for death but i still took a swing at his head and luckily for me his own friends turned on him and pulled him off leaving me with a superficial wound. The point I am making here is when you believe strongly in your right to live and your duty to protect others right to life, you will fight against an armed person, enough people will always overcome an armed man. I know young, college age Americans are brave because they fought allongside my grandparents in Europe and Asia, take Flight 93 as an example, here was a group of American civilians, men and women of all ages fighting off and winning armed terrorists trained under brutal conditions that most Special Forces would not condone on their training courses... im sorry if this is rambling a bit here but what im trying to say is why the hell do young people and staff let these crazies do this?? IMO the staff had an even greater duty to rush this guy and bear hug him, throw chairs at him, make a molotov cocktail in the science lab, use cutlery from the refectory anything... i am convinced that if more people in that college had acted like Liviu Librescu (link) , the 76 year old Holocaust survivor who through himself onto the shooter, then it would send a signal out to these crazies that they can't instill fear in a brave people. It is notable that Al Qaeda have not tried to take over a plane since flight 93, rather they now try to blow them up because they probably underestimated the readyness of ordinary people to fight back. We don't need guns to fight back, the most basic and potent weapon of all is the human spirit, Peace.
  2. Thank you very very much indeed Fubar! That has certainley fixed the issues i had before and more over i now have flares and chaff that work, ECM that works, nav lights, sound for the RWR... none of these where working before, maybe you should put in the downloads section as a fix/update for anyone like myself who for whatever reason just wasn't getting the optimum out of the bat? I am very happy now just need to finish 12,000 words of a dissertation for tuesday then when i got free time im going to read through the other Foxbat data ini's see if i can figure out how this stuff works! You must be a genious to understand all that stuff,i wouldn't even attempt to bring a Garuda up to the same spec as quite likely there might be a square centimeter of diference here and there that makes a big diference in the physics of real life and therefore deserve the time and attention to figure out in game physics, as an admiring user of community mods i just hope one day i will understand enough to be able to help contribute something back, for now though thank you very much and happy hunting
  3. I overwrote the engine section of the data ini with the info from the last post with little success, the performance is now worse than the default, flaps are needed just to stay level at 28,000 feet with full AB, curiously the thrust drops to 0 at regular intervals when climbing then returns to positive numbers so where do i need to change these lift and drag values? If it's not awfuly rude of me to ask, perhaps you would be so kind as to post the entire data ini?
  4. Yes, accurate performance is what I would most value in any sim I don't want to feel like a little kid playing a top gun sim as fun as that kind of thing can be when your 8 im almost 25 years old and have always had an interest in Cold War era jets in particular, always wanted to be a pilot but things did not work out so basically this is the closest i will ever get to flying a real Mig-25 hence i would really really like to know how much i need to set the thrust level, naything else that needs changing etc? Thanks
  5. Thanks for pointing me in the right place, i noticed this issue with the first release of the Foxbat and fireengineer sent me an alternative data ini for Mig-25PD which i thouroughly read through comparing with the orginal and that was where the diference was, in his ini the wet thrust value is set at 333000 and dry thrust is set at 220000. I forgot to change the data ini after installing the package, i can now go zooming past Mach 2.6 without blowing up which is good but without sounding overtly ungrateful "Yes, indeed. A slightly boosted MIG-25E went off the mach scale at 4.2. A zoom climb from sealevel at mach 3.2 I achieved an altitude of......... 255,524 feet! I kid you not. The simulation stops the grapice at 112,000 feet but you are still in the game so to speak." ^^kind of nulls the realism for me. It's amazing how thouroughly this community researches real life data for the mods so maybe its a flight engine issue? Am just guessing values for the ini but i havent the foggiest what am doing or what the numbers represent in real terms, if anyone has a definitive set of numbers that wont cause either blowing up at below maximum operational limits or turn it into some kind of ramjet it would be mucho appreciated :fan_1:
  6. Erm excuse me to jump into this thread but im having problems getting any of the Foxbats past Mach 2.6, in fact i usually start to blow up anywhere past Mach 2.51, i put some screenshots including debug data here what should i have to do to get up there as fast as you Fubar?
  7. Sorry i completely forgot i could just upload the images as attachments instead so no need to click on the links in the last post. Am sure the data will be of more use than anything i could say on the matter anyways, hope it helps, thank you
  8. The hud data ini in flight is set to show debug data, hopefully there will be something in here that can help, i took a screenshot just after passing Mach 2.5 as this is when it starts, shortly after the engines run off into flames but this seems to be unrecoverable, if i pull the throttle back to 0 it still blows up. Im going to put the direct link to the images as im not sure the file server allows me to embed the image url directlyProblem Big Problem
  9. bumpty bump anyone, my question?
  10. Huge thanks to everyone involved in bringing this mod to completion , one question though, is there a reason why i keep blowing up when gowing past 2.5 Mach? I know there is a bit of dispute (to the point of it becoming a touchy subject for some) about the top speed of this plane but in a game i thought it would be fun to assume that they could go at 3.1 mach and land as was the case in the Israel v Egypt war so to make it more chalenging and rewarding to shoot it down. Is there something i can change in an ini to make this work? I had fiddled about with the values before but this resulted in a too unrealistic performance
  11. chili cook off..

    oh my god that is funny, i really love chilli but once upon a very long time ago i can remember the burning sensation when someone gave me more chilli than i was used to, thanks to a 6 months shagging arrangment with a Bangladeshi girl in uni i eat naga mirch with most of my food, and there is no chilli hotter than naga mirch, or at least i havent found one lol
  12. Heres a test for you Virtual pilots

    me a raptor! no way, too much automatic crap in there for me, id rather be a Foxbat or Foxhound or maybe a Platypus cos wouldnt you just love to do a cobra when the nav man's having a s**t in that cabin?
  13. I was wondering if theres a way to make the F111 dump its fuel and light it up with the burners like I heard they could do in real emergencies, i remember a problem with the MiG-25 that could help. When i first dl the Foxbat, i took her to 60,000ft full throttle and could only just get to mach 2.2 before she would burst into flame and blow up, but before total deflagration of the airframe, the engines trailed like about a mile of flame which looked really cool and just what id expect the fuel dump scenario would look like. Incidentaly this fuel lighting at night over British skies in the 1980's has been used time and again as an explanation for all those reported U.F.O's near USAF bases and the North Sea.
  14. Point taken about the sad retirement antics, what a ignominous end for such a capable low level striker, like OJ turning his hand at making ppl laugh but he had a comeback though with his black glove and world famous cop chase; maybe those Pigs could drop a stick of durandals on the race track and run away i reckon they could out run the resulting FA-18 intercept, but seriously though there is a legitimate use for the dump and burn. I had the pleasure of meeting a pilot who flew the vark at an air show near where i live, the RAF training school in Anglesey always had a top class air show years ago and i asked the USAF crew standing by their shiny new F-15e's whether the torching was deliberately used or just a side effect of dumping fuel, the pilot said in his opinion it could have been of use if anyone got close enough for a gun kill even if just for that extra few seconds of distraction, it could save your arse long enough to get out and if the guy doesn't expect it, he might lose his underpant integrity Id love to give it a try on a tail if i ever get one! flying at full burner theres not much chance of finding someones nose that close to your arse to fart at them, but im up for the laugh quality alone. I searched SimHQ forums but i just cant find anything, if anyone else gets it please put up a link on this site. Respeks
  15. Favorite Falkand's War Aircraft

    How do you know where not allready there? There could be a whole heap of special op type people guarding bases of military/government/civilian inbred english people anywhere all over Antarctica, besides there was a story that said Hitler was snuck out to a secret base in Argentina while lesser nazis like Mengeler just emmigrated to Argentina instead.

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