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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. LOL! We are all dieing to get our hands on this one! THANK YOU KLAVS!
  2. Changing of the Guard

    I Followed Dave over here from Frugals when i first started really getting into TW Sims and i wasn't around for the C5 forum, but this is a first class site and the people here have treated me great from day one. This was the first site to actually wish me a happy birthday and some great members have helped me more times than i can count. I'm currently in a financial disaster with my GFs medical bills (She recently lost her left hand due to a bloodclot) so i can only offer minor assistance with game issues right now, but once we get things squared away i will donate to help keep this incredible site running, its become a second home to me and these sims are a great way to take my mind off real life when i'm stuck at home.
  3. TK has really pushed this series to new heights. I don't really think of it as a lite sim anymore, what really defines a lite sim anyway? Sure Falcon 4.0 models avionics and weapons systems better but TW Sims give a much more realistic sensation of flight with stalls,spins and buffeting. In F4 the plane just kinda flys like there is no atmosphere around the plane, Not to mention we have more planes and alot of them look better. Don't get me wrong i love F4, but most people consider it the ultimate flight sim and it is in some ways, however even the best sims have weak areas and i'm tired of people looking down on TW sims because of the lite sim label that was hung on it long ago and they ignore how far this series has come.
  4. I had the same problem on the cuba terrain.I think that Terrains based on SFP1 need updated to fix it correctly See this post for a quick fix. Its for carriers, but it also fixes the sunken ship issue. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32384
  5. Thats strange, i don't get mission complete until i make it to waypoint 5 and i don't have YAP. It Might have been broken in WOV but it works fine in a stock WOE install. Anyone else get mission complete before reaching WP5?
  6. First Off, A Huge Thank You to Canadair for putting me on the right track! I have figured out why my planes are exploding on the carrier. But its a good news,bad news deal. The Good news is if you have SFP1 you should be able to fix this issue. The Bad news is if your like me and don't own SFP1 with the Desert.cat your outta luck. I have tracked the problem down to the DataFile= and CatFile= sections of the CUBA.INI. I noticed in the Bering Straits terrain the DataFile= is pointed at the GermanyCE_data.INI and the CatFile= is pointed at ..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat, so i changed the Cuba.ini to the same and carriers worked but the water had land textures. Then i pointed them both at the VIETNAMSEA_DATA.INI and ..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.CAT and the carriers worked but the land was textured wrong. So if you have the Desert terrain in WOE you should have no problems if its pointed to the desert.cat, but without it you cant use the carriers. This probably goes for all terrains based on SFP1 and Canadair pointed out in another thread that planes were exploding on runways because SFP1 was not patched with Taxi and Parking data. So it looks like landbased ops only for me because i'm not buying SFP1 if its not going to be supported any longer, but those of you with the game should be able to fix these terrains by following Canadair's instructions for adding taxi and parking data. EDIT: Ignore earlier fix, it caused texture issues near the coast. I found a better and even easier fix! Open the terrains main .INI and set it to CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat Then open the terrains Data.ini and scroll down to the textures and find all the textures that say HasWater=1 or 2 and delete both HeightMap entries. So... Filename=sea1.TGA HasWater=2 HeightMap=sea1_hm.BMP HeightMapScale=75.000000 Color=0.212429,0.268664,0.327297 SolidObjectTexture=terobject_buildings1.BMP AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_trees1.TGA Becomes... Filename=sea1.TGA HasWater=2 Color=0.212429,0.268664,0.327297 SolidObjectTexture=terobject_buildings1.BMP AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_trees1.TGA Carriers will work and it shouldn't give texture issues near the costlines. It should work with any SFP1 based Terrain. If any of the Terrain build Pros have any other suggestions please post them! This bug became a major issue for me because i live in Florida and Cuba is my primary terrain, so i kept trying everything i could to get carrier ops working again. As Kirk said in Star Trek 2, "I Don't Like to Lose!"
  7. Did you install the game to the program files directory? If so, Thats the problem, Vista does not like things in the PF folder to make changes, even with run as admin checked. I just installed my sims to the C: drive and it solved those problems for me. For example, C:\Wings Over Europe instead of C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe. I would avoid installing any games to program files now.
  8. No, its still using the 60s dll. Not sure why it works but it does. Might be something in the new patch. EDIT: I have been testing this on the F-105D also, Use the bombing range to dial in the bombing pipper by adjusting the "GunBoresightAngle=" entry, a Positive number moves the pipper up and negative moves it down. Anyway, here is the data to add to an F-105D... Note: to have a gunsite for A2A you must now select the gun in A2A mode. [HUD] HUDColor=0.5421,0.0741,0.0741,0.75 BoresightOffset=0.0,0.0 ViewportTopLeft=-0.125,-0.080 ViewportBottomRight=0.125,0.230 GunBoresightAngle=0 RocketBoresightAngle=-5 [HUDFont] TextFontName=Arial TextSize=11 TextBold=TRUE [HUDModeNav] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_LaserTarget [HUDModeAG] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_LaserTarget Symbol[03]=HUD_CCIP Symbol[04]=HUD_Guncross Symbol[05]=HUD_MavSeeker [HUDModeAA] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_SRMSeeker Symbol[03]=HUD_Guncross [HUD_FlightPath] SymbolType=FLIGHTPATH_MARKER ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_flightpath.tga ImageSize=0.025 [HUD_CCIP] SymbolType=CCIP LaserRanging=TRUE FallLineImage=cockpit\A-10A_FallLine.tga ImageSize=0.100 [HUD_Guncross] SymbolType=IMAGE ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_guncross.tga ImageSize=0.025 [HUD_LaserTarget] SymbolType=TD_LASER ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_laser_target.tga ImageSize=0.025 [HUD_MavSeeker] SymbolType=TD_EO ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_mav_seeker.tga ImageSize=0.050 [HUD_SRMSeeker] SymbolType=TD_HEAT ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_srm_seeker.tga ImageSize=0.050
  9. As unrealistic as this sounds, maybe someone will release an A-6 with CCIP. The Intruder should at least have some way to put the bombs on target other than divebombing and guesswork. I practice alot on the bombing range maps, but its still tough to nail a target unless you carpet bomb the area or divebomb it. Edit: I threw this together after posting, Its based off the avionics from the A-10 so it will probably only work in WOE. I tried to keep it as minimal as i could so it would kinda fit the A-6 but it will give you a way to put your bombs on target. Just extract the A-6A_AVIONICS.INI and add the following data to the end of the file and it will give you a working CCIP and Ground Attack mode. If you don't like it just delete the INI and it will go back to normal, Enjoy! [HUD] HUDColor=0.5421,0.0741,0.0741,0.75 BoresightOffset=0.0,0.0 ViewportTopLeft=-0.125,-0.080 ViewportBottomRight=0.125,0.230 GunBoresightAngle=0 RocketBoresightAngle=-5 [HUDFont] TextFontName=Arial TextSize=11 TextBold=TRUE [HUDModeNav] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_LaserTarget [HUDModeAG] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_LaserTarget Symbol[03]=HUD_CCIP Symbol[04]=HUD_Guncross Symbol[05]=HUD_MavSeeker [HUDModeAA] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_SRMSeeker [HUD_FlightPath] SymbolType=FLIGHTPATH_MARKER ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_flightpath.tga ImageSize=0.025 [HUD_CCIP] SymbolType=CCIP LaserRanging=TRUE FallLineImage=cockpit\A-10A_FallLine.tga ImageSize=0.100 [HUD_LaserTarget] SymbolType=TD_LASER ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_laser_target.tga ImageSize=0.025 [HUD_MavSeeker] SymbolType=TD_EO ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_mav_seeker.tga ImageSize=0.050 [HUD_SRMSeeker] SymbolType=TD_HEAT ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_srm_seeker.tga ImageSize=0.050
  10. Yeah, I still never figured out whats wrong with the Cuba map. I just removed the campaigns to a temp folder until someone figures it out. I also had some of the underwater planes, but my carriers sailed correctly and always appeared. I had a really cool Cuba 2000 campaign i was testing, but i guess i'll just build a new one on the DBS map since the carriers work right there. Theres always gonna be things i don't like about a patch, but i've only had 3 issues with this one... 1 The Carriers on Cuba Map 2 Some WWII Prop planes wont taxi and takeoff they just spin in a circle at the base 3 Having to edit the Data INIs of the planes flying with open Canopys But when i compare that to what this patch adds, those are pretty minor and i can live with them. I'm having more fun in WOE than i have had in a long time.
  11. Thanks for the offer, but my primary install is WOE. I have WOV, but its not installed right now and i'm not sure where the disk is. I Guess i was a little harsh about Multiplay. In all honesty i used to love it, I'm a Vet from Air Warrior way back when it was available through AOL. I also used to love Janes USNF/MF, ATF (Where i picked up my callsign),FA,Warbirds and even a little stick time in IL2,Falcon 4.0 and F4AF. The online buttheads were mostly from battlefield 2 and other FPS games and IL2 (I Know exactly what your talking about!). That said most sim pilots are indeed a higher class of players. I can see what you are saying about a better MP for the Thirdwire sims, I remember the fun we had in Co-Op and the old Airbase Assault mode of Fighters Anthology and if i played online i would also be upset about the missing airfields. I hope you guys can get TK to look into it. However i also don't think online play is such a huge part of a good sim as long as the AI is fun to fly against and this latest patch really boosted the AI to new levels. Its true that a human could be better, but in the past i have also flown against humans that were less skilled than the current AI. What i really wish TK would add is a built in Mission Editor like the old Janes games had. I have never really learned how to use the third party editors we have and would like one thats really simple to use as part of the game itself. I was a little disappointed to read that TK is considering not patching older games any longer, That is something that really set Thirdwire apart from any other sim i can think of. I can understand his need for income to keep this series alive, but i really hope he continues to support his older games.
  12. Ok, Im pretty sure i am the one who made the butthead comment, however it was not directed at anyone, it was intended to be more about online gaming in general. I have run into enough of the online uber elite kiddies that i have no desire to waste my time that way any longer. Once again, i did not intend for anyone here to take it personally, i don't know how the MP Thirdwire community conducts itself as i have not flown with them and i'm sorry if my comment was taken the wrong way.
  13. Anyone know why carrier based planes are exploding on the Cuba terrain in WOE? It works fine in my pre-patch install but after the patch the number 1 and 2 aircraft explode and 3 and 4 start in the air and do not retract there landing gear. I've read and double checked the posts in the KB on carriers and everything looks ok but i must be missing something. No problem with the Vietnam and Bering Straits Terrains, tested my aircraft and carriers on the DBS terrain also and they work ok, so i think i have it narrowed down to something in the cuba terrain itself or my campaign files, this problem happens in the Tainted Cigar and a modified version of the campaign i made. Both work fine pre-patch I also added the HeightOffset data mentioned earlier in this thread and it had no effect on the problem. I've been working on this for hours now and i'm just about ready to just remove the carriers from the campaigns altogether and base the Navy aircraft out of key West but i don't want to do that unless i have to. I really have tried to cure this issue myself with the KB and a Search of the forums before i asked for help, but i have had no luck. Anyone else having this problem? Can someone direct me to the right info to fix this? I can post any files you guys want to look at but i didn't want to make this a long post by adding things that might not matter. Thanks!
  14. I hear ya, a Mig 31 put a heater into the tailpipe of my raptor while i was trying to kill his wingman today. This patch is like getting a whole new game! Only problem i have had so far was when i takeoff in a WWII prop fighter, the rest of my flight stays on the field and spins in circles, but its minor because if you warp all the planes appear in formation and they fly and fight fine. I'm gonna be up all night playing with this new patch!
  15. Simmer down, simmer down

    LOL I think alot of us sometimes get a little stressed in real life and let that carry over to our internet lives and vice versa. I thought the A-Team and Chuck posts were pretty funny, it helps to lighten things up. Remember if we take things to seriously we will all end up as the rivet counters we come to CA to avoid!
  16. After having some time tonight to check out the new features and gameplay in WOE i have to say i'm very impressed! As of now i have everything ported over from my old install and i'm pretty happy with it. The new AI seems better than WOI, but i only had WOI a little over a week before a HD failure took it away. Luckily i had moved WOIs aircraft over to WOE, but they didnt work right until today. This patch has really made the game a challenge again, your not even safe in a raptor anymore! I love it! The Vista Shaders issue is finally fixed and im running the game on an onboard Intel GMA950 chipset and its still playable! I don't get amazing framerates, but its good enough for me. As for MP, really i couldn't care less. I've been there and done that and honestly the 733T buttheads i've run into in online games killed any desire i have for multiplay. If i want to deal with that i'll go play Star Wars Galaxies and fly my X-Wing or YT-1300. All in All, TK deserves alot of praise for this patch and the wait is finally over! Now i'm off to tinker with my install to see what else it can do, BTW does anyone know which cat file has the default loading screen in it? I found the default hangar screen but not the loading one yet, it seems to be in another cat file because i extracted all the files from the Menudata.cat and i don't see it there.
  17. Yeah i just noticed the open canopy on the YF-23, I'm sure this has been covered for WOI already but search didnt turn up anything and i didnt see anything about it in the KB. I'll look some more, i'm sure that i'm just missing something.
  18. What i did was rename my modded install to WOE 1 and did a fresh install. Then run the patch and bunyaps weapons pack and run the weapons editor and save. Then i tested the game and setup my options. Then i copy and paste the contents of the Effects,Sounds,Aircraft,Ground Objects,Weapons and Terrains from WOE 1 to the same folders in the new install, when given the option to overwrite i choose no or do not move, in order to keep any newer files. Note: You will need to overwrite the WEAPONSDATA.INI or manually add any entries not included in the weapons pack! Once again i ran the weapons editor and saved and its been running fine as far as i can tell. Its nice to be able to use the shaders in Vista at last!
  19. Remember Chopper Command?

    I loved chopper command! Back in the day you could reach some score, I think it was a million points or something like that and send activision a picture of your TV screen and they would send you a patch. They did this for a few games but CC was the only one i personaly got a patch for! Wish i still had it, i bet they are pretty rare now. Edit: It was 10,000 point and heres a link to the patch... http://www.atariage.com/2600/archives/acti...=ChopperCommand LOL! Good Times!
  20. Happy Birthday HrntFixr

    Have a great one!
  21. phylosophing about why hate eMO.....

    I watched the whole thing, but the more she whined the more i understand why the emo kids get beat up.
  22. Editing/creating campaigns for F4AF

    Not sure about AF but to edit Falcon 4 campaigns you need a program called TACEdit, It should work with AF also but i'm not 100% sure. i don't have a link but You should be able to find it with a google search.
  23. Sept 11th 2001

  24. Not funny but funny

  25. A nice ww1 vid

    Very cool find! It was pretty cool to see how they manhandled the Aircraft around the field, FE Needs some guys holding onto the wings during startup! LOL! Thanks for posting it, i really enjoy films like that. Heres the start of the series i have been watching, You can find almost all of the 4 hour documentary on you tube and it has some really cool footage... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfAUDPB8K2Y...feature=related

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