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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. The link provided will give you all the details you need. Its the best way to learn all the ins and outs of campaign building, But if you want a quick start, Make a copy of a current campaigns folder,rename it and the INIs inside and open the Campaigns main .INI and the campaigns DATA.INI with notepad. The main .INI has information like the Map used,Forces and squadron names involved. The Data.ini will provide you with vital information like,Start Date,Plane and Weapon Types,Airbase Info,Ground Units ect. Its pretty straight forward and by simply changing start dates and plane and weapon types you can make a quick campaign for testing and learning the format. Always do this in a Copy of the original campaigns folder so if you make a mistake you can just delete the folder and start over. SFP1/WOV/WOE/FE are some of the best sims for modding i've ever messed with, TK has kept things pretty simple and once you figure out the format its easy to make almost any changes you would like to add. Good Luck and if you run into questions not covered by the KB, feel free to post them and myself or some of the other people here will try to help
  2. Major Lee's Aerodrome...

    You guys have fun at the Museum. I was born in Columbus and moved to Florida to get away from those winters, but everytime i went to Dayton there was always something new to see. I really liked all the displays but the SR-71 and looking through the chainlink fence towards Hangar 18 still bring back good memories.
  3. The best sim in town...

    You can fly all aircraft in Falcon 4.0 Allied Force, All you have to do is rename the VALIDAC.DAT file in each campaign folder. but all planes use the default F-16 cockpit. I'd suggest WOE. Its doesnt do any single thing better than the other sims, but with the mods and ease of editing its become my favorite sim. I didnt care for LOMAC, it seemed to restrictive to modding to me. Falcon 4.0 is IMHO the most in-depth sim, but it suffers in the graphics and AF is a pain to mod because Lead Pursuit (License Holders) have a no-modding policy. I liked IL2, but like the others have said it has its own issues. My All-Time Favorite Sim was Janes Fighters Anthology and WOE with mods reminds me alot of it, So its become my current favorite.
  4. Stunning Vids! You capture the beauty of our addiction, Thank You! Alot of people dismiss the Thirdwire Sims because they are not considered "Study" Sims, but i doubt anyone could watch those Videos and not want to fly our "Game"! Very Nice Work!
  5. Anyone know how they got the symbols to work with the Hornet cockpit? I would like to add the Steerpoint symbol to work with the F-16 pit, but i looked at the Hornets files and can't figure it out.
  6. When i downloaded this, It was based solely on the fact that the Mirage Factory made it. All of there releases have been top notch, so i grabbed it even though i was thinking "Just what i need, Another F-4". I could not have been more wrong, im sure it will become my new favorite Phantom. The flight model really stands out and the actual 3D model is probably the most detailed currently available. Once again my hats off to the MFers! Thanks guys!
  7. Just took a short hop in the MV-22B, Great Job! The model looks amazing and it handles pretty well also. THANK YOU!
  8. This really makes me wish i had the 3D modeling program, Amazing!
  9. The older mods should work, I just flew the A-Teams Dr1 in WOE. However there are problems with the cockpit and guns. You will need the guns files from FE and for some reason you can see through parts of the aircraft from the pit. The External view is fine.
  10. Its kinda a double edged sword. The community is partly to blame for the gimmie gimme attitude, but its not all there fault. I personally see nothing wrong with the community asking for certain aircraft, it matters little because the Modders are going to make what they want to anyway. Ideas and Requests from the non-modding community can only help inspire the modders as long as it isn't beating a dead horse. The F-22 comes to mind, Its probably the most requested aircraft at the moment. All the innocent questions,begging and whining from the community comes from the fact that everyone wants it but no one wants to build it. Its gotten to the point where questions anger the modders and lack of answers anger the community. All we ever hear is "I Want A Raptor" and "Its a WIP". Either side being short tempered about it is kinda silly, the questions and answers will go away when the Raptor is complete, until then i doubt much will change. Showing a preview much too early creates excitement and anticipatation over a project and then when the community asks for a progress report its taken as being impatent. IMO Both parties are at fault,If you really want to avoid all the questions then don't preview your project until its reasonably near release,If you let the cat outta the bag its hardly fair to blame the dog for chasing it. And if you really want information about something be polite about it and dont constantly harass the modder about it if he/she is unwilling to talk about it. I Know that when modders show a preview they often state that the project is not finished, but once the community sees it working In-Game they fail to understand how complex the process of final tweaking is. To someone who does not make mods, a complete 3d model working in-game makes them think the project is alot closer to complete than it appears. The Community needs to understand that Tweaking Flight Models,Loadouts and the other various INIs takes alot of time, in some cases even more than making the model itself. Then you have to finalize the skins after all that. Its very time consuming and frustrating for both the modder and the community. Finally, To nit-pick someones work when you can't do it better yourself is just wrong. Theres a big difference between saying "The Wing is out of proportion, might wanna have a look at that" or saying "You Got the Wings Wrong,Its Sucks". A little friendly suggestion is a million times better than rude insults. The Thirdwire modders are incredible, They work long and hard hours to bring us these mods and i am grateful for there work. However they are not inhuman machines that can whip out a new plane every couple days, real life tends to get in the way and sometimes projects get scrapped. The Thirdwire Community is also one of the best, there passion and energy have kept this sim alive and there continued interest earns more sales for TK which means more good stuff for everyone. Is this because of the mods? Sure, but without the community there would be nothing to mod. So everyone, Modders and Community alike, Try to show some patience for each other. We are all in this together!
  11. Try Changing the Data.ini to reading... GroundObjectRole=cargo_ship
  12. Favorite Kites....

    I'm Running without the Expansion Pack so i have not been able to judge the new flight models, but from the old version theres so many its hard to nail it down. The Camel,Spad 13 and Neiuports are great for the allied side. For Germans, I really like the Albatros D.II and Dr1. But the great thing about this sim is all the planes you have to choose from, i spend more time in single missions than campaigns because i like to change aircraft almost every mission.
  13. Manfred was a midget

    Danish hounds are very large dogs, its hard to say exactly how big his was, but MvR is at least Average height {5'3-5'9} judging by the size of the Dr.1 in that picture. His Skill and The Dr.1s lift is more likely to have aided his legend. Just My Opinion.
  14. I have another two weeks before next payday, but then i plan to buy either WOI (If its out) or the FE Addon. I'm not in a big hurry because i have spent the last few months adding mods and tweaking my install and i don't look forward to having to do it all over again and a few things like rockets and wing guns will need the new Weapons Editor TK is planning to release before they work again. On the TW Forums TK has said that a new patch(es) will be released soon that will add the features without the new content, So re-modding is inescapable but i'm going to enjoy my current install for awhile longer. I'm guessing that a new Patch will come out after WOI is released to cover SFP1,WOV and WOE and bring them up to the new standard but with almost 200 addon aircraft and the various terrains and ground units in my current WOE install i'll probably just buy WOI and leave my WOE alone. It would be a true nightmare to re-mod it. So, Will i buy new products from TW? Yes! TK makes great sims and is one of the most generious developers i know of and i'll be glad to lend my support. I just wish it didnt break our current installs.
  15. I'm running a Pre-Expansion install and trying to learn the campaign file structure. I am trying to build a campaign that spans an entire year, but after a few months the enemy are running out of aircraft and aerodromes are disappearing from the campaign map. Is there any way to resupply these squadrons with new pilots and aircraft or do i need to add new squadrons with later start dates? Eventually i would like to build a campaign that spans the entire war, but i am still learning right now. Thanks!

    Good Catch! I Just fixed both of my campaigns. Thanks!
  17. Poll: Batman vs. Superman

    Hmm... Supergirl=Cousin Batgirl=Not Related Bats wins again! And Yes, In Dark Knight Returns, Bats built a Super-Batsuit and was kicking the crap outta Supes before the drugs Batman had taken simulated a heart attack making Superman think he killed him. But at Bruces funeral, Clark heard his heartbeat in the coffin, OOPS!
  18. New Campaign Stuff

    How could this work with SFP1, doesnt it need code thats only in the expansion pack? Will adding those lines to a campaign work with WOV and WOE also?
  19. Poll: Batman vs. Superman

    Of Course, its the Bat! In the Comics, Superman gave Batman a Kryptonite Ring to use against him should he ever turn evil. Besides, Bats is just cooler!
  20. Who said anything negative about Marcelos work? I've read alot of posts around here and the only complaint i remember is that the projects take time. His addons have always been considered top notch and i dont know what Piloto is going off about. There was some confusion over how much damage was done to Marcelos computer that led to some misinformation, but i dont remember anyone saying anything bad about his work.
  21. Add On

    Thats great news about the addon! I'm sure im gonna buy it eventually, but im gonna wait for WOI to be released and then decide which i want to buy first. I Hope theres more then just a few planes, 30 bucks is kinda expensive if not. Anyone tried it yet? Anyone going to post Reviews or Screenshots?
  22. Which type of song?

    I grew up in the 80s with all the great heavy metal. I Like everything from Elvis to Motley Crue and Kiss to Megadeth and Slayer. Lately i have been listening to Nickelback and Hendrix the most. I even listen to some country like Hank Jr. and Johnny Cash. Guess i am showing my age huh?
  23. Couple of questions about Nieuports

    Great News! I have been using your flight models for awhile now and i kinda hoped you would do a set for the Nieuports!

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