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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. Wrench, I guess the flight models do need an overhaul, but Peter, who works on the FE FMs is probably the expert to talk to. I have noticed the excessive torque on some planes also but i deleted a few lines from the engines section of the data.ini, for example on the Mc-200_DATA.INI i removed... MomentOfInertia=0.289 MinManifoldPressure=0.35 MaxManifoldPressure=1.0 and now they are not too bad for me, I think the ManifoldPressure and MOI entries were acting up with the new patch. i'm using the hard flight model setting and the tailwheel tweak seemed to work for me, but i still need to do more testing because i have not flown all the WWII aircraft yet. Veltro, I have a version working in a WOE/WOV merged Install. Its pointed at the VietnamSEA.cat. if you want, just send me a PM with your address and i'll e-mail it to you so you can see if it works on your install.
  2. Music in the Cockpit...

    We have all seen Iron Eagle and to be honest i thought jamming to music while flying was total BS, Then i read this... http://www.f-16.net/f-16_forum_viewtopic-t-11237.html
  3. Don't take this as any from of arguement, i just wonder why you say that? I am running my WWII aircraft post patch and all i notice is that stalls and spins are much easier to get into. They are controlable and you can dogfight in them as long as you don't try to turn too hard.Bank and Yank is outta the question for sure, but isn't that realistic for a prop fighter? The AI seems to be able to fly right on the edge without stalling and they make a pretty challenging target. Is it really unrealistic that these prop planes stall and spin so easy? From what i've read the Bf-109 was very dangerous on takeoff and landing and the sim post patch seems to confirm this. Like i said, i'm not arguing, you have much more experience at this than i do. I am just wondering what needs fixed to make these planes work correctly. Is it the Wing data,Engine data, Drag Data or what?
  4. Music in the Cockpit...

    LOL! Yeah we know how sloppy the military was during the Reagan years. As for Music in the plane goes, thats pretty cool that you can do that, i figured it would be against regulations. I wanna see some Vipers doing bomb/strafing runs to some Suicidal Tendencies. For Music in the sim i just run media player in the background and use the play/pause/stop/ect buttons on the keyboard.
  5. Just include instructions for copying the files and editing the INI, then even if they don't have WOI they can use another pit. BTW i dont think the Vautour has a pit in WOI, isn't it AI Only?
  6. Music in the Cockpit...

    Don't forget the Hades bomb that blows up vehicles if they drive through the flames! In all honestly, i do like the movie, i just wish it had been done better. Why can't Hollywood make a decent avation film without adding in a ton of BS?
  7. Music in the Cockpit...

    Iron Eagle was a horrible film as far as realism goes, but at that time we didn't have alot of choice. The entire IE series was pretty bad, but they are pretty cool if you take the actors out....
  8. My Specs are pretty bad also... Pent 4 3.0 Ghz 1 Gig of Ram Onboard Intel 945G Graphics Chip 1 500 Gig Seagate Barracuda HD 1 200 Gig WD Caviar HD 32bit Vista Home Premium and I'm running WOE with mods between 15-25 fps most of the time. You should have no problem with a nVidia 6200, but you will need to resize your aircraft skins down to 512x512 or lower to get halfway decent gameplay and turn off the shaders in each terrains data ini, by changing UseEffectShader=TRUE to UseEffectShader=FALSE for the NormalTextureMaterial,WaterTextureMaterial and BackgroundMaterial sections. Just get a aftermarket paint program (I use Ultimate Paint Freeware) and open each bmp and resize it to 512x512 or 256x256. Don't worry about the TGA files, most of them are small enough not to matter. I also have FE,WOV and WOI and get Simular FPS in those games, They will not look as pretty but it will work and this is on a onboard gfx chip the 6200 you have should work even better. It sucks to be at the bottom of the food chain, but there are ways to deal with it. I even have oblivion running on this computer, thanks to Oldblivion!
  9. (1) I totally agree on the hospitals and religious centers, but we all know that they have been targets in real life far too many times and if they AI were attacking one in the Sim wouldn't you go just a little further to hunt em down and kill them? But i see your point that they would also be targets for us, so that might not workout so well. (2) I did not know that, So i need to edit the terrains ini to make them targets for single missions? (3) Veltro, Can I get Fries with that??? LMAO! Thats a great model man. It takes a sick mind to put forth that effort, I like it!
  10. Wow......DCS Blackshark

    The new version will probably be 'in the wild' within a few weeks of its release, was what i should have said. Some hacker somewhere will look at cracking it as a challenge and we have seen how fast they can work.
  11. Wow......DCS Blackshark

    The Russian Version will be in the west within a few weeks, it will only take one tourist to make a copy and bring it back and then the hackers will have there way with it. They are really shooting themselves in the foot over this and it will cost them sales and make piracy even worse for them. Personally it does not matter to me, i prefer airplanes to choppers but its a shame that those who do want to play it will have to deal with something even worse than Starforce. Software will always be pirated, there is always some teenage hacker with nothing better to do and smart enough to figure it out. I can't wait for the day that the hackers start using some of this DRM software to upload a virus back to the DRM Server, it will happen sooner or later and i have a feeling there will be very little sympathy for the DRM company when it happens. I am the guy who TK helped with WOI and i can say it has earned him my respect and i'll buy whatever new releases he comes out with. Don't mistake the tone of this post, I don't agree with ripping off developers, They deserve to be paid for there efforts but i am strongly against Starforce and invasive DRM like it and those that use it kinda deserve a digital kick to the groin IMO.
  12. The Enterprise CAN fly..

    Thats cool, I want one! I wish the video had shown how this actual product will fly, i've already destroyed a Airhogs P-40 and lost a Airhogs Chopper into a treetop, i hope it has better control than those do. I've got a huge real RC P-51D and Spitfire my uncle gave me but i have never flown them out of fear of destroying them.
  13. Could this happen to us in this sim?

    Wow, i am glad i quit playing Star Wars Galaxies last month, they are part of Sony Online Entertainment which was handed over to PSN a few months ago. This is getting pretty sad, now we need a company to build a firewall type system to keep corporations out of our computers. I don't support illegal stuff like id theft or kiddie smut but i also don't want people poking around my computer either, Windows Update messed up my video drivers so bad a few weeks ago that i had to reformat and start over. In our case, I really don't think we would see anything like this from TK. He does not seem like that type of person. Just look at his products like the FE Expansion Pack or WOI, if he was going to confiscate third-party mods and re-sell them he could have added alot to both of those products, but he had new models made instead. Sony will get away with that because once you have the PS3 there is no other OS for it, At least with PCs we have choices of OS. Microsoft still gets away with murder with Vista, but Part of the reason i like the 32bit Home Premium Version is that it does not have Bitlocker and alot of the other DRM stuff that comes with Vista Ultimate. This kind of personal rights violations will just get worse until people stop buying from these companys, when profits fall or a lawsuit wins a really good settlement then things will start to get better again, but we have come a long way from the freedoms we had when i started messing with PCs in the late 80s - Early 90s!
  14. Is there a Russian T-80 Tank in any of the vehicle packs? I looked and didn't see one and i don't want to bother any of the modders into making one, just wondering if there is one and i missed it? Thanks
  15. I've been messing with this idea without much luck so far,I think i'll wait and see what wrench comes up with. Is there a way to add it to ground objects so it becomes a randomly selected target in single missions, without having to make a mission in the editor?
  16. Looking good, great work as usual Veltro!
  17. LMAO Great Target! MickeyDs,BK and Wendys would be cool also. We need some buildings to target, town hall, police and fire stations,hospitals,National Guard Armorys and Jails/prisons for both sides. Crap, I was hoping to fly tonight, but instead i'll be tinkering with ground targets. ARRRGGGG!!!
  18. I'm running 32 bit Vista Home Premium, Has anyone tried to run the weapons editor from inside the Zip? I right click on the zip select explore and then double click the editor without extracting it and so far i have had no problems. Not sure, but maybe this will help.
  19. The Person Below Me

    True, I Missed the Tour when they were in Tampa about a month ago, Still bummed. The Person below me had Batman underoos
  20. My thoughts exactly!! I installed FA awhile back just for the fun of it, for its time that was an amazing sim! I had the whole series, even the somewhat rare Marine Fighters addon for US Navy Fighters. Good Times!
  21. Great Videos...

    I'm not sure if this has been posted before (I might even have posted it). But this is a great way for FE pilots to learn about the war. The entire documentary is 4 hours long and YouTube has all of it broken into smaller parts. I believe this is the first part, Enjoy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfAUDPB8K2Y...feature=related
  22. Not sure why it happens, i have seen gunpods that are too small under phantoms also. Next time it happens i'll grab a screenshot.
  23. Don't blame me for your drinking problem!
  24. Well, I don't have anything to say, you've done the best you could. You really have, the best you could. You can't expect to win em all. But, I want to tell you something I've kept to myself through these years. I was in the war myself, medical corps. I was on late duty one night when they brought in a badly wounded pilot from one of the raids. He could barely talk. He looked at me and said, "The odds were against us up there, but we went in anyway, I'm glad Captain made the right decision. The pilot's name was George Zip.
  25. After the mod is released it should be easy to add aircraft to the campaigns, but if it runs slow then there isn't much point in adding more. All of our Computers do have limitations and if the mod team says they might have to downsize it even more its pushing those limits already. There is alot going on inside any campaign, every target,aircraft,ground unit,missile,bullet,sam ect will take a little chunk of your memory and processor, so simulating every last detail is out of the question, but i am sure the DS Team will bring us a great mod that will give a good simulation of the 1991 war. They have been working on this mod for awhile now and i'm sure it has not been easy. I am thankful for whatever version they decide to release. And one more thing... I Just want to tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!

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